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Yin Deficiency: This pattern is due to the excess consumption of vital materials including

Fluid, Essence and Blood or to fever impairing those materials. It may

lead to a relative overabundance of Yang, accompanied by excessive activity and
an increased interior heat. The signs for this pattern are low fever, erratic fever,
feverish sensation in the palms, soles, and the chest, night sweats, dry mouth and
throat, a reddened tongue with little or no coating, and a deep and rapid pulse.

Yin: According to the Yin-Yang theory, all things have two aspects, Yin aspect and Yang
aspect. Yin originally meant the shady side of a hill. It is associated with qualities
such as cold, rest, passive, dark, interior, downward, inward, and decrease, etc.

Yin-Yang: The theory of Yin-Yang is a dialectical logic that explains relationships, patterns,
and changes. The theory states that any object in nature is a unified whole
that is composed of two parts with opposite qualities. Those opposite qualities are
described as Yin and Yang. The classification of Yin and Yang are relative. Thus,
the Yin-Yang nature of an object may change in relation to another object.

Yang Deficiency: This pattern is due to an innate insufficiency, to postnatal malnutrition,

or to long illness. It may lead to an insufficiency of heat production, hypofunctioning
of the organ system, a preponderance of cold, and interior fluid retention.
Yang deficiency is characterized by weak physiological activities, low
body resistance, and insufficient heat. The signs include pallor, an aversion to
cold, cold extremities, low back pain, edema, a pale or dark tongue, and a deep or
slow pulse.

Yang: According to the Yin-Yang theory, all things have two aspects, Yin aspect and
Yang aspect. Yang originally meant the sunny side of a hill. Yang implies brightness
and is associated with qualities such as hot, move, active, excited, vigor, light,
exterior, upward, outward, and increase, etc
Qi: Qi often represents the activity of life. It is described as a rarefied substance or an
energy force that circulates through the body and activates the function of the
body. For example, Spleen Qi is the action of the Spleen in the body.

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