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Jenna Foster


Dr. Beurtheret

History 1510

Changes and Evolutions in the Modern World History

The changes and evolutions modern world history has gone through. Changes is defined

as to make or become different. Evolution means the process by which different kinds of living

organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of

the earth. Modern is defined by relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote

past. World history is a field of historical study that emerged as a distinct academic field in the

1980s. It examines history from a global perspective and looks for common patterns that

emerges across all cultures. There has been many changes and evolutions that take place in

modern world history. Some classes stay up to date while others look back at what happened that

influenced who we are today. This topic may have been introduced because it gives students a

chance to reflect on what we learned and why. First, I am going to talk about how history has

evolved throughout time. Second, I am going to highlight the changes made in modern world

history. Lastly, I will go into what modern world history is now and what events they find

important to talk about.

Humans and history have come a long way in the world and we are still evolving to this

day. We have evolved in the way we look, act, rituals, religions, cultures, and technology. When

it comes to world history that has evolved in the way we separate the classes out and what we

teach in them. For example, I am in history 1510 so we learn about everything that happened

after the year 1510. There is so much in history to cover so it is almost impossible to learn about

everything in a semesters time.

They have to split it up this way to get the key points of history all around the world. If

we just focused on a certain area and time period that would be possible. There is a problem that

is imposed here though. You are only getting one side of the story, so you aren’t getting the real

reason why or how that certain history happened. What is taught in history now is different than

how it was taught back in the days. Let’s take a look at how it was taught before the 2000s.

Back then they didn’t have much technology to help teach history. They had chalk boards

and books to give examples and pictures of what life was like back then. Now we have the

media, and data to help back up the teachers knowledge. This can lead to knowledgeable

discussions and arguments in class. Digital games are also now available to help with reviews,

for example, Kahoot. This is a game that you sign into with a game code and the teacher has a

list of questions that you have to answer as quick as possible. The person who gets it right the
fastest gets the most points. There is also other, new, teaching methods that encourage advanced

learning. They have changed what to talk about in History as time goes on.

History is now split up by time period. Back then they didn’t have a whole lot to talk

about so they just talked about it all. Now, we have to split it up by time periods and talk about

things like the most important wars such as World War I and World War II. We also talk about

the shift is world powers, great depressions, and the roaring twenties. There were other

significant acts such as the change is music like jazz, and when women starting gaining rights

like being able to work white collar jobs. We make sure to touch on every area around the world

to get the full story and why some wars lasted so long when they could’ve been shorter. History

will continue to be broken up as new key events happen throughout time.

In conclusion, history has evolved and changed throughout the many years of teachers

teaching it. Teachers have to talk about the evolving world and changes the world has

experience. Teachers have an advantage to teaching in the modern world with having access to

advanced technology, and digital games. Teachers have learned to split up history classes by
time periods so they can make sure they touch on every important key event that happened with

in that time period. I think the way modern world history is taught now is well organized. I am

able to be taught about everything that has happened not just in the United States but all around

the world such as Europe, Asia, and South America. World History will continue to evolve and

change as time goes on.

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