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B B O O MM MM B B E R R MM MM A A NN N 6 4 4
B B O O M M M M B B E R R M M M M A A NN N 6 4 4
B B O O M M M B B E R R M M M A A N NN 6 6 4
B B O O M M M B B E R R M M M A A N NN 6 6 4


By M45k3d N1Nj4 G4R0


Introduction (*INTR)
Version History (*HSTY)
Legal Stuff (*LGSF)
All about me (*ME!!)
Before You Start (*BFYS)
Basic Tactics (*BSTC)
Green Garden Boss: Winged Guardian, Draco (*GGWG)
Blue Resort Boss: Sewer Savage, Leviathan (*BRSS)
Red Mountain Boss: Hot Avenger, Hades (*RMHA)
White Glacier Boss: Cold Killer, Manta (*WGCK)
Black Fortress Boss: High-Tech Harvester, BF Security Robot (*BFHH)
Rainbow Palace Boss: Spellmaker the Sorcerer (*RPSS)
Frequently Asked Questions (*FAQS)
Thanks (*THNX)
Permissions to use this Guide (*PMSN)
Contact Info (*CTME)


Hello, this is another guide by me. Your first thought upon reading this guide
should be, "Why are you writing a guide for a game this old?" My answer is
this: this game is pure frickin' FUN. It, out of ALL the games that I have EVER
played, is one of the BEST. Even after beating all of the levels, there's
still replay value in the form of multiplayer. Therefore, from all my
experience playing this game, I decided to put this guide together.

Please note that this guide will only contain the final bosses of the four
main worlds and the "sub-bosses" of the last two. Why? Because they don't throw
bombs at you or pick you up and throw you off the stage. Those guys all have
a simple strategy: kick a bomb, run circles around them while dropping bombs,
dodge their special attack, vary a little to get Gold Cards. Boring. The bosses
I will cover require creativeness, skill, and (except for Spellmaker) Remote
Bombs to defeat. They also happen to be about ten times your size, so beating
on their @$$ comes with some satisfaction XD.


Version 1.1 (6-1-04)

-Got the Target Times for the first five bosses
-Fixed several minor mistakes

Version 1.00 (5-10-04)

-First Draft
-Some missing information due to not having the manual handy at the moment
-Not really sure about the number of hearts for Leviathan or Manta
-No Target Times


This document is Copyright 2004 to Kelvin Lam. This guide may only be used for
private purposes (beating the bosses, finding out how to get the Gold Cards,
etc.). You may not use this document for any gain of profit (except for my
own), nor may it be reprinted or distributed without my permission.


More likely than not, you'll be asking yourself, "who the hell is Kelvin Lam?"
Simple answer: me. That's all your going to get. For personal safety reasons,
I refuse to put my A/S/L, my personal likes/dislikes, or anything that may help
pedophiles to track me. Therefore, my name is all you're going to get.

I have written more than one piece of internet work, so don't be surprised if
you've read one before. I have multiple screen names aside from the one that
this guide is written under, so, for copyright reasons, the following names are
ones that I have written under:

Lord Kelvin

More likely than not, at least one of these names are also used by at least one
other person. Therefore, someone going by one of the above screen names may not
be me. To avoid confusion, if you meet anybody with that screen name in the
future, be sure to ask if it is THIS specifc person before badgering him with
questions about any of my guides.


Before you fight these various bosses, there are certain things you should do.
Although none of these are required, they do help a lot if you're
inexperienced. In order of importance:

1. Get a Heart. These babies are transferrable through stages, and, in Normal
Mode, let you pick them up if you drop it. They allow for you to take
one more hit than usual, effectively doubling your chances against that
particular boss. The easiest place to find Hearts are in the first Blue
Resort level; butterflies drop them if you manage to kill them.

2. Get Fire Power-Ups. Against certain bosses, they will help tremendously.
Getting that extra blast radius may be the difference between victory and

3. Get extra Bombs. This is only useful against three bosses: Spellmaker,
Manta, and the Black Fortress Security Robot. Why? Because they fight you
IN the arena, and (except in the case of Manta) getting a bomb close enough
to hurt any of them will be extremely hard, so it helps a lot to be able to
kick bombs in their direction. In the case of Manta, you'll be facing
minions (more on that later), which require only normal bombs to destroy;
therefore, being able to use three bombs at a time may be a disadvantage.

