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Giant Pandas are the largest Pandas in the world. They mainly live in China and they
are known for their distinctive black and white fur.

They normally live in high mountainous or isolated regions where they can find food.
Their diet mainly consists of bamboo sticks. Interestingly, giants pandas have an extra
bone in their hand to be able to grip the bamboo when they are eating it.

They have to spend a lot of time eating their vegetarian diet because the weight of an
average adult panda is between 75 to 160 kilos. Surprisingly, they are good at climbing
trees, and they will sometimes eat fruits and leaves when they can’t find bamboo.

Nowadays, many giant pandas live in captivity in places such as zoos or animal centres.
This is because they are an endangered species. 20 years ago, they were hunted for
their fur by international hunters. Nowadays, the situation has improved for pandas,
and some pandas can now live for up to 30 years in the wild.

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