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Title: Proper Use of Exercise Equipment

Relevant SC Standards: 8-4.4 Uses equipment appropriately in physical activity settings

and identifies safety concerns associated with specific activities.

Description: This app lesson will develop grade 7 exercise equipment students’
knowledge and skill of ability to appropriately use exercise equipment and safety
precautions for each set of equipment.

Instructional Objective: Students will be able to identify what exercises can be

performed when shown a picture of a piece of equipment.

Students will be able to describe safety precautions to take when using a piece of

Step 1 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use Tether App the to follow
along with the lesson on their iPads during class. The Tether app will have pictures with
brief descriptions, so the students can follow along while I lecture the safety precautions
needed to take for each piece of equipment.


Step 2 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will brainstorm ways they can use
pieces of equipment in groups via the app PopBoardz. They will create their
presentations to share with the class. I will use this as a pre-assessment to see their
understanding of the content and allow them to be creative with how they decide to use
the equipment appropriately and safely.

Step 3 Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App (Screenshot of
Progress): Students will use Splice to create a video of them in the school gym using at
least 3 pieces of workout equipment properly with explanation of why they chose what
they chose. They will present their final video productions to the class.


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