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Warm up

 30 seconds jogging in place

 30 seconds knee tugs
 30 seconds squat-press-calf raise
 30 seconds elbows in/out
 30 seconds jumping jacks (Eyyyy, jax. I see that little winky face there, tryin'a fool us).
 30 seconds torso twists w/ knee up
 30 seconds hip rotations
 30 seconds shoulder circles
 30 seconds roto....tations?
 30 seconds boxer shuffle / nice glaze
 30 seconds goku stretches!!

Killua- FULL WORKOUT ROUTINE! (Perform strength training 3 days a week and Cardio 2-3 days a week)

 5 sets of pushups continually following each other

 10 basic to
 10 diamond to
 10 fingertip to
 10 Wide to
 10 Pike or Handstand
 Rest 30-60 seconds then perform again or superset with next exercise
 Pulse Rock Squats 5 sets of 1 minute of pulses
 Barbell Curls 4 sets 8-12 reps supersetted with
 Burpees 4 sets of 20
 Weighted Plank 4 sets of 1 minute
 Godspeed Interval Training
 Jog 5 minutes (warmup)
 Run 2 minutes
 then Sprint 15 seconds
 Alternating your pace so you can keep going for 20 minutes


 Jump Squats: 4 sets of 15 reps
 Lunges: 4 sets of 10 reps each leg
 BodySquats: 2 sets of as many as you can in 1 minute
 Bench Press supersetted w/ Rows: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6
 Military Press: 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6
 Front Raises: 3 sets of 20 reps
 Griffith Killers (Left, Right, Overhead) 100 each
 12 Curls supersetted with 20 Reverse Curls 4 sets
 Rest 90 seconds between sets and when switching non supersetted exercises

Yujiro Hanma Ogre Back Training:

 So in Summary for the Yujiro Hanma Demon Back Workout
 Warmup 5- 10 minutes
 Demonic Deadlifts: 6 sets of 15, 15, 12, 10, 10, 8, 8
 Slow Pullups/Weighted Pullups: 5 sets 12-15
 Supersetted with Yujirows 4 sets of 25 reps.
 Ogre Grip Pullups 4 sets of 15 reps
 Supersetted with Face Pulls 4 sets of 15 reps
 Band Pull aparts 2 sets of 20-30 reps
 Stretch
 Rest 90 seconds between sets and when switching non supersetted exercises
MARIE KONDO on Tidying Up

1. Commit yourself to tidying up.

2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.
3. Finish discarding first.
4. Tidy by category, not by location.
5. Follow the right order
(clothes, books, paper, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items).
6. Ask yourself, "Does it spark joy?"

Diet – Interminnent Fasting

Keto-Friendly Foods to Eat
When following a ketogenic diet, meals and snacks should center around the following foods:

 Eggs: Pastured, organic whole eggs make the best choice.

 Poultry: Chicken and turkey.
 Fatty fish: Wild-caught salmon, herring and mackerel.
 Meat: Grass-fed beef, venison, pork, organ meats and bison.
 Full-fat dairy: Yogurt, butter and cream.
 Full- fat cheese: Cheddar, mozzarella, brie, goat cheese and cream cheese.
 Nuts and seeds: Macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and flaxseeds.
 Nut butter: Natural peanut, almond and cashew butters.
 Healthy fats: Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut butter and sesame oil.
 Avocados: Whole avocados can be added to almost any meal or snack.
 Non-starchy vegetables: Greens, broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers.
 Condiments: Salt, pepper, vinegar, lemon juice, fresh herbs and spices.
Keto-friendly beverage choices include:

 Water: Water is the best choice for hydration and should be consumed throughout the day.
 Sparkling water: Sparkling water can make an excellent soda replacement.
 Unsweetened coffee: Try heavy cream to add flavor to your cup of joe.
 Unsweetened green tea: Green tea is delicious and provides many health benefits.

