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ELSEVIER Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216

Research report

The superoxide production mediated by the redox cycling of xenobiotics in

rat brain microsomes is dependent on their reduction potential
Marie-Hel~ne Livertoux, Philippe Lagrange, Alain Minn *

CNRS URA No. 597, Centre du M£dicament, 30 rue Lionnois, F-54000 Nancy, France

Accepted 13 February 1996


Several exogenous molecules undergo enzymatic one-electron reduction leading to radicals which can rapidly react with molecular
oxygen to form superoxide anions. We have previously shown that under aerobic conditions a significant superoxide anion production
occurred during the NADPH-dependent one-electron reduction of some drugs and xenobiotics by rat brain preparations. We report here
for several compounds a fairly good correlation between the reduction potentials (Epc vs. SCE) which ranged between - 230 and - 700
mV in aqueous medium (pH 7.4) or between - 700 mV and - 1100 mV in the aprotic solvent N,N-dimethylformamide, and the rate of
superoxide anion production during their metabolism by rat brain microsomes. The data obtained suggest that the redox potential of most
of the molecules assayed was related to their ability to undergo one-electron reduction mediated by flavoenzymes in the rat brain. The
main range of reduction potentials corresponding to a large superoxide anion production suggests that the redox cycling of these
chemicals was mediated by NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. Therefore the measurement of reduction potentials of drugs and
xenobiotics able to reach the brain, and chemically related to quinones, nitroaromatics, nitroheterocyclics and iminiums, may provide
information both on their electron affinity and the possibility of one-electron transfer in vivo, and thus on their possible neurotoxicity due
to the production of oxygenated free radicals.

Keywords: Reduction potential; Electron affinity; Rat brain microsomes; Redox cycling of xenobiotics; Superoxide radical; NADPH-cytochrome P-450
reductase; Quinone; Nitroheterocycle;Bipyridinium;Brain ageing; Neurodegeneration

1. Introduction mental pollutants, resulting from the formation of reactive

metabolites a n d / o r activated forms of oxygen. Despite
It has been well established that the one-electron reduc- their toxicity, oxygen derived free radicals occur continu-
tion of various aromatic nitro compounds and quinones to ously in aerobic cerebral metabolism. For instance, produc-
free radicals is an essential step in their anti-infectious tion of hydrogen peroxide by dopamine desamination and
[34], radiosensitizer [36] or antitumoral [4,35,39,41] mode autooxidation has been proposed as one of the mechanisms
of action. The therapeutic effects of these drugs appear to leading to the age-related depletion of dopaminergic neu-
be mediated by toxic metabolites produced during their rons in the substantia nigra [9,16]. Moreover, a deficiency
enzymatic metabolism. As a consequence, several adverse of the scavenger systems associated with an excess of
effects have been associated either with the intake of these radical production should be responsible for an accelerated
drugs or with an exposure to chemically related environ- destruction of these neurons, resulting in the appearance of
Parkinson's disease [7,53]. Accordingly, toxics that are
known to cause symptoms resembling Parkinson's disease
Abbreviations:DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide;DMF, N,N-dimethylform-
increase the production of free radicals. These include
amide; MPP+/MPTP, N-methyl-4-phenyl-pyridinium/N-methyl-4-
phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine;NHE, normalhydrogenelectrode; SCE, 6-hydroxydopamine [12], manganese [11], meperidine [7]
saturated calomel electrode; Epc,7, cathodic peak reduction potentials in and paraquat [31], all responsible for a massive superoxide
phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer vs. SCE; Epc,DMF, cathodic peak reduction production resulting in nigrostriatal damage [52].
potentials in anhydrous DMF vs. SCE; E~, single-electron reduction Therefore, some of the neurotoxic effects resulting from
potentials at pH 7.0 vs. NHE; Era,7, mid-pointpotentialof enzyme at pH
7.0 vs. NHE a chronic intake of compounds or drugs may be mediated,
Corresponding author. Fax: (33) (83) 32 13 22. E-maih at least in part, through the one-electron reduction to a radical, a n d / o r through the subsequent formation of super-

