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Rileigh Stetar

ENG 1020


11 February, 2018

Mountain Creek #1

As soon as we started walking to the survey site we all saw just how much trash one area

can accumulate. There was small trash scattered throughout the area that somewhat blended in

and larger items that stood out like a sore thumb. Before we did any surveying we wanted to

figuring out just how so much trash got there. We look around and saw Pizza Hut, Burger King,

Krystals, Aldi, a liquor store, and a gas station. This area seemed very populated and active so it

makes sense where all this trash was coming from.

The very first big thing I noticed was a shopping cart from Walmart. There wasn’t a

walmart right next to the river but there was one right up the street. This shows just how much

trash and items that don't belong near rivers can travel. There was what seemed like an endless

amount of big and small alcohol bottles and cans scattered everywhere around our survey site.

As soon as you walked up the hill away from Mountain Creek you see a liquor store so, sadly,

there is no surprise to where all the alcohol was coming from. One of the big things that stuck

out to me was a tent tucked back in the woods surrounded with trash. Due to our assumption

being that this was where someone was staying we decided not to head back there. However, we

did find an entire mattress buried under fallen trees, dirt, and leaves that I assume was from

either the person living in the tent or from people hanging out drinking by the river.
On our next survey I want our group to be more organized. We got everything we had to

do done but were confused at first as to what that was. Now that I know how to use the app,

survey, and communicate where the trash is I think it will be a much smoother process.

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