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# Anticipating Accidents in Dashcam Videos

By Fu-Hsiang Chan, Yu-Ting Chen, Yu Xiang, Min Sun.

### Introduction

Anticipating Accidents in Dashcam Videos is initially described in a [ACCV 2016

We propose a Dynamic-Spatial-Attention (DSA) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for
anticipating accidents in dashcam videos.

### Requirements

##### Tensoflow 1.x

##### Opencv 2.4.9
##### Matplotlib
##### Numpy

### Model Flowchart

![Alt text](./img/flowchart.png "Optional title")

### Dataset & Features

* Dataset : [link]( (Download the

file and put it in "datatset/videos" folder.)

* CNN features : [link]

(Download the file and put it in "dataset/features" folder.)

* Annotation : [link]

If you need the ground truth of object bounding box and accident location, you can
download it.

The format of annotation:

<image name, track_ID, class , x1, y1, x2, y2, 0/1 (no accident/ has accident)>

### Usage

#### Run Demo

python --model ./demo_model/demo_model

#### Training
python --mode train --gpu gpu_id

#### Testing
python --mode test --model model_path --gpu gpu_id

### Citing
Please cite this paper in your publications if you use this code for your research:

title={Anticipating accidents in dashcam videos},
author={Chan, Fu-Hsiang and Chen, Yu-Ting and Xiang, Yu and Sun, Min},
booktitle={Asian Conference on Computer Vision},

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