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Massachusetts colony

Javier, James, Tino, Dylan
The start
It all started with the founding of the plymouth colony in 1620 but was changed
various times from massachusetts bay colony to the province of massachusetts

It went through the legal process to become a colony in 1628

- It was a hard life.

- They lived in wigwams and dirt floor huts.

- Children were baptized at the local meeting house within a week of being born.

- They led a puritan life

It’s Government
- Overall Massachusetts colonial government had changed through its
run with the Charter
- The Colonial Charter - One of the three Colonial Governments

Designed for corporations the Government was often not met with all of its
needs. In turn they built a corporate organization. This included a Governor
and a Deputy Governor as well as a general court for its shareholders
(members of the church).

The charter allowed the general court to appoint officers and create new laws
for the colony as a whole.
-Massachusetts is a Native American phrase that means “at the great hill.”

-When they came there were about 1,000 refugees.

-After the Plymouth colony arrived and formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony
didn’t form for another 10 year’s after that.

Hayes, Kevin (2008) The Oxford Handbook of Early American Literature.

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