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New German Course Offering:

A Study of the
Human Animal
Through Literature
and Philosophy

What are we?

Philosophers have often posed the question, and literary
works have played with the idea for, well… ever. Join in
on a discussion of what we are as human animals with the
help of reading selections from German philosophy and
literature, including:
Goethe, Reineke Fuchs; Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes;
Tieck, Der Blonde Eckbert; Hoffmann, Der Sandmann;
Heine, Atta Troll; Kafka, Die Verwandlung; Freud,
Traumdeutung; Vogl, Politsche Zoologie and many more.
Discussion topics include: Science, Modern Life, War,
Revolution, and Dreams as they relate to the human
Readings and Class Discussion in German.
Taught by: Jeffrey Hertel

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