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Effective Sovereign Credit Analysis

George A. Ashur
Vice President and Director of Fixed Income Research
Wellington Management Company, LLP

Global credit shocks of the past two decades have reaffirmed the importance of sovereign
credit analysis. Because of the number and sometimes unfamiliar nature. of soverei~n
issuers, the sovereign analyst faces numerous tasks-from understandmg t~~nds. m
sovereign creditworthiness to identifying key sovereign risk factors and anhClpatmg
changes in sovereign credit status.

he reality of sovereign credit analy-sis is th~t Recognizing Trends

T today's grim headlines about spreads and credit
problems around the world are not new news. The
The Asian crisis reaffirms a phenomenon common to
crisis events: Many observers know what they are
past two decades have seen no fewer than four major seeing as events unfold, but not many truly under-
external shocks to the global markets. In 1982, Mexico
stand what they see. Many analysts had mountains
and other Latin American countries rescheduled,
of data on the Asian markets, but how many really
defaulted, and otherwise roiled the credit markets,
grasped the existence and importance of key trends
which produced the debt phenomenon that ulti-
in those markets? One of the aims of sovereign credit
mately became known as Brady bonds. Rescheduling
analysis is to develop the ability to recognize trends,
those Latin American debt loads took nearly 10 years
to establish a framework for understanding what
in many cases, and the institutional market ulti-
trends are important and what the trends are reveal-
mately absorbed the repackaged product. In 1990 and
ing about market directions.
1992, the United States had its own savings and loan
Such a framework must reveal, for instance, the
crisis, a cathartic event of equal magnitude to the
current trends in developed and emerging markets-
current Asian experience and one that occurred in a
increased privatization, fiscal conservatism, and
market much larger than the Asian markets. The
development of local markets. Increased privatiza-
years 1994 and 1995 brought the so-called Tequila
tion in both developed and emerging markets has
Crisis, precipitated by the near default by Mexico on
been leading to larger corporate debt issuance than
its short-term debt. Finally, 1997 and 1998 will be
in the past, and this trend is likely to escalate dramat-
known as the years of the Asian flu.
ically in the next 10 years. Governments, certainly
An interesting aspect of the human condition is
North American governments but also governments
that our life experiences are crystallized by disasters.
around the world, are emphasizing fiscal conserva-
Whether the disasters are precipitated by the weather, tism. Even most of the governments in Asia that had
human folly, or our own greed, crises force people to catastrophes in the past six months had previously
adapt. In the case of sovereign credit analysis, the cri- gotten fiscal "religion," which resulted in reduced
ses of the past two decades and the pressing need to budget deficits or actual budget surpluses. As the
look more incisively at international issuers have International Monetary Fund (IMP) pressures many
driven the development of analytical techniques and of the Asian governments further, the result will be
processes that are far superior to those that were avail- even smaller government deficits, or surpluses, and
able at the beginning of the period. This presentation a reduction in incremental debt issuance. Reduction
addresses key aspects of current sovereign credit in debt issuance is certainly expected of the u.s.
analysis-recognizing trends in sovereign credit- Treasury, which will be a much smaller debt issuer
worthiness, basic elements of the analytical process in the next decade than it was in the past two or three
(including quantifiable and qualitative risk factors), decades. Declining government issuance inevitably
and tools for anticipating sovereign credit changes. leads to the increasing development of local debt

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Credit Analysis Around the World