4. Don't bother getting Remote Bombs. They do not transfer between worlds, and
Sirius (even after you get all 100 Gold Cards) will automatically drop by
and give them to you before each boss battle except for Spellmaker (I won't
spoil that for you yet)

IMPORTANT: if you are trying to get the five Gold Cards for these bosses, you
must understand that you must get all five IN ONE GO. You CANNOT get the four
cards for bombing appendages, and then the time card in another round. You
have to get all five IN ONE GO. That means being REALLY GOOD.


1. NEVER STAND STILL!!! It can't be emphasized enough. If you stand still,

you'll be an easy target for the boss's attacks, ending the round just as
quickly. If you keep moving, the boss will NOT be able to target or track
you. Don't go crazy and run to the edges of the arena, or you might risk
falling off, or getting trapped. Move around just enough so that you have
plenty of escape routes. I can't say it enough, DON'T STAND STILL.

2. Always use pumped bombs. Though this will not be the case for all bosses,
it's a basic tactic that you should generally employ. A pumped bomb thrown
on target will take away a whole heart from the boss, and, if used in
certain special situations, does DOUBLE DAMAGE. That's TWO (!!) hearts!

Another thing to consider: to get the Gold Cards for various bosses, you'll
have to bomb their various appendages, to the point that they turn black, or
explode. You'll know you got a Gold Card when one appears on the left side
of your screen, and you hear a chime. In most cases, it will take two
direct hits from pumped bombs to earn a Gold Card. It should also be noted
that if you time an explosion correctly, you can hurt a boss AND hit one of
its appendages at the same time, cutting precious seconds off of the timer.

There are only three bosses where it's not always to your benefit to use
pumped bombs: Spellmaker, Manta, and the Black Fortress Security Robot.
These three bosses actually fight you IN the arena (the only closed ones in
the game), and thus have a wider range of movement, and this limits your
range of movement. You have to be REALLY careful when throwing bombs,
because they might hit you as well. Again, the exception here is Manta,
because of the minions.

3. The Golden Rule: LEARN THE BOSS'S PATTERN! If you know what the boss is
going to do before it actually does it, you'll have a tremendous advantage.
The boss will not be able to hit you, and you'll be able to target it MUCH
more easily. The better you know the boss's moves, the easier it will be to
defeat, and the faster it will go down.

4. After you grab the first 100 Gold Cards, don't count on Sirius to come and
drop off the Remote Bomb power-up (you'll know why once you get all 100).
Instead, there will be a small crystal with a Remote Bomb power-up sitting
next to you. To get it, simply set a bomb next to it, wait for it to
explode, and grab the power-up. This takes a little more time, but it's
better than not having Remote Bombs at all.

Now, onto the actual bosses!


Hearts: 3
Target Time: 20000 (200s)

Draco is pitiful. Its attacks are easy to dodge, whenever it does attack. It is
also easy to attack, as it tends to stay in one place for long periods of
time whenever it attacks. The only difficulty you should have fighting Draco
is the small arena size: you're fighting it on a very short and narrow bridge.
Sometimes you may find yourself trapped by the bombs you may have accidentally
dropped or missed when trying to target Draco, or with no escape path from its
attacks. There are few tricks to beating this poor excuse for a boss.

The annoying thing about Draco is that you have to wait for after it attacks
before you can hurt it. It only has two attacks:

1. It tries to bite you. This attack is extremely slow, and can be easily
2. It tries to breathe fire on you. Again, this is easy to dodge, as long as
you don't stand directly in front of it while it charges for THREE SECONDS.

You can attack Draco only while it is trying to bite you, or while it is
charging to breathe fire on you. If you just want to kill it, ready a pumped
bomb, wait for it to try to bite you or charge its breath of fire , dodge to
the side, and throw the bomb directly at it and detonate when it's close. This
requires a good sense of timing; you should generally detonate half a second
after throwing to score a hit. Something interesting about this boss: if you
want to have fun, you can stand in one place, wait for it to try to bite you,
and throw your bomb at it! You'll stun it, causing it to fall a large distance
until it regains consciousness and flies back up (dang it, so close...). This
has absolutely no use except to have a little fun, or as a last resort if you
can't get out of its way, which should be never.

