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Tobacco Cessation Amongst the Underserved

Danielle Klement, Kimberly Turgeon, Chrystal Armstead, Caroline Pinnix, Eva Formackova
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
Description of the Issue Analysis of the Issue Solution

Macro level: • Age

Smoking cessation champion for a peer-led support group.
According to the CDC, smoking tobacco is the leading cause of • Prevention efforts should focus on young adults ages 18-25 years old. Almost no
preventable death in the United States. There are currently one starts smoking after age 25, 9 out of 10 smokers started smoking by age 18. Hypothesis: Implementation of smoking cessation support groups led by a peer
millions of Americans who have at least one disease related to (Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.) who has successfully quit smoking at the Bon Secours Care-A-Van will create an
smoking. Bon Secours Virginia currently has a no nicotine policy • Peers overall 20% decrease in the number of cigarettes per day per person.
for its applicants. Smoking tobacco is a problem within the Bon • Youth identify with peers they see as social leaders and they imitate their behaviors. Evidence: People who have gone through the same thing and successfully quit
Secours Virginia population because it creates health problems They also want to fit in and tobacco marketing make smoking look appealing to this have a higher credibility than healthcare staff. This would make a peer mediated
for the individuals, leading to various negative effects on the population. (Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.) support group a highly cost-effective way to provide quitting assistance to people
community. • Environment who smoke in populations with high smoking prevalence. (Ford, Clifford, Gussy,
& Gartner, 2013).
• Youth who are exposed to smoking in movies/media they are more likely to smoke.
Micro level: (Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.)
Bon Secours Care-A-Van serves approximately 5,307 patients in • Current smokers still smoke for various reasons including relaxation, habit,
Richmond, Virginia. Out of those patients, 686 or 12.4% smoke addiction, weight, management, and stress relief. (Why do people smoke?, n.d.)
tobacco. Implementing a tobacco cessation intervention will • Resources
promote the following outcomes: • Space changes based on location of the Care-A-Van since it varies everyday.
• Decrease the number of the patients developing chronic
• Staffing would include a smoking cessation champion, healthcare professionals, and
diseases related to smoking such as lung cancer, COPD, and additional administrative personnel to collect and consolidate the data.
• Education and training for the champion and administrative personnel.
• Reduction in hospital visits and emergency room utilization
• Increase in health promotion activities to include individual • Creation of pre-, mid-, and post-questionnaires and a quality improvement survey
and environment health promoting healthy patient outcomes. •

Root Cause
Research shows that most smokers begin during their American Cancer Society. (2019). Why People Start Smoking and Why It’s Hard to Stop.
Retrieved from
teens due to being surrounded by peers/family members start-using-tobacco.html
and tobacco smoke through peer pressure, etc. Tobacco
marketing (TV, movies, social media) can play a big role. Department of Health and Human Services.(n.d.). Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and
Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General. Retrieved from
Youth/ young adults are vulnerable and impressionable at
this age and this might make them feel accepted among
their peers. Once they start smoking, addiction sets in Extinguishing the Tobacco Epidemic in Virginia | CDC. (n.d.). Retrieved from
and they continue to smoke due to stress and other
environmental factors (American Cancer Society, 2019). Ford, P., Clifford, A., Gussy, K., & Gartner, C. (2013). A Systematic Review of Peer-Support
Programs for Smoking Cessation in Disadvantaged Groups. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health. doi:10.3390

Why do people smoke? (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2019, from

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