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Turbo Editor macros

TEMC.EXE is an editor macro compiler for the IDE. It

processes a script file that defines editor macros and
key bindings, and produces a configuration file that is
read by the IDE to define the effects of keyboard
commands in the editor.

The file TPWALT.TEM contains the default macro

definitions and key bindings built into the IDE editor.
It serves as an example script, as well as a base from
which to customize the editor.

TEMC command line

TEMC is invoked from the DOS command line. Type

temc [-c] <script file> <config file>

The script file extension is .TEM if not specified

otherwise. The configuration file extensions is assumed
to be .CMD.

The configuration file need not exist. If it does not

exist, it is created. The optional -c switch can also
be specified as /c, and can appear in any argument
position on the command line. If you use this option,
any existing command table in your configuration file
is thrown away before TEMC processes the script file.
When -c is not used, the key bindings in the script
file are merged with those already defined in the
configuration file.

TEMC modifies the commands used by the IDE when the

Alternate command set is specified in Options|

You can use TPWALT.TEM to re-create exactly the

default settings of the Alternate command set. This
file is included as both a sample script file and as
the default command table. You can copy it and modify
it for your own use.


The syntax to define a macro is

MACRO <macroname>
[ <command2>; ... ]

<macroname> can consist of anything that is a legal C

symbol, and <command> can be either the name of another
predefined macro or a predefined TEMC editor command. A
list of editor commands and what they do follows.

When you define your macro, the following points are


1. A statement defines either a named macro or a key


2. Spaces and new lines are optional.

3. Comments are in C-style /* ... */ pairs.

4. Unlike C, TEMC's language is case insensitive.

5. Some of the predefined editor commands have a syntax

that looks like a C function call with one argument.
For example,


Depending on the command, the argumment is either a

decimal integer constant, a character constant, or a
string literal. All are specified using C syntax.

Here's an example of a macro definition from


MACRO MacScrollUp
ScrollScreenUp; FixCursorPos;

The syntax to define a key binding is

<key-sequence>: <command>;


<key-sequence>: BEGIN <command1>; [ <command2>; ... ]


The <key-sequence> is either a key (a character

optionally preceded by Ctrl or Alt), or a series of
keys separated by a plus sign (+). Note that the
specification of the key characters themselves is case
sensitive. For example, Ctrl-k+B is different than
Ctrl-k+b, even though the latter is the same as CTRL-K+b.

Whitespace is allowed between the key-sequence and the

colon, and each <command> can be either the name of a
previously defined macro, or one of the predefined
editor commands listed in Table 1.1.
Key codes

The IDE editor makes use of an extended character set

that includes key combinations not normally available
to DOS programs. Key codes can be specified in a script
through any combination of the symbols "Ctrl-", "Shift-",
"Alt-" and a character.

Some keys cannot be entered directly into a TEMC

script. Those keys can be referred to by their names,
as described in the following table.

Any key in a sequence--except the first key--can be

preceded by one of the characters ^ or @. The caret (^)
indicates that any combination of case and "Ctrl" can
be used to type the key; that is, lowercase, uppercase,
or control characters. The @ sign is used to indicate
that case is insignificant for the following character,
although "Ctrl" is not accepted. For example,

* Ctrl-k+b specifies a Ctrl-K followed by a lowercase b.

* Ctrl-k+^b specifies a Ctrl-K followed by any of b, B,

or Ctrl-B.

* Ctrl-k+@B specifies Ctrl-K followed by either b or B.

Named keys

Key are specified as letters, numbers, or characters,

optionally preceded by one or more of Ctrl-, Alt- or
Shift-. The following names specify keys that cannot be
typed as themselves in the TEMC syntax.

Key name Notes
LfAr Left arrow
RgAr Right arrow
UpAr Up arrow
DnAr Down arrow
Return Same as Enter
BkSp Backspace
BkTab No longer available, use Shift-Tab
Star * key on the numeric keypad
Minus - key on the numeric keypad
Plus + key on the numeric keypad
Space Spacebar
F1 to F10 Function keys

Predefined editor commands

TEMC lets you use built-in editor commands and user-

defined macros as commands within macros
interchangeably, as long as you don't create any loops
by having two macros calling each other, even via
intermediate macros. Note that some commands cause an
escape from the editor to the surrounding IDE, for
example, by bringing up a dialog box. Your macro will
"pause" until control returns to the editor.

A list of all predefined TEMC editor commands is shown

next. Commands that cause an escape from the editor

TEMC editor commands

Command name What the editor does

BackspaceDelete Deletes character before

the cursor.

BottomOfScreen Moves cursor to the bottom

line of the current window,
leaving column unchanged.

CenterFixScreenPos Adjusts the screen display

to ensure the cursor is
visible. If any adjustment
is necessary, adjust the
display so the cursor is
close to being centered in
the window.