Occasionally, Draco will fly back far away; you'll know it when you see it.
When it does this, it will flap its wings and then come straight at you. Never
fear, it just flies under the bridge you're on, and does nothing except to
change the camera angle and provide you with an attack opportunity. When Draco
flies back like this, ready a pumped bomb, then, as it flies under you, toss it
off and detonate it just as Draco flies into its path. This requires a
particularly good sense of timing, and is hard to pull off. However, if you
time it right, you may be able to burn its head, body, and tail, all in one go!
Also, if you stand a little to the left or right of the center of the bridge,
you can burn Draco's wing in the same process as above.

The Gold Cards:

1. Burn Draco's Right Wing. This is simple to do: wait for it to charge its
breath of fire, chuck a pumped bomb in the direction of the wing, and
detonate when it gets close. You'll know you hit it when you see flames
appear on the wing, and you'll know you've taken it out when it turns black
and a Gold Card appears above it, then transfers to the left side of your
screen. You may hit the body in the process. This takes two pumped bombs.

2. Burn Draco's Left Wing. Same tactics used to burn its right wing.

3. Burn Draco's Head. Use a similar tactic for the wings, but throw it more in
the direction of the other side of the bridge, as its head will be fairly
close to the bridge itself. This takes only one pumped bomb.

4. Burn Draco's Tail. This can be done occasionally when it's about to breathe
fire (if you have a good position and VERY good timing), but most of the
time you'll do this as it flies under the bridge. This is the HARDEST one to
get. This also takes only one pumped bomb.

5. Defeat Draco within the Target Time. This shouldn't be very hard, but that
doesn't mean you should dally. It's relatively easy to get the Target Time
card itself, but remember that you have to get the other four at the same
time in order to get all five.

The funny thing about this boss is that it's actually hard to get all five Gold
Cards, because you can only burn Draco's body three times before it goes down
in flames, literally. Therefore, you have to be accurate and not mess up if you
want all five cards.


Hearts: 4
Target Time: 25000 (250s)

This boss is a step up. Most of the time, you'll have a clear shot at him, but
that d@mn angler keeps getting in the way. As a result, you'll sometimes stun
yourself with your own bomb, or, if you're really unlucky, blow yourself up.
This battle takes place on a wooden raft within Blue Resort's sewer system,
which, inexplicably, seems to stretch for a straight line for miles.
Leviathan's attacks are harder to dodge, and it has more attacks than Draco.
Proceed with caution.

More often than not, Leviathan's first attack will be to dive underwater,
emerge behind you, and splash water at you with its tail, stunning you
repeatedly. If you have a pumped bomb out, simply face Leviathan, and the water
won't stun you. This attack doesn't actually hurt you, but it can be annoying,
and it causes you to drop the bomb you're holding (unless you're facing it).
This is the only opportunity you have to attack the tail. To stop the attack,
burn Leviathan itself.

When the camera pans down (levels with you), RUN! As you may have noticed, that
ain't a lantern hanging from Leviathan's angler. When the camera pans down,
Leviathan will try to pound you into a meat patty with that angler, so run in
ANY direction. It'll always shriek before it attacks, so time your runs
correctly. If you want to stop the attack, throw a bomb (doesn't matter if it's
pumped or not) at Leviathan as it shrieks, causing it to eat the bomb. This
stops the attack, hurts it (TWO hearts if the bomb was pumped), and earns you
a Gold Card. As it glides in front of you (facing you), you can bomb the angler
and render it useless, as well as earn a Gold Card in the process. However, do
NOT burn the angler prematurely! If you do, it won't perform the angler attack,
and you can't get the card for throwing the bomb in its mouth.
Leviathan's ultimate attack comes in two parts. First, it will dive and swim
far ahead of the raft. Then, it jumps up in the air, performs a tail blade
attack, and dives back underwater, causing a wave. The tail blade attack
doesn't hurt you if I remember, but it WILL cut off a chunk of your raft,
depending on where you were standing when it performs the attack. Sometimes
Leviathan will unleash two blades at once, slicing off up to two chunks of your
raft. If it still has its angler, RUN to either end of your raft when you see
this attack coming; otherwise, you'll be left trying to dodge an angler attack
on a single log.

