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Drug Addiction

Introduction: Drugs have been used for medical purposes since ages. It helps to
cure pain and infections. But using it when not needed can cause problem. Taking
high dose drug for fun can create addiction problem. This addiction problem is
commonly seen in people with stress and depression.

Causes: Drug abuse is fast becoming very common among students. They turn to
drugs just for fun and thrill or peer-pressure. Gradually, they get addicted to drugs.
They become physically and mentally wrecks. It becomes an addiction that they
can’t control. It interferes their daily life. They feel like going insane if they don’t
take drugs. Thus, they are compelled to even commit crimes to buy drugs.

Effects: The abuse of drugs has now become an international problem. In fact, at
present drug abuse has become a craze among school and college students. It makes
body weak and a prey of different diseases. Drug affects a person physically,
mentally, and spiritually. He lives only for these deadly drugs. It is the frustration of
life that weakens the mind of these people.

Remedy: A great publicity should be made regarding this social evil. Many banners,
posters and placards should be displayed to create awareness. The parents should be
more careful about their children. The drug addicts should be kept under special care
and treatment. They will not be tempted or lured by the vicious addiction of drugs.

Conclusion: Drug addiction is deadly and can destroy their lives. Many of the
addicts cannot find help for the addiction problem and struggle to live their lives.
While most of them take long time to recover, the recovery of the drug user depends
on the drug of abuse and the length of addiction. It is by social awareness and
government initiatives that we can ward off this deadly problem.

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