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Faith Fitzsimmons


College Comp I

Presentation Reflection Essay

My literary theory was reader response, and to present this theory I chose Microsoft

power point, and to create a handout in Microsoft word. I chose this medium of presentation over

others because I am most familiar with it, as I have used it for presentations since early middle

school. I also thought it would be beneficial to use power point because I know that most of my

peers are just as familiar with the program as I am, so it may be easier to learn from my

presentation this way.

I formatted my handout in Microsoft word because, again, I am most familiar with it and

prefer it over other programs. It is easier for me to use. I decided to use a large in order to make

the handout easier to read and simple to look at. I also chose a font that is bold in nature for this

reason. Finally, I spread out the spacing enough to separate the lines to further add to readability.

To prepare for this presentation, I will practice presenting my power point multiple times,

several days prior to the real presentation. I will write down what I plan to say on a notecard for

these rehearsals, and eventually memorize the gist of the contents, so that I do not have to rely on

the notecard for the real thing. I plan to only have the PowerPoint behind me as I talk to show a

visual for my audience and for myself to glance at if I lose my place.

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