markets. This development is already occurring in the country's ability to translate its own currency
Argentina and Mexico, where the local markets have into U.S. dollars or German marks or Japanese
resurrected themselves quite nicely. The result will yen to payoff the debt?
be that local-currency issues will become alternatives • Internal (fiscal) management. This element
to Yankee bonds and Eurobonds. involves analyzing the details of a country's
IMF pressure on a government could have other internal management, its fiscal management.
consequences. It could precipitate social complica- What do the fiscal accounts look like, and how
tions that might affect the credit of the sovereign can they be translated into an ability to pay?
issuer. • External-accounts management. The final consider-
ation is the picture for the external accounts. For
example, to what degree is the current account
Basic Elements of Analysis
running a deficit? What are the components of
Sovereign credit analysis is the cornerstone of any that deficit, and what makes up merchandise
analytical process for global credit and should be the trade? An analyst can accept a deficit in a devel-
basis for deciding whether to invest in a particular oping country if it results from capital goods
country. What distinguishes sovereign credit analysis imports but should be concerned if it results from
from ordinary economic analysis is that sovereign consumer goods imports. In other words, look-
credit analysis adds to pure economic analysis an ing at a single ratio or statistic as indicative of a
examination of the elements that are critical to under- problem may be misleading; interpretation of
standing the outlook for a nation-political charac- several pieces of information is necessary to reach
teristics, diplomatic relationships, and military, trade, a conclusion.
and cultural issues. Certain questions are important Within any overall framework for sovereign
to sovereign analysts that might not be so to econo- credit analysis are numerous risk factors, either
mists: What is the historical background of the coun- explicit or implicit. The relevant risks can be classi-
try? Has it been colonized? Has it a tradition of fied as quantifiable or qualitative.
jurisprudence that is similar to Western traditions
and that can be translated into a positive attitude Quantifiable Risks. Quantifiable-risk assess-
about debt and debt repayment? Do religious over- ment involves identifying quantifiable risk factors,
tones affect economics? (For instance, Islamic coun- evaluating risk implications and the appropriateness
tries do not like debt but will accept leases.) of government actions, and developing sound assess-
Conceptually, the two key concerns in sovereign ment principles.
credit analysis are simple: the country's ability to pay Riskfactors. Identification of quantifiable risk
off debt and its willingness to payoff debt. Ability to must first address domestic fiscal management at the
pay is relatively easy to determine; willingness to pay sovereign level. Analysts should focus on relatively
is much harder to ferret out. A sovereign entity, a simple measures, such as deficit to GOP and the
prime minister, a finance minister, a central bank magnitude of unfunded pension liabilities.
governor-any or all can give analysts information Issues of domestic policy, the costs of these
concerning the ability to pay. The question is, does domestic policies, and the efficacy of domestic fiscal
the country want to pay? Internal issues, for example, management cannot be assessed in a vacuum. For
may make a note payment to "foreigners" politically example, in analyzing Brazil's sovereign credits, one
difficult. This"soft" side of debt analysis, had it been must take into account that Brazil has an enormous
executed more seriously or more appropriately, deficit problem with its social security system. What
might have led to different investment decisions in would change that social security system to the point
Asia, in Latin America, or in certain emerging econ- where the deficit would not be a problem? The
omies of central Europe. answer is: only a compromise between 7 or 8 of the
Sovereign credit analysis consists of assessing 35 political parties in Brazil. And such a development
four major elements: is probably not realistic in the next year.
• Liquidity. Examining the level of foreign reserves A second aspect of quantifiable-risk assessment
and the health of the banking system is particu- is researching a country's external accounts and need
larly critical for emerging market countries. It for nondomestic currency, a task that can be difficult
was probably not performed with sufficient rigor indeed. As the Asian crisis unfolded, many analysts
in advance of the South Korean crisis. saw the need for such information, but the availability
• Characteristics of the external debt. The mix of debt of detailed information and the quality of information
and the breakdown of external debt, particularly was a real and binding constraint. Nonetheless, recent
in the context of currency translation, are impor- events have affirmed the need for analysts to do the
tant factors in a country's ability to pay. What is best they can with the information available to

