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The alleged contrast between a �weak� and a �strong� thought manifests some of the

paradoxical features of the politico-philo- sophical debates on the Italian Left,

above all the peculiar admix- ture of the extremely parochial (the combination of
debates on ?rst-name terms and idiosyncratic political trajectories) and the
intensely universal (the attempt to address Politics, Being, Hu- manity). It also
demonstrates the con?icted in?uence of other strands of European thought on the
Italian scene. Whilst Negri has frequently alluded to washing the linen of Italian
(worker- ist) Marxism in the (Foucauldian and Deleuzian) waters of the

El presunto contraste entre un �d�bil� y un �fuerte� pensamientos manifiesta

algunas de as parad�jicas caracter�sticas de los debates pol�tico-filos�ficos de la
Izquierda Italiana, sobre toda la peculiar mezcla los extremo parroquial (la
combinaci�n de debates en los t�rminos del primer nombre y trayectorias pol�ticas

The alleged contrast between a �weak� and a �strong� thought manifests some of the
paradoxical features of the politico-philo- sophical debates on the Italian Left,
above all the peculiar admix- ture of the extremely parochial (the combination of
debates on ?rst-name terms and idiosyncratic political trajectories) and the
intensely universal (the attempt to address Politics, Being, Hu- manity). It also
demonstrates the con?icted in?uence of other strands of European thought on the
Italian scene. Whilst Negri has frequently alluded to washing the linen of Italian
(worker- ist) Marxism in the (Foucauldian and Deleuzian) waters of the

El presunto contraste entre un �d�bil� y un �fuerte� pensamientos manifiesta

algunas de as parad�jicas caracter�sticas de los debates pol�tico-filos�ficos de la
Izquierda Italiana, sobre toda la peculiar mezcla los extremo parroquial (la
combinaci�n de debates en los t�rminos del primer nombre y trayectorias pol�ticas

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