0006-8993/96/$15.00 Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PI1 S0006-8993(96)00251-X
208 M.-H. Lit'ertoux et al. / Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216

oxide anion radicals (O~-) during their reductive present investigation was to characterize the relationships
metabolism. The reduction of some of these molecules to between the reduction potentials of some quinones, nitro-
radicals may be enzymatically catalyzed by brain and bipyridinium derivatives measured by cyclic voltam-
NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase (EC and metry and the rate of superoxide anion radical formation
possibly by some other reductases, the resulting radical by microsomal preparations of rat brain.
transferring in turn its unpaired electron to molecular
oxygen, thus forming superoxide anion [15]. The rates of
reduction by purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reduc- 2. Materials and methods
tase have been correlated with the single-electron reduc-
tion potentials E ~ ( X / X - ) of quinones [37] and nitro 2.1. Drugs and chemicals
compounds [6] for molecules having single-reduction po-
tentials E~ ranging between - 4 0 0 mV and - 1 6 5 mV A series of compounds was selected from their reduc-
[6,38]. In any case, O; production by redox cycling of tion potentials and tested for their ability to produce
quinones and nitro compounds is maximal at an E~ value superoxide anion in microsomal fractions isolated from rat
of approx. - 7 0 mV [6,8,37]. brain. 2-Methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone (menadione), an-
Accordingly, various studies have shown that the rates thraquinone-2-sulfonate, potassium salt and 3-nitrobenzoic
of reduction of a series of quinones [6,37], nitroheterocy- acid were obtained from Aldrich Chemie (l'Isle D'Abeau,
cles [34] and iminium derivatives [31] by isolated cells or France), and 2,5-dimethyl-l,4-benzoquinone and naphtho-
mammalian liver microsomes, are related to their electron quinone-2-sulfonate, sodium salt, from Eastman Kodak
affinity which can be evaluated from the reduction poten- (Rochester, NY). 1,4-Benzoquinone and 2-methyl-l,4-
tials of these molecules. For the reduction of quinones and benzoquinone were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt,
nitro compounds by hepatic NADPH-cytochrome P-450 Germany). MPP + was purchased from Research Biochem-
reductase, linear [6] or bell-shape dependences [8,38] of ical (RBI, Natick, MI), and diquat dibromide and indigo-
logarithms of reaction rate o r Vmax/K m on the one-elec- 5,5-disulfonic acid, disodium salt (indigo carmine) were
tron reduction potentials (E~) of compounds/drugs were obtained from Riedel-de-HaEn (Friedrichsthal, Germany).
observed. Therefore, the ease of reduction is an important 1-Tetramethyl-l,4-benzoquinone (duroquinone), mito-
factor for reactivity, and for some drugs chemically related mycin C, 1,3-dinitrobenzene, nitrofurazone, metronidazole,
to the three chemical structures or precursors a correlation methyl and benzyl viologen were obtained from Sigma
has been described between the reduction potentials and Chemical (St. Louis, MO). Flunitrazepam and nitrazepam
the pharmacological efficiency [22] or toxicity [35,36]. were gifts from Roche Laboratories (Neuilly-sur-Seine,
Thus the reduction potentials of these molecules should France). Nimetazepam (1-methyl-nitrazepam) and nirida-
provide information on the single-electron transfer possi- zole (1-(5-nitro-2-thiazolyl)-2-imidazolidinone) were gifts
bility in vivo, as the most cytotoxic molecules, benzo- from Sumitomo Laboratories (Osaka, Japan) and Ciba
quinones and naphthoquinones, possess the highest redox Geigy (Basel, Switzerland), respectively. Cytochrome c,
potentials, presumably because their higher electrophilicity NADPH and NADH were obtained from Boehringer
and reactivity towards thiol groups [39]. Mannheim (Meylan, France). Diphenyliodonium chloride
We previously showed that the NADPH-dependent pro- was obtained from Aldrich Chemie (l'isle D'Abeau,
duction of superoxide during the biotransformation of some France). All other reagents were of the highest purity
drugs was largely associated with the rat brain microsomal available commercially.
fraction. Superoxide production was also observed with Acetylated ferricytochrome c was prepared as de-
microvessels and choroid plexus homogenates incubated scribed by Azzi et al. [3] using acetic anhydride in half-
with the drugs under aerobic conditions [15,23]. Some of saturated sodium acetate. The percentage of non-acetylated
the molecules we used in this study are benzodiazepines, cytochrome c in the final preparation was less than 10%.
therefore drugs devoted to the brain, showing frequently
Parkinson's disease-like side effects when administered for 2.2. Preparation o f rat brain subcellular fractions
long periods of time (usually several years). All agents
used in this study may be transported by the blood flow Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 200-250 g, ob-
following an intoxication, therefore promote an oxidative tained from Iffa-Credo (St-Germain sur 1' Arbresle, France),
stress to cerebrovascular endothelial cells. This oxidative were killed by decapitation and the brains were rapidly
stress results in an increase in passive permeability of the removed, dissected on ice and homogenized using a Dounce
blood-brain barrier ([33]; Lagrange, Romero, Minn and glass hand homogenizer. The subcellular fractions were
Revest, submitted). Therefore, even if some of these obtained as described previously [14]. The purity of micro-
molecules initially poorly penetrate the brain, their influx somal tractions was checked by measurement of activities
should increase as a consequence of an oxidative insult to of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, a marker of en-
the blood-brain barrier, and, therefore, they can exert their doplasmic reticulum [44] and NADH oxidase, a mitochon-
toxic effects on reaching neurons. The purpose of the drial marker [32]. The contamination of microsomal frac-
M.-H. Livertoux et aL/ Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216 209