The second part of this attack is very tricky; I still occasionally lose a life
to this attack. The tidal wave caused by Leviathan's diving back underwater
doesn't hurt you, but it does sweep you off the raft, resulting in instant
death. To overcome this attack, ready a pumped bomb, and, when the tidal wave
comes at you, walk TOWARDS it. The goal here is to resist the force the wave
exerts on you so that it doesn't push you off. However, don't overdo it, or
you'll end up walking off the other end of the raft. The timing is very tricky.

An interesting thing about Leviathan: if you throw a bomb at it right before it

surfaces (front or back), you can bounce bombs off of its body. This doesn't
seem to have very many good uses, but it's sorta fun ^_^

The Gold Cards:

1. Burn Leviathan's Angler. This can only be achieved when it's swimming in
front of you, facing you. Be careful, because you might accidentally burn
Leviathan, or the angler might bounce your bomb back at you. I'm not sure if
you can hurt the angler while it's performing the angler attack. Two pumped
bombs will do the trick.

2. Burn Leviathan's Tail. Again, be careful that you don't prematurely burn or
kill by accident, unless that's your goal. Again, two pumped bombs.

3. Make Leviathan eat a bomb. As previously stated, this can only be done while
it is performing its angler attack. As it shrieks, toss a bomb in. You'll
get a funny animation, and then the bomb does DOUBLE DAMAGE.

4. Let Leviathan reduce your raft to a single log. This is done by standing in
the middle of your raft when Leviathan performs its tail blade attack. As
said before, make sure that you BURN THE ANGLER FIRST. If you don't, your
likelihoods of survival will drop tremendously.

5. Sink Leviathan within the Target Time.


Hearts: 5
Target Time: 12000 (2 mins)

Geez, if this is what you can turn a mining robot into, think of what else you
can do. This battle takes place on a platform smack dab in the middle of a pool
of lava. Standard rules apply here, if you fall out of the arena you die. Hades
is a robot, therefore he can move around in the lava with ease, and even dive
into the lava! He has a wide range of attacks that are hard to dodge as well.
This makes the battle very frustrating.
More often than not, Hades likes to punch you with his humongous fists,
followed by shooting at you with his laser eyes. The fist attack only stuns
you, but a single touch of the laser will incinerate you (unless, of course,
you have a heart). You'll want to move around a lot, but more often than not
the punch is impossible to avoid. Therefore, you'll want to recover as quickly
as possible, then run in one of three directions: towards the screen (you),
left, or right. The laser shouldn't hit you if you're moving, but don't run
TOWARDS Hades, because the laser will fry you if you do.

Hades's second-favorite attack is to swing in circles with his arms

outstretched. His body becomes invulnerable, and if either of the fists hits
you, you'll be sent flying out of the ring, no ifs, ands, or buts. This move is
easy to dodge; simply move in close to Hades, within the arc. Since the
camera continually rotates to compensate for view to keep Hades in your sights,
you'll have to continually move.

When Hades dives under the lava, be prepared to move. The camera will rotate a
various random angle, Hades's head will pop out, and he'll try to fry you with
his laser eyes. Sometimes he'll use one eye, then the other. Be prepared to
change directions in the short pause between blasts, because more often than
not you'll be at the edge of the arena after the first blast.

If the camera angle pans down to level ground, get ready to RUN! One of Hades's
most annoying attacks is that he starts spewing molten fireballs onto the
arena. Run in random directions, watch where the shadows appear and dodge
accordingly, and stay in the middle because the shadows are easier to see.

As with almost all bosses, your target is Hades's body, and the various
appendages can be destroyed for Gold Cards. In this case, you can target Hades
when he's moving around, after certain attacks, and when he's stunned (more on
that later). You cannot hurt him while he's performing the spinning attack or
while his body is submerged. However, if you take out certain appendages, as
with Leviathan, he loses the ability to perform certain attacks.

