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Respected Doctor,

This is Dr.Chatterjee.I am writing to you with reference to Dr.Soumitra Chandra.He speaks very
highly of you.

One of my patients 55 yr old muslim male-- suffered from a bout of severe abdominal pain. USG and
CECT revealed SOL in rt adrenal gland (myelolipoma?)CECT also revealed hyperdense echoes in
distended gall bladder lumen ( USG -- Gall bladder -- NAD)

He needs CT guided FNAC from rt suprarenal gland for a tissue diagnosis and a MRCP for confirming

As is true of most of my patients he is financially weak.He however has a health card which is valid in
Desun Hospital.Can he be admitted in Desun under your care for the investigations?If the reports
warranty surgery it is up to you to carry them out at Desun.

Waiting for a favourable reply




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