tions by mitochondrial particles was less than 8% in all ing an extinction coefficient difference between the oxi-
cases. Protein concentration was determined by the method dized and reduced forms of acetylated ferricytochrome c
of Lowry et al. [28], using bovine serum albumin as a of 19.6 m M - I cm -1 [3].
standard. The xenobiotics (50 mM) were dissolved in N,N-di-
methylformamide (DMF), except for viologens, indigo
2.3. Measurement of superoxide production carmine and metronidazole, which were dissolved in 0.1 M
Tris-HC1 (pH 7.40) buffer. This concentration was higher
The rate of superoxide radical formation during micro- than the apparent K m for rat brain microsomal reductases
somal NADPH-dependent redox cycling of the assayed under aerobic conditions [23]. The amount of DMF (10 ~1)
xenobiotics was followed by recording the reduction at added in each assay had no significant effect on NADPH
37°C of acetylated ferricytochrome c at 550 n m on a oxidation and acetylated ferricytochrome c reduction.
Kontron Uvikon 820 spectrophotometer. The air-saturated
incubation medium contained 0.1 M Tris-HC1 (pH 7.40) 2.4. Involvement of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase
buffer (1 ml), 4 m M NADPH, 60 ~xM acetylated ferricy- in the formation of superoxide radicals
lochrome c and microsomal fraction ( 4 0 - 6 0 ~ g of pro-
tein). The cofactor was omitted in the reference cuvette. An inhibition of the activity of NADPH-cytochrome
Possible interferences such as basal endogenous superox- P-450 reductase was obtained by addition of diphenyliodo-
ide anion production by other enzymatic systems, or a nium chloride (10 m M stock solution in 10% DMSO) [47]
direct reaction of the substrate with non-enzymatic compo- at a final concentration of 0.5 m M in samples prepared by
nents, were prevented by the use of double-beam mode preincubating 60 p~M acetylated ferricytochrome c, micro-
spectrophotometry, and by a 3 min control absorbance somal fraction ( 4 0 - 6 0 ~ g of proteins) at 37°C in 0.1 M
measurement which was subtracted from the assay mea- Tris-HC1 (pH 7.40) buffer. The inhibitor (0.25 mM) was
surement. The reaction was started by the addition of the added after 3 rain and the reaction was started by the
drug (0.5 mM) in both cuvettes. The absorbance changes addition of N A D P H solution to give a final concentration
allowed us to calculate the superoxide production, assum- of 4 mM.