4 ©Association for Investment Management and Research

Effective Sovereign Credit Analysis

develop pro forma assessments. taken the hardest tasks of all: improving financial
Identifying quantifiable risk also includes break- controls and providing more-transparent disclo-
ing down long- and short-term debt by obligor and sures. This last point is particularly important; it
by maturity. Who in the government owes what to seems to be difficult indeed for some governments to
whom and on what schedule? The Mexican Tesobono be honest about what they owe and how they intend
crisis in 1994 and 1995 and the Korean debt crisis of to repay it. The execution of all the IMF mandates has
1997 and 1998 are prime examples of the importance led to a return of investor confidence, albeit weak in
of this knowledge. In the Tesobono case, a reasonable comparison with confidence before the crisis.
breakdown of the debt was available, but Tesobono Basic principles in assessments. Any system for
investors apparently did not use it properly. In quantifiable-risk assessment must rest on sound prin-
Korea's case, the government admitted that its pub- ciples. A basic issue is comparability of data. Making
lished data were not accurate. To learn from both "apples-to-apples" comparisons among regions,
cases, analysts should ask themselves some tough among issuers, and across time is difficult; accounting
questions: Who was telling the truth? Did we ask the standards differ, and levels of disclosure are not uni-
right questions? If we did not ask the right questions, form. One problem that can be addressed is analysts'
who were the greater fools-the Korean government apparent fear of asking for what they really want and
or us? Did we settle for insufficient answers? need. An important challenge for analysts is to hold
Risk implications of government actions. The issuers to a much higher level of disclosure than in the
Asian debt crisis is particularly useful in highlighting past. When analysts can acquire up-to-date, verifiable
the importance of evaluating the implications of gov- or audited financial statements, they can answer the
ernment actions with respect to quantifiable risks. question of whether they would invest in this entity if
First, the crisis shows how large-scale debt resched- it were a domestic issuer.
uling creates a contagion risk to creditors with large In addition, analysts have to impress on portfolio
regional exposures. Second, the situation cries out for managers that these markets have a fluid nature, that
a realistic assessment of the possibilities of recession. events will happen, and that "headline" risk will
Although recession is a distinct possibility in many influence the value of securities; simple credit analy-
of these Asian countries, no one seems to have sis cannot anticipate all the intricacies of such a
focused on the implications of such a recession for dynamic environment.
long-term growth. Growth rates that have been 6-8 Finally, rating agencies must be held to a trans-
percent annually since 1993 could, according to some parent and credible standard. Bashing rating agen-
economists, drop by half or more. But analysts' con- cies serves no purpose, but the rating agencies need
sensus estimates for Malaysia, Korea, and even Thai- to admit that they, like analysts, do not get the best
land, which is clearly in recession now, are still in the information, that they are doing the best they can,
6-8 percent range. Analysts appear to be unwilling to and that they do, in fact, make mistakes.
The primary necessity for effective analysis is,
admit the implications of what they are actually see-
simply stated, full disclosure. The sound principle of
ing. Finally, analysts need to assess whether the fiscal
full disclosure will lead to sound results. Full disclo-
austerity measures, financial restructurings, and cor-
sure, in the long run, adds to the liquidity of markets
porate and banking system reforms that will result
and enlarges issuers' access to the global capital mar-
from the policy changes and IMF mandates will be
kets. Investors and managers who are investing in
effective or will result in a situation that is worse than
countries that are difficult even to locate on the globe
the problems that existed. These are the questions
will find the investing easier, frankly, if they under-
that future governments will have to answer, and
stand the countries-how their economies work,
analysts and investors should not be bashful about
how they finance themselves, and what their needs
continuing to pose such questions.
are. Full disclosure also allows selectivity among
In the case of the Asian crisis, the various gov-
global securities or, in other words, greater diversifi-
ernment responses have taken several forms. Some cation of risk. Finally, full disclosure will lead ulti-
governments, even those not directly affected by this mately to the development of new and more-efficient
crisis, have taken preemptive steps to improve their local capital markets. Local capital markets have not
external-account deficits; Brazil used increased inter- developed largely because of lack of demand for
est rates to stabilize itself in the fall of 1997, and Chile them. The local capital markets will develop when
recently raised short-term rates 150 basis points to global investors have adequate information about the
stem the growth of its current-account deficit. Some issuers and about the markets themselves.
governments have been taking the additional step of
reforming their banking sectors. Finally, some gov- Qualitative Risks. Qualitative risk assessment
ernments, although certainly not all, have under- takes into account a wide range of risk factors beyond

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Credit Analysis Around the World