The Gold Cards:

1. Destroy Hades's Right Fist. This can be done between Hades's attacks while
he's moving around, while he's trying to punch you, and while he's
performing his spinning attack. Remember that while his body is invunerable
during the spinning attack, his fists aren't. If you throw a bomb correctly
while he's moving around, you'll be able to hit both his fist AND his body,
and if you time it to explode just as he turns towards you, you can hit his
body AND both fists! Once it's destroyed, Hades can no longer perform his
spinning attack. Two pumped bombs will render his fist useless.

2. Destroy Hades's Left Fist. Same strategy for right fist applies here.
Moreover, once both fists are destroyed, Hades can no longer punch you! Yay!
2x pumped bombs + Left Fist = Scrap.

3. Destroy Hades's Hat. This can only be done when Hades's head is at your
level, which would be when he's about to blast you with his laser eyes.
Ready a pumped bomb, dodge the attacks, then run up to him and throw it at
his head and detonate when it gets close. Once you take it out, Hades can no
longer launch fireballs. Only one pumped bomb is needed to do it in.

4. Throw a bomb into Hades's "Internal System." See that square thing that was
open in the opening cinema? You can open it when you stun Hades. To do that,
do the "blow his hat off" step up to blowing it up. When you throw it, do
NOT detonate the bomb. It will hit Hades's head, and he'll be stunned,
rise up, and the door will pop open. The guy inside look familiar? Time for
some sweet, sweet revenge >:D. Chuck a bomb inside, and you'll earn a Gold
Card. Note, however, that doing this will NOT hurt Hades.

5. Scrap this hunk of junk within the Target Time.


Hearts: 4
Target Time: 12000 (2 mins)

This boss fights Hades for the title of hardest boss in the first four worlds.
This battle takes place in a closed arena, so there's no falling off and dying,
at least not until the final stage of the battle. Unlike the last three
battles, Manta fights IN the arena, so you can attack her at any time. However,
this also makes the battle harder, because you have to be careful not to
accidentally kill yourself. Manta's attacks force you to keep moving, and to be
careful about your timing. It's also hard to move around because the entire
arena is covered with ice.

As you've probably already noticed, Manta's arms are equipped with sharp
scythes that she likes to swing around indiscriminately. These things are
instant kill (unless you have a heart), and you would do well to avoid them.
Luckily, as with Hades, you can move inside of the arc to avoid being sliced
and diced. You can actually run right under Manta, and she might lose track of
you. You'll know this has happened when Manta looks left and right, and then a
question mark pops up abover her head. Occasionally, she'll swing both scythes
at the same time, which isn't any more deadly than using one, because you'll
be dead in both cases.

If Manta jumps up into the air, RUN!!! Run in any direction, because when she
drops back down, she'll impale you with both scythes. Watch for the small
shadow in front of the big one; that's where the scythes will land. If you
keep moving, you should be able to avoid this attack easily.

If you stand in front of Manta for too long, she might use her impaling attack.
You'll know when you see this, because she'll rear her scythes back, wait for
half a second, and then proceed to shish-kebab anything that stands in her
path. As stated before, the safest place to stand is under her.

If Manta jumps onto the wall, keep your distance. Remember those minions I
mentioned a while back? Well, when Manta does this, she moves around the walls
and spews minions out of her mouth. These minions automatically track you and
keep homing in. Never fear though, only three minions appear at any given time,
and they're easy to kill. Simply kick a bomb in their direction, perhaps
stunning them in the process, and detonate. Simple. If you want to stop her,
pump up a bomb, run at her (while avoiding the minions), throw the bomb at her
body, and detonate. This doesn't hurt her, but it provides a golden
opportunity: you'll flip her onto her back for a few seconds, giving you the
chance to throw another pumped bomb at her, doing DOUBLE DAMAGE. Note,
however, that she'll take only one hit, and then she'll right herself.

When you've knocked Manta down to one heart, she'll get furious and smash the
floor, stunning you and breaking up the arena, dropping you into her web. This
doesn't happen every time, but more often than not she will do this when she's
down to her last heart; you just have to make sure that you hit her while she's
right-side up. If she's upside-down when you do this, she might not smash the
floor. However, if she does, most likely you'll fall into one of the huge gaps
in the web (unless you prepared by running into a corner), at which point good
old Sirius will arrive, picking you up and dropping you back onto the web
(unless you've gotten all 100 Gold Cards). He does this up to three times
before you plummet to your doom. Fighting on the web is easier and harder;
easier because there's no ice and Manta is down to her last heart, harder
because you might fall into one of the cracks. However, Manta cannot unleash
her minions on you, because they will almost always fall into the cracks when
she spews them, and they'll fall into the cracks between you and them.