Foods to Avoid
Avoid foods rich in carbs while following a keto diet. The following foods should be restricted:

 Bread and baked goods: White bread, whole-wheat bread, crackers, cookies, doughnuts and rolls.
 Sweets and sugary foods: Sugar, ice cream, candy, maple syrup, agave syrup and coconut sugar.
 Sweetened beverages: Soda, juice, sweetened teas and sports drinks.
 Pasta: Spaghetti and noodles.
 Grains and grain products: Wheat, rice, oats, breakfast cereals and tortillas.
 Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, corn, peas and pumpkin.
 Beans and legumes: Black beans, chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans.
 Fruit: Citrus, grapes, bananas and pineapple.
 High-carb sauces: Barbecue sauce, sugary salad dressings and dipping sauces.
 Certain alcoholic beverages: Beer and sugary mixed drinks.
 Unhealthy fats: Margarine, shortening and vegetable oils such as canola and corn oil.
 Processed foods: Fast food, packaged foods and processed meats such as hot dogs and lunch meats.
 Diet foods: Foods that contain artificial colors, preservatives and sweeteners such as sugar alcohols and


1. Studying accounting is not like reading a novel or even like

a. Each assignment in accounting BUILDS on previous assignments. If you do half-hearted work in Chapter 1 and
2, you may be confused by Chapter 3 and lost by Chapter 4.

b. Accounting books are condensed. Almost every sentence is important. Scan reading just does not work!

2. Read to understand "WHY."

a. This is a technical subject, it is logical, and it requires reasoning.

b. Strive to be able to say, "I understand why they do that." If you can understand "WHY" in accounting, there is
very little to memorize.

c. Try to explain every new topic in your own words. Putting the new ideas into your own words is better that
reciting the words of the text a hundred times.

3. Work problems to understand "HOW."

a. Even though you understand "why they do that" in accounting, you must be able to do it yourself. This is a
do-it-yourself course.

b. To be sure that you understand "how" as well as "why," work the problems that are shown with the reading
material. Don't copy the book. Try your own skill and then check your answers.

4. Remember "why"and "how.

a. Go back to previous chapters and notes to refresh your memory. Rework problems that were difficult for you.
Try to work extra problems that are similar to the assigned homework.

b. Never wait until examination time to review your accounting.

The REVIEW-AS-YOU-GO plan produces better results, doesn’t take as long, and saves all that last minute worry and
sacrifice of other courses. The forgetting curve is the mirror image of the learning curve. You forget as fast as you learn
It is a scientific fact that information that has been forgotten requires that it be relearned, requiring the same time it
took to learn it the first time.

5. If there is something you do not understand, prepare specific questions to ask your instructor. Some students keep
a notebook of points with which they have questions. PIN-POINT THE ITEMS THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Don't
make vague comments to your instructor such as "I don't understand any of this material." Such statements are a
strong indication to the instructor that you have made no attempt to try to understand, and will receive very little
sympathy or help.


1. READ THE PROBLEM! Read the instructions and scan theproblem to see what is ahead.

2. Work the problems without "PAGE FLIPPING" back to the chapter.

a. When in doubt, look back at the chapter -- but NOT until you have tried to do the problem on your won. This
indicates that you do not remember the chapter material. You are not prepared for an examination.

b. The "PAGE-PLIPPING" method is guaranteed to waste a maximum of your time and to produce a minimum of
3. Keep up with the class! IT IS EASIER TO KEEP UP THAN TO CATCH UP!!
A. Check your problem against the solution presented in class.
B. Be sure that you understand the correct solution

4. Note the part of the problem with which you have difficulty and ask questions during the classroom session.
1. Classes are never interesting unless you TAKE PART.

2. ALWAYS BE PREPARED before you go to class.

3. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS. If you have a question, at least ten other students probably have the same
question but are afraid to ask because it might sound like a dumb question.