quantitative risks and beyond the factors assessed in likely to respond with generous (expensive) social
traditional economic analysis. Qualitative risk factors programs to compensate for the changes in employ-
range from political and government institutions to ment patterns? Analysts need to factor those possi~
natural resources and geography. bilities into their risk assessments and forecasts.
Political and government institutions. No risk Military expenditures. Military expenditures
factor has a greater impact on sovereign creditwor- are an important mandate for many governments and
thiness than the stance of the ruling government and may become important in any country where instabil-
the political forces in power. Yet, too many sovereign ity takes hold. History has shown that wherever
risk analysts could not answer accurately if asked to domestic instability rises, the tides of war often follow.
describe the form of government in, for example, Economic and social problems at home are often dealt
Indonesia. Indonesia has a unicameral legislature with, consciously or fortuitously, by war away from
with a president who appoints all the legislators. It is home. Although the stability of some regional trade
nominally a democracy but is run more like a Japa- blocs has obviated the need for large, nonproductive
nese kingdom. Thailand, in contrast, is nominally a investments in the military in the past, such invest-
kingdom but is run much more like a Western democ- ments may well look attractive in the face of wide-
racy. These real differences have substantially differ- spread domestic and regional economic problems.
ent implications for creditworthiness, and analysts Literacy and productivity. Western analysts
who retain their ignorance of such differences do so take high rates of literacy and productivity in a pop-
at considerable peril. ulation for granted because these rates are extremely
Central bank independence. A truly indepen- high in the United States and the developed coun-
dent central bank is an enhancement to creditworthi- tries. But for many (if not most) of the sovereign
ness. So, analysts must be alert to what a particular issuers where risk assessment is critical, neither liter-
central bank does, what its responsibilities are, how acy nor high productivity can be assumed. The reality
important it is to the country's economy, and how is that Western investors need to analyze specifically
susceptible it is to political, military, or other kinds of the literacy and productivity levels of the population
pressure. Two questions are key to determining cen- in the countries of interest to them.
tral bank independence. First, does the bank have a Natural resources and geography. In assessing
charter that guarantees its independence? For qualitative risks, analysts should remember the basic
instance, the central bank in the Philippines was only components of countries' comparative advantages
recently separated from the govenunent; it is no and disadvantages. Nothing is more basic to analyz-
longer supervised by the Ministry of Finance but, ing an issuing country than the country's natural
rather, now has a separate charter. Second, does the resource base and unique geography. Whether these
central bank have control over the country's foreign natural features are a help (rich ore deposits) or a
currency reserves. A central bank's having its own hindrance (rugged terrain), such features do not
reserves separate and apart from a finance ministry's change and cannot be ignored or assumed away.
control is a sign of the bank's independence. Separate
control of reserves also now characterizes the Philip- Anticipating Changes
pines' central bank. As important as historical sovereign debt analysis
Sustainable trade patterns. Analysts need to and risk assessment are, what analysts need even
consider the trade patterns of the sovereign entity more are some basic tools that will help them antici-
issuing debt and whether those patterns are sustain- pate changes in sovereign credit.
able: Does this issuing country export anything any- The first tool is disclosure, which comes in many
body wants to buy? The current dogma that export forms-issuer registration statements, central bank
growth can continue in the Asian market should be financial statements, and finance ministry state-
questioned: What are these countries making? Who ments. Finding these statements can require exten-
are they selling to? What are the pricing pressures? sive research; they are not all reported the same way
Who are they going to be putting out ofbusiness? Are and often use accounting standards that need to be
the Chinese going to let the Koreans undersell them? explained. Nonetheless, issuers do become more
How many plush toys does the world really need? forthcoming in the face of investor and analyst pres-
Stable social structure. Analysts need to look sure. In 1997, for instance, the Republic of Lebanon
carefully at the country's social structures. Are they came out with two new debt issues; their formal
stable? Massive unemployment arising from their presentation detailed a history and current credit
financial difficulties, for example, will destabilize the status that is fascinating. Here is a country that liter-
social structures to some degree in Korea, Indonesia, ally blew itself up in the course of 17 years of civil
Malaysia, and Thailand. Which governments are war, but it has never missed an interest or principal

