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1. Write 10 sentences using nationalities and countries with famous people.

Don Omar is from Puerto Rico, He is Puerto Rican, and he is a reggaeton Singer.

1) Pibe Valderrama Is From Colombia He Is Colombian And He Is A Professional

2) Will Smith Is From EEUU He Is American And He Is Actor And Singer
3) Ronaldinho Gaucho Is From Brazil He Is Brazilian He Is A Ex-Professional Football
4) Albert Eisntein he was Germany He was German He was Physical
5) Charles Chaplin he was England He was Inglish He was A Actor
6) Vladimir Putin Is From Russia He Is Russian He Is A President
7) Canserbero Ihe was in Venezuela He was Venezuelan He was A Rapper
8) Nelson Mandela he was In Southafrica He Was African He Was Activist And Politician
9) Socrates Was Born In Greece He Was Greek He Was Philosopher

1. Celia was from Cuba, she was Cuban and she was a singer

2. Choose the correct answer (negative or affirmative form of to be):

is not
1. Is Julia Robert French? No, she French.
2. What about Robert de Nero? Is he an American actor? Yes, he .
are not
3. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities? No, they Spanish cities.
is not
4. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it in Paris.
is not
5. Is Mount Everest in Africa? No, it in Africa.


Reading Comprehension

Good Morning, I am Susan Myers, I am a reporter at Central News and today I am making
a report on immigrants, today´s guests are two immigrants from China, they are Jane lee,
and Peter Lee, they are Students at the community college, she is 19 years old and he is
20. They are students but they are not workers. They live in an apartment downtown.

Susan: Where are you from?

Peter: We are from the Guanddong Province
Susan: Are you happy in America?
Dorothy: Yes, we are, we enjoy living here.
Susan: Dorothy, is your real name Yang Lee?
Dorothy: No, it’s not, it is Dai-xia, and it means summer.
Susan: Thank you very much.

They are two Chinese people living the American Dream, this is Susan Myers reporting
from the Community College, and tomorrow we will have more guests in “living in
America”, see you then!
True or false

1. Susan Myers is a teacher at the community College False

2. They are from Vietnam False
3. Peter is a student at Harvard False
4. Dorothy is 25 years old False


Horses Arches Families Loaves Fungi Geese

Easels Faxes poppies shelves cacti People

Dragons heroes pennies wharves Nuclei lice
holidays Reflexes parties dwarves Bacteria oxen
speakers Appendixes spies hooves curricula syllabi
5. They live in the suburbs False

Writing activity.

Write a short information about you, using the following text as an example.

My name is ELIF VERDANA, I’m from Toronto, Canada, and I speak English. I am a high
school student. My teacher is Peruvian, My English classes are on Monday and Wednesday

My name is Juan Diego Arias I am from Colombia Manizales and I speak Spanish I am a
technology my teacher is david my English classes are on thuesday


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