CopyBlock If there is a valid and

highlighted (selected)
text block, then at the
cursor location, inserts a
copy of the characters that
are selected and makes that
the new selected text

CursorCharLeft Moves cursor left over one

character. This command
will skip over tab
characters and move to the
end of the previous line.

CursorCharRight Moves cursor right over one

character. This command
will skip over tab
characters and advance to
the beginning of the next

CursorDown Moves cursor down one row.

CursorLeft Moves cursor left one

screen column.

CursorRight Moves cursor right one

screen column.

CursorSwitchedLeft Like CursorLeft, but pays

attention to cursor through
tab option setting (see

CursorSwitchedRight Like CursorRight, but pays

attention to cursor
through tab option setting
(see SetCursorThroughTabMode).

CursorUp Moves cursor up one row.

DeleteBlock If there is a valid and

highlighted (selected) text
block, deletes the
characters that are in it.

DeleteChar Deletes the character at

the current cursor

DeleteLine Deletes the current line.

DeleteToEOL Deletes all characters in

the current line, leaving a
zero-length line.

DeleteWord Deletes from cursor to

beginning of next word.

EndCursor Moves cursor to end of file


ExtendBlockBeg Initiates a series of

commands that will select a
block of text between the
initial and ending
positions of the cursor.

ExtendBlockEnd Ends a series of commands

begun by ExtendBlockBeg.

FixCursorPos Ensures that the cursor

value specifies a row
between 1 and the number of
lines in the buffer, a
column greater than 0. If
the cursor through tab
option is not set, the
cursor is not placed in the
middle of a tab character
(see SetCursorThroughTabMode).

FixScreenPos Adjusts the screen display

to ensure the cursor is

FullPaintScreen Redraws the entire window,

making no assumptions about
what is onscreen.

HideBlock Sets a flag indicating that

the selected text should
not be highlighted.

HighlightBlock Sets a flag indicating that

if the beginning and end
selected text markers are
valid, the selected text
should be highlighted.

HomeCursor Moves cursor to beginning

of the file buffer.

IndentBlock Inserts a space at the

beginning of each line in
the highlighted (selected)

InsertText Inserts the literal

"string" in the buffer at
the current cursor
location. Use the syntax
InsertText(string) to call
this command.

LeftOfLine Moves cursor to beginning

of the current line.

LiteralChar Inserts the character at

the current cursor
location, without doing any
special processing for
newline, tab characters,
etc. Use the syntax
LiteralChar(c), where c is
a character or integer

MarkBufModified Sets a flag indicating that

the contents of the buffer
are different than what is
in the corresponding disk

MarkBufUnModified Clears a flag, thus

indicating that the
contents of the buffer can
be assumed to be identical
to what is in the disk

MatchPairBackward Same as MatchPairForward

except if the cursor is on
a ' or ", searches backward
for the matching character.

MatchPairForward If the cursor is on one of

the characters (, ), {, },
[, ], or on the first
character of one of the
pairs /* or */, searches in
the appropriate direction
for the closest instance of
the matching delimiter. If
the cursor is on the
character ' or ", searches
forward for the matching
character. If a match is
found, places the cursor

MoveBlock Like CopyBlock, but also

deletes the original
selected text.

MoveToBlockBeg Moves cursor to the

location marked as the
beginning of the selected

MoveToBlockEnd Moves cursor to the

location marked as the end
of the selected text.

MoveToMark Moves the cursor to the

location saved with
SetMark(n) command. Use the
syntax MoveToMark(n), where
n is a one-digit number, 0-9.

MoveToPrevPos Moves the cursor to the

location specified by the
"previous position marker."

MoveToTempPos Moves the cursor to the

saved temporary marker.

NullCmd No operation. Calls the

editor, but performs no
function. Can be used to
cause a keystroke to have
no effect.

OutdentBlock Deletes a leading space, if

any, from the beginning of
each line in the
highlighted (selected)

PageDown Moves cursor down by number

of lines in the window.

PageScreenDown Scrolls screen down by

numer of lines in the
window, leaving cursor
position unchanged.

PageScreenUp Scrolls screen up by numer

of lines in the window,
leaving cursor position

PageUp Moves cursor up by number

of lines in the window.

PaintScreen Redraws the entire window,

assuming that the screen
still correctly displays
what the editor last drew
on it.

ReDo Performs an Redo operation.

Exactly what happens
depends on the option

RightOfLine Moves cursor to end of

current line.

RightOfWord Moves cursor to the next

column that follows the end
of a word.

ScrollScreenDown Scrolls screen down one

line, leaving cursor
position unchanged.

ScrollScreenUp Scrolls screen up one line,

leaving cursor position

SetAutoIndent Sets the Auto Indent option


SetAutoOutdent Sets the Backspace

Unindents option On.

SetBlockBeg Sets the beginning of the

selected text to be the
character at the current
cursor location.

SetBlockEnd Sets the end of the

selected text to be the
character at the current
cursor location.

SetCursorThroughTabMode Sets the Cursor Through

Tabs option On.

SetInsertMode Sets Insert/Overwrite

option to Insert.

