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A confidential slave, George Wilson, has seeking support in Santo Domingo.It was a
informed his Master of a planned revolt that trial that exceeded a major trial.
involved thousands of free and enslaved
blacks. Vesey and thirty-six others were hung on
July 2, 1822, and over the next 5 weeks the
Denmark Vesey a free, respected, Methodist Court issued 131 arrests charging them with
leader and co-conspirators had organized the conspiracy, and as the month went on the
insurrection. The cause of this revolt was arrest more than doubled, as if to prove there
suppression of their African Church. had been a large insurrection that needed

In October of 1822, Judge Elihu Bay

convicted four white men for a misdemeanor
in inciting slaves to insurrection during the
Denmark Vesey slave conspiracy with some
receiving a more severe penalty than others.

In total, the courts convicted 67 men of

conspiracy and hanged 35, including Vesey
South Carolina, Charleston authorities had and his son Sandy, in July 1822. A total of
uncovered evidence and there are over 3,000 31 men were transported, 27 reviewed and
membership of the catalyst for the revolt. acquitted, and 38 questioned and released.
They had written not one, but two letters

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