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Classroom rules fae® Usten to the teacher. aes are talking. others always tell the truth. i Don't thew things in class. ‘One person tates Don’t drep rubbish onthe floor. Don't draw on the tables or walls 1 ‘Work quietly: Do nat. disturts others who are working, Raise yourhand and wait Always work hard and do tobe called on. your best. Always have homework and supplies. Keep hands, feet and ‘bjectsto yourrel. Keep your work neat and organized. LEARN mie al ante THINS > As QUESTIONS W BELIEVE IN birIM HARD YOURSELF BIG © Q TAKE RISKS .\-y. AND MAKE- ~ CELEBRATE T YOUR SUCCESS MISTAKES! ©“'> AND BE PROUD! = => RESPECT EACH OTHER & OUR CHOOL ne er =-o7 os os 7 I OTHER MADE WITH @ BY WWW.DOODLE.AE BE READY TO LEARN i ASK QUESTIONS WY ware SABELIEVE IN be IN nifin leila ete ti HA RD YOURSELF/ ~ BI GQ rT RISKS . AN eS - CELEBRATE MISTAKES!“ ~ YOUR SUCCESS AND BE PROUD! & > RESPECT EACH OTHER & OUR SCHOOL oS og MADE WITH ® BY WWW.DOODLE.At

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