Same rules for boss-killing apply: aim for the body. This would be that small
thing that connects all those legs. You have to be careful, because you might
accidentally scorch yourself if you stand too close. You have to throw the
bomb up and detonate it at the height of the throw, or else you won't hit it
at all.

The Gold Cards:

1. Burn Manta's Right Scythe. This is quite easy. Simply run under Manta, ready
a pumped bomb, and throw it at the scythe. To make it easier, you can throw
it towards the screen, detonate it, and IMMEDIATELY move right. If Manta
hasn't lost track of you, she'll turn to her left to track you, moving her
right scythe into the explosion (which, hopefully, hasn't completely
disappeared yet). Two pumped bombs will render it useless.

2. Burn Manta's Left Scythe. Use the same tactic you used to take out her right
scythe. Again, two pumped bombs will do the trick. Note, however, that
although she can't swing at you anymore, she can still impale you with the

3. Blow off Manta's Mask. See that purplish-red thing with the green thing in
the middle? That thing ain't her face. To blow her mask off, you'll have to
time the explosion correctly to hit the mask. Do NOT attempt this from in
front of her if she still has her scythes; you won't live too long to regret
otherwise. You can try this from the safety of under her, but the bomb might
bounce, so you have to be careful. This Gold Card takes two pumped bombs.

4. Let Manta smash the floor and bring you down to her Web. As stated, earlier,
you HAVE to chop her down to her last heart when she's RIGHT SIDE UP!!! If
you kill her before she can smash the floor, you won't get this card.

5. Squash this spider within the Target Time.


Hearts: 5
Target Time: 10000 (100s)

The manual didn't say this boss's name, so it's just going to be referred to as
the Robot. This boss is MUCH harder than Altair, the "final" boss (again, we'll
leave this unspoiled) and, except for Spellmaker, is one of the cheapest. It
has a cr@p load of attacks that just keep coming, and you'll have to keep
moving just to stay alive; attack opportunities will be scarce. Unlike Manta,
you have to keep your distance if you want to live. Taking a heart along is
HIGHLY advised. Because this battle takes place in a closed arena, you'll have
a hard time moving around.
When you see the Robot emit a red laser from its nose, RUN. Once it locks on,
machine gun fire will come at you. The farther away you are, the more of a
chance you will have of escaping.

When you see four grenades launch from the Robot's two arms, start running away
from it. If you're lucky, they'll just be normal grenades that will explode
where you were standing. If you're UNlucky, the shells will break off and
homing missiles will come out. Run away and lay bombs to get rid of these, or,
if you're feeling daring, hug the wall; they sometimes run into the wall and
explode harmlessly.

On occasion, the Robot will "set" a purplish-white orb in the center of the
arena. This essentially slows things down, which may or may not be a good
thing. Kick a bomb at it to destroy it, but DON'T wander too close to it, or
it'll suck you up into a void, resulting in an instant kill. You get a Gold
Card for destroying it.

If blades pop out of the Robot's sides, RUN LEFT OR RIGHT AND DON'T STOP!!! The
Robot will perform a loop and then charge straight at you, attempting to impale
you. This attack is HARD to dodge, and WILL kill you if you don't dodge it. On
the plus side, though, it will get stuck in the wall for a second, giving you
an opportunity to attack.

One of this guy's most annoying attacks is that it'll launch two satellites
from its sides. These satellites track you, then burn a circle around you.
Sounds harmless? Not when I tell you that everything in that circle erupts into
flames. The satellites do this one at a time, and you can't hit them.
Therefore, keep moving, and hope that it doesn't hit you.

The most annoying thing about the Robot is that it tends to attack you while
one of its other attacks are still in effect. Therefore, it's not uncommon to
be running from eight homing missiles in slow motion while satellites track you
from the sky and the Robot paints you for a machine gun attack.

