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if I had only 24 hours of life.

Maybe I would try to talk with family, but it would be a very strong news.
I would try to do this first.
I would do it to enjoy without remorse and with my family

If I had only 24 hours to live I would get in touch with my friends and my loved ones to enjoy this day
to the fullest.
Then I would like to request a credit from the bank.
Then I would spend the money on things that I always liked. Some luxuries are no more if you only
have 24 hours of life.
I would like to buy an iphone I never had one, I would also like to buy a bmx bike and many other
things. when i was a child I always wanted to have a bmx bike.
if I had only 24 hours of life.
I would like to buy a ticket to a nearby place where I practice outdoor sports.
I would like to practice bungee jumping and parachute jumping.
These are some things that I would not do in a normal situation.
I think I would lack many things to do.
to finish I would buy many beers to wait for the end of the day.
I honestly donot have the courage to wait for the end of the day being sober.

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