6 ©Association for Investment Management and Research

Effective Sovereign Credit Analysis

payment on what was, to Lebanon, a large combina- and concerns of political parties and voter blocs.
tion of bank and sovereign debt. In addition to that Particularly troublesome are substantial minority
presentation, Lebanese officials prepared a site on the parties that can bolt the government in power at a
World Wide Web, in English, containing updated moment's notice. Examples abound even in rela-
economic and financial forecasts for the country. The tively developed countries, such as Hungary, Slove-
lesson is that issuers can understand the importance nia, and Yugoslavia. In these and other cases around
of disclosure and high-quality information. the globe, population characteristics and ethnic rival-
Another boost for disclosure will be the adoption ries could upset the timely payment of principal and
of common international financial accounting stan- interest.
dards. The move toward adoption has been slow to The third tool for anticipating sovereign credit
date but will likely accelerate as more crises occur changes is macroeconomic analysis. What is the eco-
and more market participants are drawn into solving nomic structure and extent of diversification within
those crises. a country? What do the people do for a living, and
Even without international standards, the qual- how will they make money to pay investors back?
ity of accounting disclosure, particularly from the The country's commodity and agricultural produc-
Latin American countries, has improved markedly tion is critical in some countries. Can the country feed
since 1993; Mexican banks now use u.s. generally itself? How important to a strong economy are
accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and Argen- exports? Exports are less important in some countries
tine GAAP standards are far more transparent and because their domestic economies are more vibrant
easier to understand than they were five years ago. than other countries'. I heard an analyst call Argen-
This development reflects a willingness on the part tina "a basket case" because it does not export
of issuers to share data, which is based on the prag- "enough." Argentina exports about 12 percent of its
matic realization that the external capital they des- GDP, whereas Chile exports 24-26 percent of GDP.
perately need follows ratings and ratings follow the Neither country, however, can be defined as a basket
availability of transparent and standard financial case solely on the basis of export percentage. Argen-
information. Another boost for improved disclosure tina simply has a large, vibrant domestic economy
has been the non-domestic-domiciled entities buying that cannot be ignored.
into the newly privatized businesses in many coun- The final element of macroeconomic analysis is
tries. Those entities demand adequate disclosure. the country's currency management and investors'
Analysts and portfolio managers must keep the evaluations of the currency. Is the country's currency
pressure on, however, either directly on the govern- stable and defensible, and will the country defend it?
ments or indirectly on the investment bankers selling Currency maintenance has always been important,
the issues. The providers of information must under- but it has come under the microscope since the sum-
stand that financial disclosure is vital to clients who mer of 1997.
do not have reserve positions that provide a comfort-
Analysts should realize that currency manage-
able exit strategy if issuers default. These investors'
ment has an obvious dimension and a more subtle
only real reassurance lies in the quality and quantity
dimension. On the one hand, assessing currency
of information available at the time the investment
management clearly involves determining the cost of
decision is made.
supporting the value of a currency, which is deter-
The second basic tool in any sovereign analysis
mined by how much reserve spending the govern-
is political science. Outsiders can probably never cap-
ture all of the subtlety, all of the nuances, of an ment would have to do to provide that support; that
issuer's political environment, but analysts have to dimension has obvious inflationary overtones. More
try because so much of what drives sovereign subtle, and probably more important, is the need for
research is derived from the political framework of a a country to maintain the currency at a certain level,
country. Credit changes are as often, if not more or manipulate it to a certain level, to maintain com-
often, the result of political forces as they are of petitiveness in export markets. It is critically impor-
economic or financial forces. If a government decrees, tant that the currency values of exporting countries
"There is now a moratorium on all debt payments," be in sync with those of competing exporters. Many
the investor is immediately in a workout scenario. So, such countries (Venezuela being a prime example)
the investor needs to know beforehand what the make the mistake of letting their currencies appreci-
likelihood of such a decree is. ate against those of their principal competitors in
The political framework includes the form of exporting commodities or manufactured goods. The
government, the characteristics of the population and new"currency chemistry" that will arise out of Asia's
their actual or potential grievances, and the number totally destroyed currencies will be managed through

©Association for Investment Management and Research 7

Credit Analysis Around the World

various means-floating or fixed techniques- convertibility program brought inflation down from
designed to maximize the competitiveness of the dizzying levels to single digits. That change was an
nations' manufactured products and other exports. economic and financial miracle that gave Argentina
The risk to this strategy is, of course, inflation. the access to global capital markets that it did not
The fourth tool in analyzing sovereign issuers and have 10 years ago. For all the pain that austerity
looking for potential changes in sovereign credit is programs are causing in Brazil, the relatively stable
analysis of banking-sector solvency. This factor has currency under the Plan Real has meant great things
become even more important than in the past because for that country, which was tom by incredible infla-
of the recent examples of sovereigns assuming or guar- tion, corruption, and other social ills. The u.s. aid
anteeing the debt of the banks operating in their coun- package to Mexico in 1995, despite criticisms as to the
tries. Banking-sector solvency is a function of credit form it took, has worked. The United States has been
policies, bankruptcy laws, the existence and stance of paid back early and with interest, so the package was
supervisory bodies, and the quality of the accounting good for both countries. In Thailand, Thai leaders
systems used to report bank performance. Several took the 1997 IMF program seriously and tried to
examples of past or current banking reform programs
address all of the IMF criticisms of their economy,
serve as previews of what will need to happen in many
their economic management, and their banking sec-
other countries. U.S. bank reforms followed the sav-
tor. The result is that Thailand's program for recovery
ings and loan crisis in 1990 and 1991. In 1995, the
Mexican banks were reorganized, and Mexican offi- is so credible that the country will likely be able to
cials, although they are still working at the task, have access the sovereign debt markets again relatively
done a heroic job of putting back together a banking soon.
system that was in shambles. In 1997, many Thai banks
were simply closed-admittedly, an extreme reform Conclusion
measure but one that was warranted under the cir- Because of the complexities and broad scope of sov-
ereign credit analysis, and because of the exotic
The final tool for analyzing sovereign credit
nature of many sovereign credits, sovereign credit
changes is a search for evidence that a country recog-
analysishas an elegance that may have been "system-
nizes that economic and financial challenges exist
atized" out of the analysis of many other investment
and assurance that the country's recognition will tum
into credible government policies and plans. Ana- sectors. The whole endeavor is as much art as science.
lysts and investors need to keep the heat on govern- Sovereign credit analysis has few hard-and-fast rules.
ments to continue to recognize and deal honestly If sovereign credit analysts and investors are insight-
with problems and to keep reminding them that their ful and ask the right questions, they will be able to
credit ratings and ability to issue sovereign debt are accomplish the objectives that are common to invest-
at stake. ing in all sectors-developing an analytical frame-
Recent developments are heartening. A number work, assisting in the evolution of capital markets,
of governments have had to impose tough new poli- assessing relative value between issues and issuers,
cies and make good on previous guarantees in order and constructing diversified portfolios without sac-
for various international organizations and other rificing an intolerable amount of return or adding an
countries to provide support. In 1992, the Argentine intolerable level of risk.