Table 1
Rates of reductionof acetylated ferricytochrome c (AcFe3+cyt c) reductionduring redox cycling of 0.5 mM quinones,nitroaromaticsand viologensby rat
brain microsomes, and apparent kinetic constants
Number Xenobiotics Rates of AcFe3+ cyt c reduction K m Vmax/K m
(nmol/min/mg protein) (mM)
1 1,4-Benzoquinone ND
2 2-Methyl-1,4-benzoquinone ND
3 2,5-Dimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone 17.14 + 4.26 0.00812 4045.57
4 Naphthoquinone-2-sulfonate 49.66 + 4.92 a
5 Menadione 25.60 + 7.19 0.00415 5910.84
6 MitomycinC 13.51 0.252 11.15
7 Duroquinone 19.31 + 2.48 0.029 1115.02
8 Indigo carmine 12.73 + 1.42 0.105 108.48
9 Anthraquinone-2-sulfonate 10.47 + 0.91 0.983 26.55
10 1,3-Dinitrobenzene 8.17 + 0.62 1.190 25.02
1l Nitrobenzoic acid ND
12 Nitrofurazone 22.01 + 5.09 0.296 91.32
13 Nitrazepam 0.36 _+0.25
14 Flunitrazepam 1.11 + 0.35 1.530 3.00
15 Nimetazepam ND
16 Niridazole 1.69 _+0.22 1.970 4.74
17 Metronidazole ND
18 Benzyl viologen 23.55 + 0.70 0.025 1202.00
19 Diquat 19.81 _+ 1.70 0.028 1537.86
20 Methyl viologen 22.76 _+0.80 0.156 178.46
The resulting kinetic parameters correspond to the reciprocal intercepts and slopes of the Lineweaver-Burk plots. They are the means + S.D. of individual
experiments (n = 3 probes).
ND, not detectable.
Non-enzymaticreduction of acetylated ferricytochrome c.
210 M.-H. Livertoux et al. / Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216

2.5. Determination of reduction potentials molecules assayed at the concentration of 50 IxM, duro-
quinone, 2,5-dimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, nitrofurazone and
The electron affinity of the xenobiotics used in this the three viologens showed a relatively high rate of O~
study was established by cyclic voltammetric measure- production, whereas mitomycin C, indigo carmine, an-
ments of their reduction potentials. This method allows the thraquinone-2-sulfonate and 1,3-dinitrobenzene, were less
calculation of the cathodic (Epc) reduction potentials. efficient. Rates of 0 2- production in the presence of
Observed reduction potentials Epc were measured at niridazole and flunitrazepam were approx. 10-fold lower
room temperature with a PAR model 174A polarographic
analyzer (EGG Instruments, Princeton, USA) piloted by a
VA scanner E612 (Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland) and A
associated with a Linseis LY 1810 model X-Y recorder. Menadione

Scan rates generally ranged from 50 to 200 m V / s . A

glassy carbon electrode (Tacussel, Villeurbanne, France)
was the working electrode, the reference electrode being a
saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The reduction poten-
tials were measured in both solvents, anhydrous DMF and 1°°° ~ n t i a l (mV)
aqueous 0.1 M phosphate (pH 7.0) buffered solution. The
electrolyte used in the unbuffered aprotic solvent was 0.1
M tetraethylammonium perchlorate (NEt4C104). Solutions
were deoxygenated by bubbling argon for 15 min. All
measurements were done at a final concentration of 0.1
mM immediately after the solubilization of the compounds
_ Methylviologen
under darkness conditions.

2.6. Data analysis

All results expressed as means _+ S.D. (n = 3 probes)

ooo/ =0o Potential (mV)
were analyzed using Student's t-test, and the non-paramet-
ric Spearman rank correlation analysis. P < 0.05 was con-
sidered to be significant.

3. Results

3.1. Production of superoxide by rat brain microsomes Menadione m
during the redox cycling of xenobiotics

Initial studies were performed to determine the rates of

superoxide formation by rat brain microsomes during the -15o0, s
redox cycling of xenobiotics related to quinoidal, nitroaro- Potential (mV)
matic and dipyridinium chemical families (Table 1). Under
aerobic conditions, most of the molecules tested were able
to produce superoxide anion radicals, but the rates of
production varied widely. In the absence of added xenobi-
otic, the basal superoxide production was very low (0.89
+ 0.21 n m o l / m i n / m g protein). The reactivity of nitroaro-
matics was about an order of magnitude lower than those
of quinones and viologens, except for nitrofurazone and
1,3-dinitrobenzene. A very high superoxide production
-2000, -1 5 ~ . . . . . . . . . - - ~ ~ 0,_ ~ t'500
(49.7 _+ 4.9 n m o l / m i n / m g protein) was obtained in the -100o
presence of naphthoquinone-2-sulfonate with or without
brain microsomes, suggesting a non-enzymatic direct
~ Potential (mV)

