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I have no idea what the future holds for me and I am scared. Correction I am terrified.

All my life I have heard “I know what I am going to do in life” or “I am going to be this or that”
or even “my future is going to be so cool!” For me I have no idea what is going to happen in the
future. Am I going to get a good job, start a great family, or get to even live a happy life? I am
unsure of how things will be for me, but the only thing I was taught was to become apart of
society and live a life that would contribute to this world. I want to tell them, “you don’t know
what the future holds, why are you already making plans?” Plans are still being made today.
Back when I was a little trouble maker for my parents I was a fanatic of Legos. I would
get my parents to buy me a Lego set for my birthday every time and I even received them for
Christmas. I would try my best to build them in the less amount of time to play with them. If I
remember far back enough, the first major Lego set I received was a pirate ship set for me and
my two little brothers. We loved putting them together with each of our own sets. Battling each
other and having fun. We would sometimes open them on the way back home from the store
and our parents would lose it if we lost some pieces, but we were careful, sometimes. We were
too excited to keep all that awesomeness in that Lego box until home.
After growing up a little I wanted to build like a big house or a whole world to call my
own, Minecraft came into my life. Minecraft was a computer game at the time and was on the
rise like it was such a good video game that people would ridicule you for playing such a game.
The game was so much fun playing that my brothers got into it and we use to play together and
build structures such as houses, buildings, landmarks, and even a train network complete with a
train station of course. This was Lego meets video games that brought imagination into my life.
Soon school started taking most of my time and when summer finally came I was forced
to go to events or do things I don’t want to do like for example my trip for a summer program in
Tucson, Arizona. I did not want to go to this summer program, but my mom told me to try it.
sure, enough I tried it got a free iPad which was kind of cool and made friends that were chased
to do something with their lives. All we did was basically learn about college life and boring
lectures, but it started getting fun after a while for some reason. The program you see was for
engineers and we did activities like building bridges out of popsicle sticks, following building
instructions, playing basketball (not engineering but still fun), problem solving with ropes
course, and learning what skills were needed for engineering. Then my favorite activity
happened, I built a complete working computer.
I may have not known it then, but I had finally found my passion. I felt like a little boy
again building Lego sets with my dad or playing Minecraft with my brothers. The company that
allowed us to build their computers for them was from Dell technology corporation. Engineers
told us what to do you see and not show us, they wanted us to figure it out. For me I was like
I’ve played Minecraft on the computer before but never actually seen the inside of a computer
and here I was putting one together. They gave us the pieces to put the tower together. I was at
first stunned having no idea what to do and here I had a flash back to when my dad asked me
to but together this basketball goal, a chair, and a lamp. Back then he said the words to me,
“here son, build this, it’s just like Legos but much bigger.” After remembering that, I listened to
the engineers and set right to work building the computer. I was going fast, but not too fast
because I would have to check to see if I did it right. Sure, enough I finished first and had a blast
doing it that I wanted to do another one, but we only got to build one. They supplied me with a
big monitor, mouse, and keyboard. They wanted to see if it would work and it did and the final
step for me was installing software onto the computer and I was done.
I am longer terrified of the future anymore. I am just scared for what else the future
holds because I am unsure if something that seems bad will bring a positive outcome. I seem to
have always known what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and that is to be working with
computers for rest of my life and that’s what I plan on achieving.

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