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Describe an object Describe something you have bought recently + How you got it + What you use it for + Whyitisimportantto you I'm going to describe my mobile phone, My father gave it to me on my last birthday so I've ha for six months. It’s a Samsung mobile, It's small, modern and red. | think it's made of metal and plastic, It looks ‘feat. Next, I'l talk about how | use it. | use the phone to contact friends and family. Besides, | surf the Internet on my phone to chat with ally, \ds online, listen to music or watch movies online. important to me because it holds my contacts, photos, music and soon, In conclusion, my mobile phone is very essential to me. Bai dich Sau dby t6isé miéu td cdi aién thogi di dong ca tbi, 86 ta ting nd cho to wdo Kn sinh nhat adn day nhtcue tol, vay nén toi dling no aise khodng 6 thang r6i N6 1d mét chiée ain thogi cla hang Samsung. Né nh, nhin hién dai vé cd mau a. Téi nghiné diva am béng kim logivé nha. Nhin né rat dep. Tiép theo, t6/sé néivé cach st! dung né. Téi thuéng dling di déng a 8 én Iae v6i ban bé vd gia dinh. 8€n canh 46, téi cng dling di déng dé luét mang va tré cchuyén truc tuyn vdi ban ba, nghe nhac vd xem phim truc tuyén. CuBi cling, chigeai déng rt quan trong v6i i vind luu trd'danh ba, énh, nhac, von van cda toi, Tom tai, chiée a d0ng a8 tre thanh vat bot ly than 46% voit.

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