SetMark Sets a marker to point to

the character at the
current cursor location, so
a later MoveToMark(n)
comand can restore the
cursor. Use the syntax
SetMark(n), where n is a
one digit number, 0-9.

SetOptimalFillMode Sets Optimal Fill option On.

SetPrevPos Sets a marker (the previous

position marker) to point
to the character at the
current cursor location.
This marker location
changes only by a call to
SetPrevPos or SwapPrevPos.

SetTabbingMode Sets Use Tab Char option On.

SetTempPos Saves the cursor location

in a temporary marker that
can be used by some
internal editor commands.
This is not a practical
application in user-defined
macros. Use SetMark instead.

SmartRefreshScreen Redraws the window,

skipping any portions that
the editor is sure are
unmodified since the last

SmartTab Inserts space or tab

characters in accordance
with the current settings
of the Use Tab Char option,
Tab Width.

SwapPrevPos Exchanges the values of the

cursor and the "previous
position marker."

ToggleAutoIndent Toggles the state of the

Auto Indent option.

ToggleAutoOutdent Toggles the state of the

Backspace Unindents option.

ToggleCursorThroughTabMode Toggles the state of the

Cursor Through Tabs option.

ToggleHideBlock Toggles the state of the

highlight (selected) text
flag (see HighlightBlock).

ToggleInsert Toggles state of

Insert/Overwrite option.

ToggleOptimalFillMode Toggles state of Optimal

Fill option.

ToggleTabbingMode Toggles state of Use Tab

Char option.

TopOfScreen Moves cursor to the top

line currently displayed in
the window, leaving column

UnDo Performs an Undo operation.

Exactly what happens
depends on the option

WordLeft Moves cursor to beginning

of previous word, or to end
of previous line, whichever
is first.

WordRight Moves cursor to beginning

of next word, or to the end
of a line, whichever is


The following commands cause an exit from the editor,

for example, by bringing up a dialog box. The macro
resumes when the editor window regains the focus.

The keys listed next to some of the commands below are

the ones used by default when the Alternate mode of the
IDE is selected.


ChangeDirectory Opens a dialog box for changing the

current directory.

ChangeModeFlags Used after a command such as

ToggleInsert which changes the
state of an editor option switch.
Causes the IDE to update various
menu items and/or icons.
ClipCopy Copys selected text to Clipboard

ClipCut Cuts selected text to Clipboard


ClipPaste Pastes Clipboard into buffer at

cursor (Shift-Ins).

ClipShow Shows Clipboard (no hot key


CloseWindow Closes editor window (Alt-F3).

CompileFile Compiles current buffer (Alt-F9).

CompileMenu Selects Compile menu (Alt-C).

CompilerOptions Inserts compiler options string

at the top of file (Ctrl-O+O).

EditMenu Selects Edit menu (Alt-E).

FileMenu Selects File menu (Alt-F).

GetFindString Opens a dialog box for the Search

operation. (Alt-S+F)

GotoWindow1 Selects window #1 (Alt-1).

GotoWindow2 Selects window #2 (Alt-2).

GotoWindow3 Selects window #3 (Alt-3).

GotoWindow4 Selects window #4 (Alt-4).

GotoWindow5 Selects window #5 (Alt-5).

GotoWindow6 Selects window #6 (Alt-6).

GotoWindow7 Selects window #7 (Alt-7).

GotoWindow8 Selects window #8 (Alt-8).

GotoWindow9 Selects window #9 (Alt-9).

Help Opens the Help window (F1).

HelpMenu Selects Help menu (Alt-H).

HelpIndex Display the Help system't index


LastHelp Opens previous help window (Alt-F1).

MakeProject Makes project (F9).

Menu Highlights top menu bar.

Modify Evaluates expression/modify
variable (Ctrl-F4).

NextWindow Selects next window in IDE (F6).

OpenFile Opens dialog box for File Open (F3).

OptionsMenu Selects Options menu (Alt-O).

PrintBlock Writes selected text to the


Quit Exits the IDE (Alt-X).

ReadBlock Opens dialog box requesting a file

name to be read into the buffer at
the cursor location and marked as
selected text.

RepeatSearch Searches again, using previous


Replace Opens an dialog box for the Replace


RunMenu Selects Run menu (Alt-R).

RunProgram Makes and runs current executable


SaveFile Saves current editor buffer (F2).

SaveFileAs Opens dialog for File SaveAs.

SearchMenu Selects Search menu (Alt-S).

SystemMenu Selects Sytem menu (Alt-Spacebar).

WindowList Displays window list (Alt-0).

WindowMenu Selects Window menu (Alt-W).

WindowCascade Cascades windows (Shift-F4).

WindowTile Tiles windows (Shift-F5).

WordHelp Context sensitive help (Ctrl-F1).

WriteBlock Opens dialog box requesting a file

name to which the selected text
will be written.

ZoomWindow Zooms/unzoomd current window (F5).


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