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Lotus flower

Lotus is a flower that has many philosphical side. Lotus is a plant that life in water or in
river but we can see this flower in the land because this flower only absorbs water and the
nutrition from the root in the water, but lotus taking the air in the land. Lotus flower in tiongkok,
symbolism of quan im god vehicle that always accompany her. Lotus flower has a scientific
name nelumbo nucifera gaertnis a spesies year water plant from nelumbo genus come from india.
About the characteristic from lotus, this flower stalk that has an box shape that empty in the
center to ways of air. The leafes in a side of the water, out from the stem or stalk that from
rhizome that in mud in the bottom of pond, river and swamp. The high or height from this flower
is the least one metres until one of half meters. The leafes growing in the top, high in side of the

The leafes shapes is full round of with out piece, and has a wave in the side of the leafles,
with tendon in center of the leafes. The leafes diameter in 60 cm. the leafes contains wax layer,
so water is down in the leafes shaping the water granule or grain. The flower has a diameter
20centimetres. Has a colour of flower is white, yellow, or pink. Out from stalk or stem that
strong standing in the top of the side of the water.
The lotus flower blooming in the july until august. the cultivar lotus has a shape and
colour different. Lotus is also symbolism of india country. Lotus flower beautiful if a people see
it, because of this used as a decoration flower in a pond in the parks. The rizome of the lotus is
delicious and can to eating it. And many used in Japanese foods, mandarin and india foods. The
seed of lotus flower rich of flour that can eat and processing into foods. The seeds that boiled,
and make its of and mixed with sugar can used to fill kue bulan. The lotus leafes is wide, so can
used to be warp of food before plastic used in citizen. Lotus flower full of symbolism in the
many country and has a many function in the citizen lifes. So, that is about lotus, Thankyou.

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