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The University of Lahore, CS&IT Department

Software Engineering
Assignment # 3

Due Date: 25/04/2018 

1. Understanding of the problems is part of the assignments. So no query please.
2. You will get Zero marks if found any type of cheating.
3. 25 % deduction of over marks  on the one day late submission after due date 
4. 50 % deduction of over marks  on the two day late submission after due date 
5. No submission after two days.

Write down detailed requirement specification “in terms of use case description” of your
project in tabular form.

Use case description must include the following table for each use case:






Main Flow:



Here is an example of use case description for edit patient profile.

UC-05: Edit Patient Profile

Description Allows the user to edit the patient's profile.

Actors: Admin, Nurse, Physician

Pre-Conditions(s): 1. Admin/Nurse/Physician is logged in.

2. At least one patient profile exists.
Post-Condition(s): The patient's profile has been viewed.

Main Flow: 1. The user requests to edit a patient profile.

2. The system displays the profile edition form.
3. The user enters the information needed.
4. The system saves the new details.
Alternative(s): The system displays an error message if the data is not saved.

Dependency: Extends UC-02

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