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1. Sanitize hands
2. Orientation
a. Person – Full name
b. Place – Where are we now?
c. Time - What is todays date?
d. Situation – what are we doing?
3. CN II-XII Exam
a. CN II –
i. Peripheral vision test
b. CN III, IV & VI
i. Cardinal signs of gaze
c. CN V & VII
i. face sensory, frown, raise your eyebrows, smile with teeth, puff your cheeks, blink and don’t
let open, wiggle tongue
i. Whisper test (ask pt to cover one ear then other)
e. CN IX - X
i. Open mouth and say ah – look for soft palate to rise and uvula to be midline
ii. Patient can speak and phonate normally
iii. No hoarseness of voice
f. XI
i. Shrug against resistance
g. XII
i. Force tongue against resistance
4. Pain with pin prick
a. Each hand
b. Upper arms
c. Shin
d. Big toes
5. DTR
a. Triceps
b. Achilles
6. Rapid alternating movements
7. Babinski sign
8. Romberg

1. Sanitize hands
2. Inspect the eye
a. Are any of the eyelids drooping?
b. Any lesions or abnormalities with the orbit?
c. Are both eyes looking straight?
d. Any lesions or discoloration of the sclera
e. Palpebral conjunctiva – ask pt to look up and pull lower eye lids down
f. Make sure the pupils are not abnormally dilated or constricted, are they symmetrical?
3. Snellen chart
a. Hold 14 inches away at eye level
b. Close one eye
c. Read smallest letters possible
d. Other eye
e. Read smallest letters possible
f. Repeat with Both eyes open
g. Vision measurement is number next to it
4. Peripheral vision – finger wiggle test
5. EOM test – H test
6. Pupillary constriction and Accomodation
7. Fundoscopic exam
8. Cover uncover for strabisumus

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