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Treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

1. Discover the main cause of disease

This is the MAIN and most important principle of the treatment in TCM. In this search of the
root of the disease, we have to understand the nature of the existing unbalanced. Only the
treatment of the symptoms doesn’t resolve the problem but just temporary modify the patient
comfort. For a complete cure, we have to take action at all levels where the unbalance appeared.

2. Balance Yin and Yang

The state of equilibrium between Yin and Yang at all levels (essence, energy, blood, internal
organs, mind and unconscious and so on) have to be kept. When the disease appeared, the doctor
has to consider primary in diagnosis and in treatment the relation between Yin and Yang like the
first principle of thinking and orientation.

3. Strengthening the body in order to eliminate the pathogenic factors

At some level, the fight between Wei Qi (defensive energy) and pathogenic energies is the
decisive factor implied in disease installation. It is obvious that when the energy is on high level
and the attention is naturally orientated inside, disease cannot win.

4. The active involvement of the patient in the therapeutic act

We are part of our life. The real understanding of this truth will change the life of patients. In the
first period of our life, normally, all process from our body is in balance, which gave the wrong
idea that this state will be maintained all life. But at some time, the body becomes different from
our childhood body. The muscles and bones doesn’t recover fast after accidents, the breathing
become heavier, blood circulation isn’t so good, hormonal system become unbalanced and so on.
Beyond this exterior aspects, a wise man know that the transformation goes from interior to
exterior, from conscience level to energetically and material. When we realize this and applied in
day by day life, so call wanders appear. This is the moment when we active participate at our life.
This is the moment when patients realize that their behavior can transform sickness in health.

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