transfer of one electron between the semi-quinone N Q

Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms of menadione (0.1 mM) and paraquat (0.1
and the acetylated ferricytochrome c [37]. The highest rate raM) in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer (A) and in 0.1 M NEt4C104-
of superoxide production was obtained during the biotrans- anhydrous DMF solution (B). Potentials were reported vs. SCE. Scan rate
formation of menadione (Table 1). Among the other was 100 mV/s. See Section 2 for other experimental conditions.
M.-H. Livertoux et a l . / Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216 211

than with nitrofurazone. Nitrazepam rates approached the with classic or differential pulse polarography. This method
background values of acetylated ferricytochrome c reduc- consists in cycling the potential of the working electrode
tion by microsomes (Table 1). The other nitrobenzodi- over a given range and measuring the resulting current.
azepines assayed did not significantly produce superoxide The important parameters of the recorded cyclic voltam-
anions ( P > 0.05). mogram are the magnitudes of the peak currents and the
The apparent K r n and VmaX values have been calculated positions of the oxidation (Epa) and reduction (Epc)
from the rates of reduction of acetylated ferricytochrome c peaks. As we were unable to detect individual one-electron
during the redox cycling of xenobiotics by rat brain micro- systems by electrochemistry in an aqueous medium, the
somes with NADPH (4 mM) in aerobic conditions. Appar- reduction behavior of the assayed compounds was studied
ent Vmax values differed greatly and increased about 15 in both phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer and an unbuffered
times between mitomycin C (2.81 n m o l / m i n / m g protein) aprotic solvent, DMF. These assays were carried out be-
and diquat (43.06 n m o l / m i n / m g protein). The K m values cause the NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase membrane
obtained in the presence of quinones and nitro compounds environment is both polar and lipophilic, as the flavo-
ranged from approximately 2 mM (niridazole) to 4 txM protein is anchored to the phospholipid bilayer of the
(menadione). Kinetic parameters have not been determi- endoplasmic reticulum via a hydrophobic amino-terminal
nated, neither for nitrazepam, which did not produce peptide, and is exposed to the cytoplasmic face of this
enough O2- nor for naphthoquinone-2-sulfonate (No. 4), membrane system [5,29]. As a typical example, cyclic
which was able to reduce directly acetylated ferricy- voltammograms of menadione and paraquat recorded both
tochrome c [37]. V m a x / K r n values were calculated to char- in phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer and in anhydrous DMF with
acterize the relation between the ability of xenobiotics to 0.1 M NEt4C104 as electrolyte are shown in Fig. 1A and
produce superoxide anion and their electron affinity evalu- Fig. 1B, respectively. The observed reduction potential
ated from reduction potentials. peaks Epc were expressed in millivolts (mV) using the
SCE as reference electrode. A single reversible two-elec-
3.2. Reduction potentials of xenobiotics tron peak was obtained in phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer with
menadione (Fig. 1A) and most of the other quinones, in
The possibility of the in vivo one- or two-electron agreement with the postulated mechanism of quinone re-
transfer involvement was examined by means of electro- duction ( Q / Q H 2) in aqueous solvents, whereas two dis-
chemical data obtained by cyclic voltammetry, which gives tinct reduction peaks were observed in the aprotic solvent
the best resolution of the two redox steps in comparison (DMF). Similar observations were previously reported by

Table 2
R e d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l s E p c referred to saturated c a l o m e l electrode ( S C E ) o f q u i n o n e s , n i t r o a r o m a t i c s a n d v i o l o g e n s o b s e r v e d in p h o s p h a t e ( p H 7.0) b u f f e r
( E p c , 7 , in m V ) and in a n h y d r o u s d i m e t h y l f o r m a m i d e ( E p c , D M F , in m V ) , a n d o n e - e l e c t r o n r e d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l E~ f r o m the literature [51] referred to
standard hydrogen electrode (NHE)

