First Fun College Experience

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Have you ever moved schools while you were in high school?

If you have you know how

scary it can be moving somewhere away from all, of your classmates, friends, and family. Going
to college feels like that. Everything is new, you know very few people if any at all, and you live
all on your own. You don’t have you, parents, there when you need them or friends, you know
your whole life to pick you up when you have a bad day or just feeling sad. College is a different
atmosphere from being at home where you know everyone, and everyone knows you. Moving
somewhere new is like starting over from fresh. You have to figure out how to go out and meet
people and do things that make you happy. For me, my first fun college experience was going to
a Casey Donahew live concert at the Tumbleweed. Going to this concert was one of the best
times and experiences of my life.
It is hard sometimes to get out of your comfort zone when you don’t know a lot of
people. I was very excited but also very nervous when I decided to buy tickets to go. I am so
glad that I did now. It was an experience of a lifetime. Not only did I get to see a guy I have
listened to and loved for many years but, I also got to meet new people. It’s not always easy
getting to know people and finding people to be around that you like. Getting out of my dorm
and going to the tumbleweed did that for me. I went with a few friends that I met the first week
I was in Stillwater so that I wouldn’t be going in all alone. The concert started at 9:30 and the
doors opened at 8:00. We arrived at the Tumbleweed about 30 minutes before the doors
opened thinking there would be so many people already there that we wouldn’t have a place to
park. When we first went in I’m not going to lie I was ready to leave. I was scared and already
tired of being around so many people that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I am glad I didn’t leave.
It was almost 10:30 before Casey started to play. At that time, I had met a lot of people and
began to enjoy myself. The lights went dark and all the sudden my adrenaline went crazy.
Getting to be so close to a singer that you grew up listening to is something amazing.
When he first came out, it felt like being on a rollercoaster all the screaming and people
jumping up and down. Being there and being that close was like cheering in the football
playoffs my senior year. You tune everything but him out and enjoy his music. There were all
different ages of people there. You had to be 18 to get in but, there were people there that
were at least 70 years old enjoying it just as much as the younger kids were. It doesn’t matter
how old you are; you can still go out and have some fun on a Friday night. For a college student,
you might be going to get away from homework and the stress of school for a night. Going to
parties hasn’t ever been a big fan of mine and most things in Stillwater you have to be 21 to get
into. Having somewhere to go out and enjoy myself was huge for me. I wasn’t worried about
what had to be turned in on Monday or all the tests I needed to study for. For older people,
they enjoy going and listening to good music and getting to have a drink with some old friends. I
guarantee you if you go you wouldn’t be disappointed no matter how old you are.
I come from a small town where there wasn’t much to do on Friday and Saturday nights
beside drive in circles. Normally there was no one in town. Our hangout spot was either in the
parking lot of my store, the EZ Mart, and the car wash. The good thing about living in a small
town is that it was hard for us to get into trouble. We would sit in the parking lots and listen to
music and dance. We learned all kinds of ways to two-step and anything we could learn to
dance to country music, we would learn. Going to the concert reminded me a lot of my
hometown. I learned new dances and enjoyed getting to hang out with new people. We danced
the night away until I was too tired to even stand up any longer. Everyone I met was super
polite and wanted to know more about you and make a connection. I made friendships that
one night that will no doubt last forever.
Every fun thing always has a few things that might be a setback. There are some people
that don’t like to be around individuals when they’re drinking. For me, I enjoy watching the
right people. The people that I am around do know when enough is enough and when to stop.
Some people just don’t know when enough is enough. I was astonished it wasn’t bad at the
concert. Usually country concerts people get drunk and go a little crazy, not here. Everyone was
pretty considerate of the people there. When you’re under 18, they put a big X on your hand so
you can’t buy alcohol and give people 21 and over a wristband so that it is easier for the bar to
sell drinks. Even if you didn’t have a wristband if you knew people, it was easy to get drinks and
them not catch you. There was a girl that didn’t look 21 that was drinking way too much. This
girl had a big X on her hand, but she was still drinking uncontrollably. She got to the point she
was so drunk that she almost passed out. They put an X on her forehead, and I would’ve hated
to be her the next morning trying to get that off. It is easy to go out and have fun even if you
aren’t 21 and can’t buy alcohol. You find ways to still enjoy yourself and have a good time with
no alcohol involved.
Besides getting to meet new people, dancing, and getting out of my dorm I got to
experience the thrill of a lifetime. I have always been a huge Casey Donahew fan. Music is one
way I just get to block out the world. Music is my go to when I have a bad day or just need to
get something off my mind. I love all kinds of music, but country is by far my favorite to listen
to. It’s like there is a song for everything. It speaks to your mind. Driving around by myself and
blaring music in my car has always made me happy. Having somewhere to listen, meet people,
and dance was like heaven to me. When he played “Fallen”, I wanted to cry I was so happy.
Listening over headphones or through a car is good, and all but hearing it in person is another
feeling. I felt like I was at the top of the world.
Even if you don’t like country music, I would recommend going and having the
experience of the thrill you feel. Going to a concert at the Tumbleweed here in Stillwater or a
concert anywhere can make it where you can have some fun and enjoy the music. Especially if
you have never gone to a concert. It is something you can tell your kids when you get older, and
they start going to concerts. Even though by then they will think the concerts we went to were
dumb. I have told everyone that I have met up here that it is an amazing experience and
everyone should do it. Especially if you’re a freshman. Step out of your comfort zone. Go new
places even when you might be afraid to. Meet new people and go out with them when you
can. The memories I made that night will last forever. The real question is who wouldn’t want
to go out with friends, stay out until late hours of the night, and enjoy one of your favorite
bands, and just scream the lyrics of the music. It doesn’t even matter at that point if you’re a
good singer or not. No one hears you, and it’s just a blast. Sing your heart out and enjoy every
single second of it. College is supposed to be one of the best times of your life. It won’t be if you
don’t make the best of it and get out. I am super glad all of my friends pushed and encouraged
me to go, without them I would’ve probably missed out on one of the coolest things I’ve done
in college so far. I will never forget going. If you decide to go, you won't regret it.

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