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What is a semiconductor

Gleb Anfilov
Who among you, young readers, do not want to know what the technique of the near
future will be? To help you with this, Detgiz publishes a series of popular
brochures that tell about the most important discoveries and problems of modern
science and technology. Thinking about the technology of the future, we most often
imagine something huge: an atomic interplanetary ship, an artificial sun above the
ground, lush gardens in the place of deserts. But after all, next to the gigantic
creations of our own hands and mind, we will see tomorrow with a modest appearance,
though no less striking technical innovations. Someday, relaxing on a summer
evening away from the city, on the green bank of the river, you will listen to
music through the "singing acorn" - a tiny radio receiver, worn right in your ear.
Then it gets dark. You take out a small box from your pocket, open the lid, and
running football players will appear on the matte screen. TV is the size of a book!
Our work and life will enter amazing simplicity and perfection automation. Sunlight
will move the car. Dwellings will be heated ... with frost. In cities and towns
eternal lamps will be lit. People will learn how to make plastics, sugar from air
and water ... New substances for our equipment, semiconductors, will help to create
all this.About them this book. Create all this will help new to our technology
substances - semiconductors. About them this book. Create all this will help new to
our technology substances - semiconductors. About them this book.

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