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Limitation of Research

This research is to study about university student perception on baby dumping issues.
First limitation is range of the boundaries and small range of respondent. This research was
conducted in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). It was conducted in main
campus in Parit Raja. The study not involved UTHM’s student in Pagoh because Pagoh quite
far from Parit Raja. There are random genders of students as respondents in all faculties in
main campus of UTHM which is Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (13
respondents), Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (8 respondents), Faculty of
Mechanical and Manufacturing (16 respondents), Faculty of Technology Management and
Business (27 respondents) and Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (6 respondents).
As the result of small range, the finding not too wide and not too comprehensive. Next, there
are lacks of previous research about baby dumping. It quite difficult to search previous research
as references for this research. Besides that, related to time. A relatively limited of time due to
not easily find for respondents on different faculty and also some of student not interested to
answer the questionnaire. Last but not least, lack of manpower to spreading the questionnaire.
Lack of members of contact in other faculty causes difficulties to distribute the questionnaire
and difficult to find respondents to answer questionnaire as well and serious.

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