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I have a degree in mechatronics engineer from a state university, i came from a low economic class so

the cost of my studies was almost nothing like 20 us dollars per semester, the past year (my first year
after getting my degree) just could get temporary jobs and my financial state was not so good, given
that i just make money to survive. I live in the capital of my country(Bogotá, Colombia), the live cost is
high for someone coming from a province, right now a got a job that looks stable, but for entry level
the wage is low. I try to improve my programming skills by doing online free courses and it works
good, but in order to get a better wage i need certify courses that can not afford, before my current job,
i was unemployed for 3 months and whit some savings i had i took a promo for a full stack python-
django course that helped me to get my a job.

In the medium term my principal goal is to get a masters degree but unlike my actual degree, it's cost is
too high and i need a better wage to save enough for that. Taking this course will improve my skills and
in a short time a better position in my job. Here in Colombia find a job for an mechatronic engineer it's
hard given the country economic reality, that's why a took a job in software development, almost a year
has passed since start working in this and i improved my skill by taken online programming free
courses and one promo course from another online courses platform. I enjoy learning new thinks and
this courses are the beginning of a learning path to my principal theme of interest, that is to connect this
software methods and techniques whit mechatronics system, like internet of thinks or even more simple
applications for agriculture systems or food production systems.

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