4. Students who make FAILING GRADES also fail to attend classes, fail to pay attention during class, fail to have their
homework, and fail to ask the instructor for help until it is too late. And when they do ask, it isn't for help. They go to
the instructor to offer poor excuses for poor performance which the instructor has heard from other students over
the years. Remember, when you start your career after graduation, excuses won't be a substitute for poor
performance; nor will it earn you a grade in this course.


1. Be specific in your study; concentrate on the things which seem to be most important.

a. Note items that the instructor emphasizes in class.

b. Note homework problems that are assigned.

2. Do not stop with just "getting the idea." Be sure that you can work problems without the
aid of the book. Practice by teaching the material to someone else. Study groups of two or
three students work well for this purpose.

3. Every exam has an element of speed. Have your "how’s" and "whys" at your fingertips. If
you are slow, you probably need to study more.

4. The questions on exams approach the material from a slightly different angle to test your
ability to REASON AND UNDERSTAND rather than your ability to memorize.

5. When taking exams, many points are lost and questions missed because the student does
not READ THE PROBLEM. This is especially true with multiple choice questions. Read what
the question is really asking, not what you think or want it to ask. AVOID CARELESS ERRORS.
On each exam, assume that you have made several careless errors and allow enough time at
the end of the exam to look for them.

6. An excellent strategy to use when taking an exam is to quickly look through the entire
exam and answer all of the questions that are easy for you. Those are "sure" points and
help to relieve the pressure when you go back to work on the more difficult and time-
consuming problems.

7. The greatest weakness in a student's ability to take an exam is to keep up a good STEADY
PACE without the clock causing the student to panic. Remember, when you panic by
constantly thinking about the time factor, the mind closes up on you and that ends any
chance you have to do well. It is better to concentrate on answering only 80% of the
questions and getting them all correct than to answer all of the question and missing half of
them. Of course it is best to answer all of the questions and get them all correct, which is
only possible if you concentrate, keep your composure, and maintain a steady pace.
The Face
According to Mt. Sinai dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner, wash your face twice-a-day — once in the morning
and once at night. Men have a larger number of oil glands on the face and also oil glands that are larger in size
compared to those in women, so the sweat and dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin can
block pores and lead to a dull complexion or a greasy face. “If you were to miss one of those [morning or
night], I think it’s more important to wash your face in the evening because you’ll want to get rid of the dirt,
the oil, the sweat from the day before you go to sleep,” Zeichner says. For men with more oily skin, look for a
foaming cleanser that contains salicylic acid. For dry to normal skin, a hydrating cleanser that contains glycolic
acid will work well.

“Oil content in the skin is a separate issue from water content and hydration,” Zeichner add. “So you actually
can have oily skin yet your skin can be lacking hydration.” Use moisturizers on an as-needed basis if skin
becomes dry, flaky, or itchy. But not everyone needs moisturizers. They’re primers that improve hydration and
skin barrier function, and also prevent irritation from other products, like acne medication.

Shaving is an interaction between the razor, the hair, and the skin, so it’s important to make sure your face is
well-hydrated and soft. Shave after a warm shower with the proper tools. “You may want to think about
investing in a good shaving tool,” Zeichner says. “There are huge peaks and valleys in the surface of your skin.
It’s not like shaving a piece of paper so you need to adjust to those contours.”

Using aftershave will help keep the skin smooth and reduce irritation. Unlike classic aftershaves designed as
antiseptics to prevent infection after cutting, aftershaves today are used as hydrating balms and no longer
contain alcohol that burns the skin.

A small amount of trimming of nose hair and eyebrows will keep the face looking clean and groomed. Use a
small pair of scissors to trim visible nose hairs in the mirror with your head slightly tilted back. It doesn’t take
much to mess up or misshape the eyebrows when trimming with a tweezer — less is more.

Pull hairs quickly and as close to the root as possible can help reduce pain. Avoid using a razor when tending to
unibrow prevention, as the skin can become irritated. Ask your barber or hair dresser about the best way to
shape your eyebrows with the structure of your face and haircut. Once he or she shows you, you can easily
maintain that shape at home with a couple of quick tweezes each month.

