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Jonathan Diederich

HLAC 1013

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the

Module 4 challenge from last week. Consider answering some
or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you
learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want to
continue? What would you change if you did the challenge
again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to complete
the challenge?

My Answer:
The challenge from last module went really well. I really focused
on stretching my muscles and tendons out to become more flexible.
My main focus was to stretch deep, but not tear anything. I learned
that I am not flexible at all.

Indicate whether you will be completing one of the

suggested challenges that are stated above in the
instructions, or if you will be creating your own challenge.
If you are completing your own challenge then this
should be something you’ll do on at least two separate days
during the week. Be sure to be specific about what you will
do. Regardless of the challenge you complete for this week it
needs to relate to exercise.
In the space below, write which challenge you intend to
complete. If it's your own challenge, then please describe
what it is (as opposed to just saying that you will do your own

My Answer:
I will be tracking my sleep for the next three days.
Reflection Questions

1. What connections have you had from what you’ve studied in

this LW course with what you’ve learned from other courses
you have taken at SLCC or have learned before taking this
class? Make specific references to your work in this class
and in other courses. How did what you learned in other
courses enhance what you learned here, and vice versa?

A connection I can make from this course to other courses that I

have taken in the past, is that they all require some sort of effort. The
more you put into the class, the more you get out of it. I have learned
that in order to perform well in both courses I need to get enough
sleep, but also follow a sleep schedule.

2. Reflect on what you thought about fitness and lifelong

wellness before you took this course and how you think
about it now that you have completed the course. Have any
of your assumptions or understandings changed? Why?
What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this
process? How will you approach what influenced you
differently in the future?

If there has been a change in my assumptions or attitude toward

lifelong wellness, it has only been for the better. I always understood
that exercising will make you a happier and more productive person,
but I had never really experienced that until I took this course and
really devoted myself to fitness.
I really appreciated the sleep tracking module. I never realized
that I was on my phone right before bed, and that I didn’t really have a
nighttime routine. Now that I have taken this course, I put my phone
away about an hour before bed which allows me to sleep better.

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