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Analyzing Data Assignment: Step 5

1. How well is the class doing as a whole group? Provide two statements.

As a whole group, the class is not doing very well. In fact, the average score was

67% and the mode was 53%. They do better overall on addition questions than they do on

subtraction and division questions. Division is their worst subject averaging out at 59%.

2. Which individuals are doing well and in what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Juan needs the least attention based on his perfect scores. Juan, Jack, and Cody

are doing great all across the board regardless of topic. Hugh, Holly, and Jamal are doing

great in addition and subtraction. Patrick, Sarah, Kiara, and Molly do well in addition.

Bianca, Hannah, and Carly do well in subtraction.

3. Who may need extra support and on what topics? Describe at least 3 students

Patrick, Sarah, Kiara, and Molly need help in subtraction and division. Hugh,

Holly, and Jamal could use extra help in division. Bianca, Hannah, and Carly need help

with addition and division. Nathan, Claire, and Luke could use some extra help all across

the board, regardless of subject. Luke needs a little extra attention for sure since he

earned the lowest average on all topics.

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