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Abril 04 2019.

Bogotá, Colombia.

Mrs. Ximena Sanint and team.

Bamboo Capital Partners.

RE: Application for one-year internship position.

Dear Mrs. Ximena and Bamboo team.

My name is Juan Camilo Valbuena, I am actually in my fourth year of my bachelor

in Business Administration at CESA. I want to apply to Bamboo Capital because I
am really interested in finance sector and I know this company has a wide knowledge
in this area.

I am very interested in being part of a company that sees social and environmental
issues as part of their core. This vision fits in the best way to what I have been
planning to do since I started university. I am sure that I can contribute to this
company and to this position because I love to be able to bring something useful to
those persons who need it. In my career I have been characterized by helping those
students that have problems in their different classes. Moreover, outside the
university I have been able to be part of different programs with social help.
I study Business Administration because I love finance and I think it’s a tool by which
o could implement solutions that can help people have a better life quality. Further
looking for better conditions to live. I know Bamboo Capital is changing four main
problems in society and in the same way they give profit to each of their clients. I
believe that this combination makes Bamboo Capital the perfect place to work at.

As I said before I had the opportunity of being twice professor´s assistant. This
opportunity was incredible in the sense of watching that the things you make help
others to achieve different goals. Furthermore, I went twice to “Un TECHO Para mi
País” to help in the part of construction. This helps me to understand the realty of a
huge number of Colombian families. I really want to make something and contribute
to those persons who need it.

I want to be part of Bamboo Capital because I am looking for new challenges and I
am sure that I can contribute to obtain new and different goals to this company. I´m
sure this company reflects my way of life and what I want to obtain in my future.

Attached my CV.

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