8 ©Association for Investment IManagement and Research

Effective Sovereign Credit Analysis

Question and Answer Session

George A. Ashur

Question: With all eyes current- In other cases, they can have great historical information about vari-
lyon Asia, are some other parts of economic improvement. Such a ous countries?
the world not receiving appropri- case is the convertibility program
ate scrutiny? in Argentina, in which one-on-one Ashur: Sources for current news
exchange of the new peso for the events range from English lan-
Ashur: Absolutely. Some of the dollar has meant a drop in inflation guage news services that various
emerging markets of central Eu- and which has been a terrific boon countries have placed on the
rope have problems brewing. to that economy. That program Internet to newsletters published
Moreover, even though the devel- permitted Argentina to grow at monthly, weekly, or even daily by
oped European economies are more than 8 percent in real terms in a number of political think tanks.
doing better than they were a few 1997 and brought the inflation rate
In terms of cultural and historical
years ago, implementation of the down from more than 1,000
insights, the best strategy is to read
European Monetary Union will percent to less than 2 percent.
voraciously the widely available
introduce a number of issues that
many of us have yet to focus on. Question: How have the events
library sources; it is important for
One challenge related to the new in Asia affected your assessment of us to be literate about the countries
currency, which is going to be the risks in Japan, especially with in which we invest.
introduced in less than a year, will respect to the Japanese banking In terms of actually under-
be what to do with the domestic sector? standing a country and its culture,
debt that exists. The domestic debt there is no substitute for visiting
of Belgium and of Italy, for Ashur: Unfortunately, the Asian the country. I am not talking about
example, is very large. What will crisis probably cannot be fully a typical road show with an invest-
such countries do without the solved until we know the true ment banker-staying at a luxury
ability to inflate their way out of nature of problems in Japan. hotel downtown, being wined and
debt problems as they have in the Equally unfortunately, really dined by the minister of finance,
past? Another question is how the knowing any Japanese sector is and shaking hands with the presi-
European central bank is going to extremely difficult. The Japanese dent. You will get much more use-
function. simply do not like to disclose ful information by dressing down,
I also think that we have penal- information. Whether for cultural, walking around, seeing what peo-
ized some regions because of the historical, or operational reasons, ple do for a living, seeing how they
fear that arose from the Asian prob- the disclosures that we get from interact on a daily basis, and going
lems. For instance, some of the Japanese institutions are the worst into local restaurants and shops.
Latin American countries have in the developed markets and have
The alert observer can pick up hun-
been unnecessarily penalized been for decades. Are large Japa-
dreds of useful insights into how
because of our fears about Asia. nese corporations and banks hid-
the people live, work, and play. It
ing things that we need, and
Question: How does a country's
is an intuitive process, as bottom
deserve, to know? We think they
decision to peg its currency to the are. How do we get that informa- up as it can get, but the kind of
U.S. dollar affect your credit tion? I don't know. How do we value you get from it can never be
analysis of that country? assess risks in Japan and the obtained from an office or a com-
outlook for the entire region puter. The global village is a shop-
Ashur: When a currency is without that information? Only worn paradigm, but we are
pegged to the dollar, the biggest tentatively at best. neighbors more than we ever have
benefit is a decrease in inflation. So, been before, and the best way to
in some cases, dollar pegs and Question: What sources do you know your neighbors is to open the
currency boards are not beneficial. rely on for political, eulturat and door and say hello.

©Association for Investment Management and Research 9

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