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This is one instance where the answer lies in the name, if you just take a second
to think about each word. Both technologies require that you look through a
device to alter what you are seeing in front of you … just at different levels of
intensity. Augmented Reality content keeps you in the world you currently see
around you (for example, a car dealership showroom), but when you look
through a device at certain “markers” around the room you will see some fun
surprises pop up. One minute you’re looking at a car right in front of you
(which you can reach out and touch), but then someone hands you a
smartphone to look through and all of a sudden a dragon is bursting out from
the window. Seriously, this could happen.

On the contrast, Virtual Reality takes you completely out of your current
surroundings to visit a different setting where you can interact with and walk
around your new environment. VR requires that you look through a special
headset that puts the specially made 3D video content all around you – no
matter where you walk or turn. Once the headset is on, you could find yourself
floating through space or taking a tour of The White House.

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