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Lesson Title: Sleep and Stress

Learning Outcomes:
- Identify Good Sleeping Habits
- Manage Stress Levels
Student Preparation:
- Students for a week leading into class will complete the Weekly Sleep Log on pg. 147
- For a week leading into this class identify students top 3 stresses. Bring this list to
- Have Transitions with completed assignments.
- Whiteboard Marker
Outline of Lesson:
- Good Sleep
o IceBreaker
 Have students do barometer based on hours of sleep gotten.
o Split students up into groups and have them identify good habits and bad
habits/practices. Then have class come together and share ideas.
 Implement “Tips for Better Sleep” pg. 152 Transitions and discuss tips
that were missed especially.
o Icebreaker
 Have students do another barometer based on who takes naps
 Ask students on barometer pros and cons of naps
- Stress
o Have volunteered students share 1/3 of their primary stresses. (Write on
o Go over the 4 A’s on pg. 151 Transitions (Coping with stress)
 Go over Campus Resources
 Student Success Center
 Student Health Center
o Counseling & Psychiatry
 First Year Advising for Classes
o Brainstorm ways to reduce stress
 Hit on Working Out, Friends, Family, Talking, Getting out of the dorm,
Music, Self Care.
o Brainstorm ways to reduce stress (FROM ABOVE)
 Hit on Working Out, Friends, Family, Talking, Getting out of the dorm,
Music, Self Care.
o USC Jeopardy
 Hit on tips again

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