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My Facebook statuses have become rarer,

My Instagram has fallen quiet,
My tweets are deafening in their silence,
And my Pinterest has grown redundant,

In the small hours of the morning,

At my PC is where you’ll find me,
With scant regard for sleep or shower,
Or worse, for eating, or my studying.


Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold,
Thane of Whiterun and Windhelm,
My Legendary Glass Armour,
Fits me like a second skin,
As I spend the small hours of the morning,
Running, in the land of Skyrim.

I was once a man greater than any other man,

Against the greatest odds I stood, where many ran.
It was I who would slay mighty dragons, and triumph over evil kings,
In every tavern and mead hall, they would hail my name and sing!
I was at the top of the world, and nothing could knock me down!
For my blood they came, but in their own they drowned,
I was hailed a hero in my province and legend in the realm!
Mighty Legions under a great empire, with me at their helm,
Glorious was the ground we tread upon, the sky open and free!
I used to think the Elder Scrolls
Meant an old man using a mouse wheel,
But then again I also used to cook myself dinner,
And know how clean bed linen should feel.

My blog is gathering virtual dust,

My tweet deck, I’ve basically left to rust.
If I could play Skyrim all day long I would,
If you know a good addiction therapist, you should let me know
Their number, because I’m only going to play this more and more,
I can’t foresee an end to this affliction,
Until I can transfer to a new addiction.

Gone are the hours spent on facebook, on anime, in shops, on the Astro,
I used to check my email dashboard at midnight,
And get to bed at half past three,

No longer my social network have grown still,

And my followers wonder what happened to me?
On the Internet, I used to be an adventurer like you,
But then I took an arrow to the knee.

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