The problem here is that you can't disable any of the Robot's attacks. You can
bomb its various appendages for Gold Cards, but you'll always have to endure
its attacks. As with almost all bosses, the body is the weak spot. About the
only way you can hurt the Robot is by kicking bombs at it, because getting
close enough to throw a pumped bomb is too risky. Nor can you drop a pumped
bomb and lead him into it, because his attacks may destroy it, it may move the
other way, or you might end up blowing yourself up.

The Gold Cards:

1. Destroy the Robot's Right Arm. Although you're not destroying it per se,
you're making it explode. Kick bombs in the Robot's direction, wait for it
to move to the side, and then blow it while it's near the arm. It takes four
normal bombs to do this.

2. Destroy the Robot's Left Arm. Same rules for the right arm apply. Again,
four normal bombs will do the trick.

3. Destroy the Robot's Nose. Essentially, you're trying to kick a bomb close
enough to hurt it, but far enough to actually hit the nose. I'm pretty sure
this one takes four normal bombs as well.

4. Destroy the Orb that the Robot sets down. This will be the only break you'll
get in this fight, so don't mess it up.
5. Leave this thing in spare parts before the Target Time expires.


Hearts: 5
Target Time:

This guy takes the cake for "Cheapest Boss in the Game." He makes the Robot
look like Altair (whom you must have played in order to get here). On top of
that, you don't get to use the Remote Bombs that Sirius so kindly provided in
the other fights (you'll know why if you've gotten all 100 Gold Cards). If you
can get all five Gold Cards with this guy, you are a god of gaming; it took me
at least 20 tries to get it down!

One of the first things you should notice about Spellmaker is that he has no
body to target. This is because your enemy is not Spellmaker, it's his shadow.
To actually hurt Spellmaker, you have to make a bomb explode on his shadow.
More often than not, he'll float away from you, making all your attempts at
hitting him that much harder. However, the really tricky part about beating
him is that he also dodges any bombs that you kick or throw at him; therefore,
you'll have to chase him into your bombs. Occasionally, there'll be a glitch
where he does not run, scoring you a free hit, but that's only occasionally;
don't count on it to help you beat him.

Spellmaker's method of attack is unique; he carries a pack of cards with

symbols on them which he shuffles, then tosses at you. You'll see the card
appear on your screen; this shows the attack that Spellmaker will use. Gracious
of him, don't you think? If you think so, then you haven't fought him yet. The
cards are a little hard to describe, so I'll you'll have to figure out which
card goes with what attack.

When you see a figure with a scythe pop out of Spellmaker's shadow, move either
towards him or away from him. A scythe will swing in an arc in front of
Spellmaker, killing anything (including bombs) in its path. The arc is about
bomb-throwing distance from him, so either move inwards inside of the arc, or
away so that you're outside its range.

If you see small cards flying at you, RUN! Those cards will land where you were
standing, and then make a meteor-sized explosion. Spellmaker does this several
times in succession, so as long as you keep moving, they shouldn't hit you.

If you see an arm moving towards you from Spellmaker's shadow, move immediately
away from that spot. When the arm reaches where you were, the hand will enclose
that spot. It moves fairly slow, so it's easy to avoid if you're far away. If
you plant a bomb before you run, the hand will grab the bomb, causing it to
explode, andearning you a Gold Card. Unfortunately, this doesn't stop
Spellmaker from using the attack again.

Occasionally Spellmaker will make huge fists fall out of thin air onto where
you are. Use the same technique as the exploding cards, and keep moving. They
shouldn't hit you if you keep running. A similar attack is when Spellmaker
tries to squash you with a HUGE foot. Again, if you keep moving, you won't get
hurt. Luckily, the foot occurs only once per attack, giving you an opportunity
to move away from the wall or to counterattack.

One of Spellmaker's rarest "attacks" requires judgment. He causes power-ups to

fall out of thin air, and you can actually pick them up. If you get a Cherry-
Bomb power-up or Remote Bombs, you'll have a MUCH easier time wasting this
clown. The drawback? If you noticed, you get a Gold Card at the beginning of
this battle for no apparent reason. If you pick up ANY of these power-ups, you
will lose that Gold Card. Therefore, if you just want to get this battle over
with and get to the final battle as quickly as possible, by all means grab a
power-up. However, if you want to gain all 120 Gold Cards, don't pick any of
these power-ups up. If I recall correctly, Spellmaker will sink into the ground
during this attack. If you throw a bomb correctly, you'll be able to hit him as
he rises up, and perhaps earn two Gold Cards with one bomb; we'll cover this

One of Spellmaker's most annoying attacks is when he summons a fire-snake from

the ground to chase you. This thing hovers in the air and follows you for as
long as it lasts, which is a VERY long time. It flies at the same speed you run
at, so you have to be constantly moving in order to avoid it. If you run in
circles, it shouldn't catch you.

