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Sentence completion ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s in parentheses. 2 Heft sehoot when (oe) steer, 2 There (rot be library here two years 299, 3 Laura and (meet at college in 2012 4 Keshav (give) me some beautiful flowers yesterday si (not speak) to David atthe party © There (bel alot of people at the concert last right. 7 The hotel oom ws ie, bette beds (not bel contortabie 8 Wetoved tanbul we (have) a great tie there 9 There (be) mouse inthe teh! 10 Tere (note French lat at ight Text completion ‘Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. ‘A: Morning Andy! What do you want for breakfast? s:dowenne + I ese serenade atten» I ote Bono noprtim ete > ID nie Aves thereare« [III bara one forme and one fry andthe aon inte ig, Grammar auction ‘Choose the sentences wh incorrect. are correct. You will ose points for choosing sentences which are Tre concert were realy good Cy Pau wasn st work on Tueey There wae 3 music festival hee in ly. C1 He want a phone fr his birthday ls yea. [1 They det the the food atthe hota (tet sce Natasha ast evening C1 We had a good time atthe beach (7 tei pty soccer ster schoot [T] thore took some great photos yesterday O Myparent werenthappy about the party (1) There war alt of rightlube near our apartment. Dy Marie int came with us (7) There werent many people at the restaurant. 1 traveled to Argentina tree years ago (D We moved here on 2035 7C- Vocabulary Vocabulary auction Choose the sentences which make sense, You will lose points for choosing sentences which do not make sense, [Cy Wutd you te piace of ake? Cy How much do the betes of water cost? Ly ‘itn there's bar of honey inthe cupbosrd 1 cantnavea packet of potato chips? Cy Hike most fish, but ldo ke bee. C1 He usuaty nas a bow of cereal or breskfatt DJ You make this soup with onions carrots and potatoes Cy Howe chocolate ice cream Ly Here are some tomatoes and cookies forthe salad be you want mik inyour cote? We need can of beans for this recipe. [D) We usually have rice with our evering meal. There inn'tany frit ere, but we have some apple canyou buy a bag of yogurt atthe supermarket? [CJ Rosanna makes juice with oranges fom her bachyard.

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