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The largest group of reptiles is the lizard family, with about 3400 species. The huge
Komododragon is the largest, and tiny geckos are the smallest. Some are less than 2 cm long.

Only 3 lizards have a poisonous bite: the Gila monster, the Mexican beaded lizard and the
Komodo dragon. Lizards live in almost every habitat except the open sea and the far north. The
Tegu lizard is found in tropical areas of South America. It feeds mostly on young birds and
mammals, and also sometimes other lizards.

The extraordinary-looking thorny devil is protected from nose to tail with spines. Thorny lizards
live in dry parts of Australia, where they search for ants. Galapagos marine iguanas, however,
are aquatic, and it’s not strange to see them sunbathing on the rocks after a dive.

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