Number Xenobiotics Epc,DMF Epc,7 E~ a

( m V vs. S C E ) ( m V vs. S C E ) ( m V vs. N H E )

l 1,4-Benzoquinone - 450 - 110 4- 9 9

2 Methyl-1,4-benzoquinone - 540 - 160 4- 23
3 2,5-Dimethyl- 1,4-benzoquinone - 610 - 220 - 67
4 Naphthoquinone-2-sulfonate - 635 - 230 - 60
5 Menadione - 708 - 330 - 162
6 Mitomycin C - 700 - 520 - 271
7 Duroquinone - 778 - 350 - 240
8 Indigo carmine - 782 - 380 - 247
9 9,10-Anthraquinone-2-sulfonate - 848 - 510 - 375
10 1,3-Dinitrobenzene - 835 - 580 - 345
11 N i t r o b e n z o i c acid - 880 - 775 - 425
12 Nitrofurazone - 890 - 560 - 257
13 Nitrazepam - 970 - 710 _ a
14 Flunitrazepam -980 -620 _ a
15 Nimetazepam - 990 - 670 _ a
16 Niridazole - 1010 - 620 _ a

17 Metronidazole - 1160 - 780 - 486

18 Benzyl viologen - 260 - 450 - 350
19 Diquat - 362 - 645 - 358
20 Methyl v i o l o g e n (paraquat) - 407 - 720 - 448

O n e - e l e c t r o n r e d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l E~ v a l u e s are f r o m W a r d m a n [51].
-, not available.
212 M.-H. Livertoux et al. / Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216

Klopman et Doddapaneni [21 ]. This reduction of quinones (E~) usually determined by radiolysis have also been
was quasi-reversible. However, viologens exhibited two included. These reference potentials measured at pH 7.0
reduction peaks in both solvents, corresponding to two were expressed throughout a normal or standard hydrogen
single-electron reductions of the two iminium groups [2]. electrode (NHE). Our values (Epc,7 and Epc,DMF) re-
Only methyl viologen (paraquat) underwent quasi-reversi- ferred to the saturated calomel electrode (SCE), which can
ble reduction steps in both aqueous and aprotic solvents be converted to a normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) by
(Fig. 1B). Under aqueous neutral conditions, all nitro adding + 244 mV for measurements at T = 298°K [51]. E~
compounds assayed (nitroarenes, nitrobenzodiazepines, ni- derived from redox equilibria measured using the pulse
troimidazoles) showed only one reduction step of the nitro radiolysis quoted in the literature have become available
group, without reoxidation peak. Also, only irreversible for a limited number of quinones, bipyridinium and nitro
voltammetric waves were observed. In the aprotic solvent compounds [51]. When the E~ (vs. NHE) values of reduc-
DMF, nitrobenzodiazepines and nitroimidazoles also tion of the quinones and nitro compounds in aqueous
showed an irreversible nitro group redox system, whereas media (pH 7.0) were plotted vs. those in anhydrous DMF
nitroaryl derivatives exhibited two reduction peaks (results (Epc,DMF) a linear correlation was observed (R 2 = 0.86,
not shown). P = 0.02).
The reduction potentials obtained by cyclic voltamme- At pH 7.0, quinones were more easily reduced than
try in phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer (Epc,7) and in DMF nitro compounds and iminium salts, which showed reduc-
(Epc,DMF) are listed in Table 2. The Epc of the first tion potentials more negative than Epc,7 = - 560 mV (vs.
reduction step of quinones in DMF and of viologens in SCE), with the exception of benzyl viologen. It can be
both solvents are also reported. For comparison, some data seen that 1,4-benzoquinone (Epc,7 = - 2 0 0 mV) pos-
on one-electron reduction potentials from the literature sesses the more positive reduction potential, therefore is
the most easily reducible molecule. The reduction poten-
tials of the other quinones decreased steadily with structure
complexity. Moreover, the Epc values of viologens varied
30. A strongly with the nature of the solvent used for the assay
(Table 2). This variation reflects in part the influence of
5 structural parameters of solvation on the compound's reac-
~20 ~19 tivity. The particular electrochemical behavior of bipyri-
Q 20
dinium ions in an aqueous neutral solution, as compared to
the situation in the aprotic solvent, was probably related to
0 6
<.- 10
the different solvation properties of the solvents toward
• 10 ~9 ionized molecules.
17 13 15 16 2 1 3.3. Relation between superoxide radical production and
-800 -600 -400 -200
reduction potentials
Reduction potential in phosphate buffer (mV)
A plot of rates of superoxide production vs. the reduc-
tion potential Epc,7 in phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer of all
compounds (0.5 mM) in Table 1 is presented in Fig. 2 and

