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(1) Waktu tes tulis selama 120 menit; (2) Pilihiah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap paling benar (masing- masing soal memiliki bobot 1); (3) Pemeriksaan hasil tes tulis dilakukan melalui sistern komputerisasi; Ketepatan jawaban dapat dilihat langsung pada notifiasi. Selamat mencoba. Th r number To: Sasha Wish you all the best on your seventeenth birthday Love, Ryan 1. What is the purpose of the text? To tell the reader about her activities 2. To ask Ryan to come to her birthday party To congratulate Sasha about her birthday party 0. To persuade Sasha to buy some product 2.Who is celebrate the birthday? Ryan 9. Sisi Sasha's friend Sasha Read the text and answer questions 3 to §. From: +0829589400 To: Lite Sorry Honey, | can't keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I have to meet my friend (Mrs. Cathy) at Please don't be angry. Sender, Mom: 3. Who sends the message? a Lita 2, Lita's mother c Mrs, Cathy ©. Mother's friend 4. How is Lita’s mother feel about her promise? 1. Impressed 2. Confused ©c Guilty 0. Happy 5. Mom writes the massage in order to ‘©, Apologize for not keeping the promise ». Remind Lita that she has promise Gc. Tell Lita that she has to go to the meeting ©. Say that she cannot meet her in the mall ‘Read the text and answer questions 6 to 7. Dear Andrew, Please come to my anniversary party on: Day/Date: Tuesday, May 2192013, Time 4pm Place CFC, Jin. A. Yani 06, Pandeglang \ really hope that you can come. There will be something missing without your coming. Love, Rose ©. Who celebrate the anniversary party? a Rose 8. Andrew Rose's friend o. Andrew's sister 7. What kinds of party is it? 1. Wedding party 8. Anniversary party Graduation party o. Birthday party Warning: ini Cuma Latihan Online Soal UN (UNBK) dan US Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTS Tahun 2019. Cara menjawab silahkan Klik pada bulatan di depan pilihan jawaban yang menurut anda benal The text is for questions 8 to 9. To: All the students of SMPN 2 Yogyakarta You are required to pay the school fee before the final test. The test will be held on April 22" — 26!"

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