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MaKayla Holland

Comp II

Dianna Watkins

April 16, 2019

This I believe

You always hear people say forgive and forget. For some, this is an easy task but for

others forgiving is a very hard thing to do. I think people deserve chances but I’m not always the

best at forgiving people. It has taken me years to leave what forgiving someone means.

Forgiving someone doesn’t mean what happened is something worth forgiving them for but

forgiving is making peace with yourself. We are all human and we all make mistakes every day

that should be forgiven. This I believe.

Sometimes you should forgive people but not forget what they put you through. Don’t

let your guard down to someone who has hurt you bad before for your own sake. Sometimes

you have to swallow your pride and forgive someone but you don’t have to forget what they

said or done. At times in your life you will have to forgive people for yourself and not for them.

This is a big life lesson that I have personally had to learn. I can’t imagine if people didn’t forgive

because I know how many times I have messed up and people have forgiven me. Forgiving

people will set you free from all the hurt and pain that it has caused.

People will hurt you on a daily basis. People who call themselves your friend, can hurt

you. When this happens it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. Someone that means the
world to you, has hurt you. People who you know better than yourself. They may hurt you

intentionally and some may not realize they are hurting you. Someone that you love and care

about a lot will hurt you in this life. It’s your decision on how to handle the situation. Is it worth

losing someone special to you over getting your feelings hurt. This isn’t always the case, but

sometimes people don’t purposely hurt you.

Forgiveness is a huge key to having a good and healthy relationship. Everyone has off

days and might say or do something out of anger. People have to understand that we are human

and we are going to make mistakes. Being human we have to realize we are not ever going to be

perfect no matter how hard we try. We will mess up every single day. Some days worse than

others. This is when you have to choose for yourself who is worth it. Sometimes the people who

break your heart in some way are the only ones who can put it back together.

I think forgiving people is one of the hardest things we do in our life. We have to choose

who is worth forgiving and fighting for. At some point in we have to forgive people for our own

health. Forgiving someone doesn’t always mean that what happened is okay or they need to be

back in your life. Sometimes forgiving people means forgiving them for yourself, to move on, to

not let them control your happiness, or simply letting them move on with their life. Forgiving is

not always an easy task but for your own health, it’s worth it. This I believe.

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