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lumi refers tothe graph below showing four curves labelled 111, HT and IV. 10 s0| area(s 60} 40} SY 2» Ea Population The Loren? carve Which of the curves in the graph above indicates the GREATEST inequality in population disuibution? 1 Ca cut wow Which statement(s) below describers) undempopulation’? 1, The population cannor fully usilise JL The quality of life can be improved by population growth, HL ‘The population can maximise the use of resources, 1A) Lonly (B) Land Il onky 42) Land IM only (Dy Le tand 0 = 1) refer to the diagram below. toms 1 ao Food production ~ 5m, Poputasion growth u 2 = Time Prediction of Thomas Malthus above depicts) famine? {AT Honly (By tMlonly (Cy Land It (0) and HID Whats the likely consequence ofthe situation shown 3c 182 Jad Fomine (BY Supls () Stable population (D) Optimum population Urban primacy may occur because SAT one city attracts most investment (B}_onecity provides more housing (C) sural areas are unable to attract investment (D) sural areas produce primary products only

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