By far, Spellmaker's most annoying attack is when he turns the room semi-dark
and summons stars from the sky (I don't know how he does this in an enclosed
room) to drop on you. These stars fall in a random pattern, and the only way
you can tell where one is going to land is by the light it projects; watch for
these lights, find what direction they're falling in, and dodge accordingly. If
these stars hit you, they only stun you. However, as Spellmaker, like the Black
Fortress Security Robot, can overlap attacks, you'll more often find yourself
either flattened, cut in half, strangled, or burnt to a nice black crisp while
you're trying to recover.

As previously stated, defeat Spellmaker by hitting his shadow. The best

opportunities you have are when he's just beginning to conduct an attack; pump
a bomb, wait for him to draw a card, and throw the bomb at him while he's
throwing it at you. If you're lucky, Spellmaker will not move, and your bomb
will chop off one of his hearts. You'll know you hit him when he groans and you
see his true form pop out of his shadow temporarily. Remember that you do not
have Remote Bombs to aid you (unless you sacrifice a Gold Card for it), so you
have to use your judgment in order to hit Spellmaker.

The Gold Cards:

1. Given to you at the beginning of the battle. If you grab a powerup that
Spellmaker offers you, kiss this card goodbye.

2. Burn Spellmaker's Arm. This arm is the shadow arm that tries to grab you
when he executes that particular attack. This requires only a single small
bomb, so it's easy to get, so long as Spellmaker actually uses this attack
in the battle. Remember, however, that this won't stop him from using the
same attack a second or third time, no matter how many times you bomb it.

3. Burn Spellmaker's Hat. When Spellmaker offers you items, he'll disappear
into the ground. Then is your opportunity to throw a pumped bomb onto where
he's going to surface. If you do it correctly (and more often than not you
won't), the bomb will explode just as he surfaces, burning his hat.

4. Burn Spellmaker's Cape. This card can be obtained the same way as the hat
card, only you have to wait a little longer, because if it blows too soon,
you'll hit his hat, but his cape will still be underground.

5. Kill this clown within the Target Time.


Actually, I'll take any question here. There are none so far, so if you have
ANY question, e-mail me and put in the subject that it's a question. My contact
information can be found in the "Contact Me" section below.


Thanks to the following people for their help or otherwise

CJayC for hosting this guide on GameFAQS

Nintendo and Hudson Soft for making such a kick-@$$ game
My friend Jason for lending me his copy of this game when I accidentally lost
You for reading this :)


As of this writing, the only website with permission to use this guide is:

Please e-mail me if you want to use this guide, don't just rip it off, because
I will, most likely, gladly allow you to host it. Just ask first ;)


If you've read any of my other guides, you know the drill. I hate spam, more so
than most people. Therefore, I rarely, if ever, give out my e-mail address to
anybody at all. Therefore, I will not leave my e-mail address out here for
gleener bots to snag (a leaf I took out of another FAQ writer's book); instead,
I will make it such that you can only use it if you have a brain.

That being said, my e-mail is:

Superfly_08 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Confused? You should be. Simply remove the spaces, replace (at) with @, and
replace (dot) with a dot (.). Therefore,

you (at) email (dot) com

would translate to

Still can't figure it out? I can't help you there. Ask someone who can to help
you there.

Remember, you HAVE to put something in the title that lets me know that this
e-mail is about THIS specific guide. I have more than one guide, so be sure to
put something to the effect of "question about Bomberman 64" or "suggesion for
your Bomberman guide". It helps me to know what you're talking about, and it
also helps to keep it from being emptied with all the other spam. Remember that
if there is nothing in the subject that refers to anything about this guide, it
WILL be deleted with extreme prejudice.

(c) 2004 Kelvin Lam

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