shows that no apparent correlation does exist between the
5 two parameters. For quinones with reduction potentials
20~ ~ 19 ~ 18 greater than Epc,7 = - 1 6 0 mV (l,4-benzoquinone and
2-methyl-l,4-benzoquinone; E~ > 0 mV) (Fig. 2A) and
chemicals with redox potentials higher than - 7 5 0 mV
<.~ such as MPP ÷ (Epc,7 = - 1000 mV), no superoxide pro-
~E I0
duction was detected, indicating that the radicals released
9~ z0
during enzyme activity did not react with oxygen. Most
15 14 compounds having reduction potentials ranging from Epc
17 16_IL 13 11 2 I
0 ~. -~ .~. • . • . = - 2 3 0 mV to - 7 2 0 mV in phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer
- 1200 - 10t30 -800 -600 -400 -200 (and about - 7 0 0 mV to - 1 1 0 0 mV in non-aqueous
Reduction potential in DMF (mV)
DMF) (Fig. 2B) produced superoxide during their redox
Fig. 2. D e p e n d e n c e o f the rate constant (in n m o l / m i n / m g protein) for cycling. A maximal production was observed with mena-
reduction of acetylated f e r r i c y t o c h r o m e c by rat m i c r o s o m e s during redox
dione (No. 5), corresponding to an optimal reduction po-
c y c l i n g o f chemicals (0.5 m M ) at pH 7.4 a n d 37°C u p o n their reduction
potentials E p c , 7 (in p h o s p h a t e (pH 7.0) buffer) (A) a n d E p c , D M F (in
tential (Epc,7 = - 3 3 0 mV vs. SCE; E~ = - 2 0 0 mV vs.
a n h y d r o u s D M F ) (B) reported vs. SCE. Each point is the mean of three NHE). Nevertheless, a linear relation seems to exist for
measurements. See Table 2 for key to c o m p o u n d s . most of the quinones and nitro compounds which have
M.-H. Livertoux et al. / Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216 213