The Body
Dove moisturizing body soap opens a New Window for men with normal skin.
Men with oily skin could use products with salicylic acid
Men who tend to break out, a body wash containing benzoyl peroxide, like products made by Acne Free.
Benzoyl peroxide is an ingredient that kills the acne causing bacteria and can prevent the development of

Similar to the face, if your skin is dry or itchy, use a moisturizer. Just because you have skin doesn’t mean you
have to be applying moisturizer to it. “Whether it’s your face or your body, you have to figure out if you’re
oily, dry, acne prone, or normal,”

The same rules apply for the rest of your body when it comes to moisturizing and shaving.
Use moisturizer as needed to keep skin hydrated and feeling smooth.
Shaving in the shower is better for the skin and applying aftershave will reduce irritation and razor burn.

If you tend to sweat a lot, he recommends using a clinical strength antiperspirant. No, antiperspirant is not the
same as deodorant. Deodorant is a product that masks or prevents odor. An antiperspirant is a product the
decreases the amount of sweat that reaches the skin. Often times, the antiperspirants are also deodorants.
Since your body naturally has less sweat at night, applying antiperspirant in the evening will form a more
effective plug in the sweat gland.
The Feet

Trim your toenails straight across with a toenail clipper or manicure scissors and then file them down to
desired length if necessary. Cutting toenails too short could result in pain or infection. Apply baby powder or
talcum powder in the morning to keep feet dry throughout the day. Particularly pungent feet are often a
result of bacteria or fungus. Zeichner recommends applying an over-the-counter antifungal cream like
Lotrimin to the soles of the feet, and in between the toes. “If you have really sweaty feet, you need to do what
you need to do to keep your feet dry,” he says. “Bring an extra pair of socks to work and change your
socks…and try to stay away from tight leather shoes.”

The Hair

First and foremost, great hair starts with a great haircut. “Don’t be afraid to spend a little money,” says
celebrity hairstylist Allen Edwards. “A lot of men are really cheap, but the haircut can make a huge difference
in their work environment and how people relate to them.” Keep it short. Edwards says that the groomed look
is in and that keeping your hair short not only minimizes maintenance, but it looks better.

Edwards suggests using shampoo when you shower and conditioner only a few times a week. Conditioner is
heavy. It can weigh down the hair and make it too soft. Always start with just a dime-size amount of any hair
product that works with your hair type. Pomades, gels, oils, and styling creams will help style hair to keep that
groomed look throughout the day. Pomade keeps hair flat and controls curls. Gel gives hair a little bit of
hardness and brings out the wave. Creams are not as hardening as gels, but still keep hair in place. Oil will
keep hair silky, hydrated, and smooth. Edwards recommends Davines all natural shampoos and conditioners
Opens a New Window. and American Crew styling products Opens a New Window. for men, and using a vent
brush when hair is wet will allow it to dry with texture.

The Teeth

Good, thorough brushing for the cleaning of the teeth, gums, and tongue is important for the health of the
mouth. If you’ve ever been to the dentist, none of this is news. Host response, or how your body reacts to
bacteria, is always a factor in dental hygiene but here are the basic guidelines that dentists recommend:

Brushing twice a day for two minutes (30 seconds in each quadrant of the mouth) will ensure your mouth is
staying clean. Touch every side of every tooth in the mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Hard-bristled
toothbrushes have more potential to damage the gum tissues and teeth. “They are great to clean the grout in
your bathtub, but not so good for teeth,” Dentist Matt Messina says. Generally speaking, replace your
toothbrush every three months, or when bristles start to become worn.

Flossing once a day is plenty. If you floss regularly, it should only take about two minutes to go through the
mouth. Unless recommended by your dentist, mouthwash is not a necessary part of daily dental care. Rinsing
with water gets the job done.

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