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Honestly, before, she’s that kind of girl that never cared about her scores or grades.

Probably, a
truant student. She was this kind of girl that even the difference between his and her, she didn’t
know. That’s how I first met this girl and that was when she was Grade 11 student. As time went
by, she started to build new circle of friends when she entered Grade 12 Senior High School life.
However, her new circle of friends is absolutely her opposite in many aspects that made her
asked herself the biggest and greatest question she would ever asked herself for her entire life,
“does someone like me deserve them?” She doesn’t care about her scores and grades while her
friends were dying even just for a single mistake in their scores because they think that single
mistake can affect their grades, so much. She was sleepless spending her whole time in social
media while her friends were sleepless and stressed studying the whole night. She was
desparately thinking of ways she can make herself happy while her friends thinking and doing
things to make their parents proud of them. She and her friends are completely opposite to each
other just like the sun and the moon that will never meet each other. But, those things she didn’t
take it as a discouragement rather she take it as her inspiration and motivation to be better for her
friends and in order to be that better friend she should take the first step which is making the
negative into positive. As the second quarter started she started to study to make her scores pass
and make herself pass to her friends. Every after examinations she’s asking her friends scores
and comparing it to hers. She’s starting to be conscious of her scores every quizzes and slightly
affected when she got a low scores than her friends. In third quarter, she pushed herself more
with the help of her friends and this time she even overslept

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