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Antonio A.

MAceda Integrated School

ARTS Grade 8
1. How theatrical elements (sound, music, gesture, movement, and costume) affect the
creation and communication of meaning in Asian Festivals and Theatrical Forms as
influenced by history and culture
2. Theater and performance as a synthesis of arts and a significant expression of the
celebration of life in various Asian communities

1. Create appropriate festival attire with accessories based on authentic festival costumes
2. Create/improvise appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, and costume for a
chosen theatrical composition
3. Take part in a chosen festival or in a performance in a theatrical play


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Understand Wayang Kulit through art activities
2. Create a shadow puppet
3. Show interest in art activities


Subject Matter:
Topic: Festivals and Theater arts of China, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand
Sub-topic: Wayang Kulit
Reference: Music and Arts Learner’s module; pp. 359-360
Materials: visual aids, projector, laptop

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Routine Activities:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance

2. Review Game: Crossword

The students will answer the crossword base on the previous topic in arts (Peking
1. A Chinese traditional theatre art form which combines singing, dancing,
acting, pantomime.
2. A male clown role
3. Refers to any female role in Peking Opera
4. Chinese costumes in Peking Opera
5. A martial woman
6. Second performance elements in Peking Opera
7. A painted face male role
8. Handsome young male role specializing in song and recitation
9. The performance element that includes both acrobatics and fighting with all
manner of weaponry in Peking Opera.
10. An old woman character.

3. Motivation: Different pictures of puppet

Glove/Hand puppet Rod puppet

Finger puppet Shadow puppet

Ventriloquist’s puppet Marionette

The teacher will show a picture of different puppets. After that ask the students of the
following questions:
1. Are you familiar of the puppets?
2. Have you experience play a puppet?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Lesson Proper
Video Presentation about Wayang Kulit

1. What can you say about the puppets in the video presentation?
2. What do you feel while watching the video?

1. If you are going to create a puppet what kind of puppet would it be?
2. In the Philippines what kind of character you can use in making a


The teacher will divide the class into 2 groups. Given a previous task of a simple
story line, ask to make a puppet and present the work in class.

Category 4 3 2 1
Puppet Puppets were Puppets were Puppets were Puppets were not
Construction original, creative, and original, and constructed fairly constructed well.
constructed well. No constructed well. well. No pieces Pieces fell off
pieces skill off during No pieces skill off skill off during the during the
the performance during the performance performance
Playwriting Play was creative Play was creative Play had several Play needed
and really held the and usually held creative elements, creative elements
audience’s interest the audience’s but often did not
interest gold the
Puppet Puppeteers always Puppeteers Puppeteers Puppeteers rarely
manipulation manipulated puppets usually sometimes manipulated
so audience could manipulated manipulated puppets so
see them puppets so puppets so audience could
audience could audience could see them
see them see them
Expression Puppeteers voices Puppeteers Puppeteers voices Puppeteers voices
showed a lot voices showed showed a little were monopone
expression and some expression expression and and not expressive
emotion and emotion emotion
Voice Voices of puppeteers Voices of Voices of Voices of
projection were always audible puppeteers were puppeteers were puppeteers were
to people sitting in usually audible to sometimes audible rarely audible to
the back row people sitting in to people sitting in people sitting in
the back row the back row the back row

Give the similarities and differences between Kabuki Play, Peking Opera, and Wayang Kulit.

Arjel Magallanes
Mapeh Gr8 teacher

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