reduction potentials Epc,7 between - 3 3 0 mV and - 6 5 0 these reactive species in several brain pathological states
mV (vs. SCE) (Fig. 2A). It can be seen from Fig. 2B that such as trauma and stroke, in diseases of the central
mitomycin C (No. 6) appears to react slower than would nervous system such as Alzheimer's [49] and Parkinson's
be predicted. Mitomycin C which may undergo reactions diseases [1,10], and in some mechanisms of neurotoxicity
with microsomes other than a simple electron transfer [25,30] are well documented. As a consequence of their
[4,6], and viologens (Nos. 18, 19, 20) which presented a production in the human brain, modifications of proteins
particular electrochemical behavior were excluded from by oxidation or glycation, and formation of lipid peroxides
the study on linearity. The linearization of the rates of or nucleic acid adducts may promote more or less specific
reaction of acetylated ferricytochrome c with the radicals neuronal destruction, resulting either in accelerated cere-
formed during redox cycling for quinones and nitro com- bral ageing or in the pathogenesis of CNS diseases
pounds, with Epc values in the favorable range of reduc- [1,20,40,43,49]. Therefore it seemed to us very important
tion potentials, as shown before, gave the following equa- to assess the structure/risk factor relationships of
tions when mitomycin C was omitted: molecules possibly having access to the CNS by evaluat-
ing their electron affinity from their redox potentials.
potential measured in aqueous phosphate (pH 7.0)
The ability of exogenous compounds to undergo redox
buffer ( E p c , 7 ) : cycling depends on the thermodynamics of electron trans-
rate ( n m o l / m i n / m g protein) fer reactions, and the equilibrium constants for electron
transfer reactions depend on the differences between the
= 40.75 + 0.059 Epc,7 (mV) reduction potentials of the electron donor, for instance
( R 2 = 0.803, P : 0.009) NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, and xenobiotics
a n d / o r their metabolites, and oxygen. The reaction be-
and: tween oxygen and xenobiotics (e.g., quinones [45] and
potential measured in anhydrous DMF ( E p c , D M F ) : nitro compounds [50]), occurs rapidely in the order of
106--107 M-1 S 1. The results of Butler and Hoey [6]
rate ( n m o l / m i n / m g protein)
concerning the reaction of O 2 with acetylated ferricy-
= 80.14 + 0.08 Epc,DMF (mV) tochrome c (rate constant in the order of 105 M-1 s 1)
R 2 = 0.875, P = 0.008) essentially confirm that the enzymatic reduction of the
xenobiotics is the rate determining step.
With respect to K m and Vmax value variations described The reactivity of quinones and nitro compounds and
m Table 1, the influence of redox potentials on logarithmic their ability to be reduced by microsomal enzymes like
apparent kinetic parameters for quinones (except com- NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase seem to be related
pounds Nos. 4 and 6) and nitro compounds was investi- to their single-electron reduction potential (E~) [6,8,34,37].
gated. No significant correlation between Vmax values and Usually, one-electron redox potentials were measured for
the reduction potentials (Epc,7 and Epc,DMF) was ob- several systems using various methods ranging from con-
served. However, a good relation was observed with the ventional potentiometric titration (mid-point potential
two terms, log K m ( R 2 = 0.845 in buffer and R 2 = 0.769 Em,7) to fast reaction methods as pulse radiolysis (E~)
in DMF) and log V m ~ x / K m ( R 2 = 0.824 in buffer and [51]. This last method allows the determination of redox
R 2 = 0.854 in DMF) for the compounds with reduction potentials of short-lived radicals. Polarography was also
potentials ranging from Epc,7 = - 3 3 0 mV (or E~ = used for the estimation of redox potentials of single-elec-
- 160 mV vs. NHE) to Epc,7 = - 650 mV (or E~ = - 400 tron steps for several systems, especially when the single
mV vs. NHE). The data obtained suggest that the redox reduced intermediate was stable in non-aqueous media.
potential of most of the molecules assayed was related to Cyclic voltammetry, which gave the best resolution of the
their ability to undergo one-electron reduction mediated by two redox one-electron steps in comparison with classic or
flavoenzymes in the rat brain. differential pulse polarography, was chosen to determine
the reduction potential of the first step of reduction in an
aprotic solvent (DMF). This method was generally similar
4. Discussion to the thermodynamic reversible E~ values, when ex-
pressed on the hydrogen scale (vs. NHE) [51]. However,
It is now well accepted that ageing is based on the data obtained in these conditions cannot be related to the
continuous production of free radicals during mitochon- component single-electron reduction potentials (E~) mea-
drial respiration, autooxidation of biological molecules and sured by pulse radiolysis. No data for nitrobenzodiazepines
chemicals or environmental pollutants and during irradia- and niridazole reduction potentials E~ have been found in
tion damage [27]. The brain is especially a target of the literature. So, a complete measurement of the reduction
oxygen-derived free radicals as it shows high respiratory potentials of all xenobiotics used in this work was neces-
activity and contains large amounts of substrates that are sary to relate them to superoxide anion production.
susceptible to free radical attack [25]. The involvement of Our study on the relations between superoxide produc-
214 M.-H. Lit,ertoux et al. / Brain Research 725 (1996) 207-216

tion and the reduction potential of xenobiotics was in reduction potentials E~ lower than that of the oxygen
accordance with results obtained by other authors both on couple O 2 / O 2- (Table 2, Fig. 3). In our experimental
hepatic microsomes [34] and purified NADPH-cytochrome conditions, using air-saturated buffer (02 concentration:
P-450 reductase [6,8,37]. They also observed an important 217 txM), E~ O 2 / O 2- was - 2 1 4 mV [38] and several
superoxide production with quinones and most of nitro quinones appear more electropositive than this value.
compounds. Nevertheless, superoxide production during Therefore, these compounds may form appreciable amounts
redox cycling of xenobiotics occurs only for a limited of superoxide. So, the redox properties of the one-electron
domain of potentials, which should be compatible with couple X / X provide only limited information on the
0 2 / 0 2 - and enzymatic redox systems. biological properties of these compounds. Nevertheless, an
We observed that the larger superoxide productions absolute relationship between in vitro electrochemical be-
with quinones had the highest reduction potentials. Never- havior and physiological activity was not likely due to
theless, 1,4-benzoquinone and 2-methyl-l,4-benzoquinone many factors involved in vivo (e.g., stereochemistry, lipid
have a relatively high one-electron reduction potential solubility, diffusion, enzymatic site binding, electron trans-
(E~ = + 99 mV and + 23 mV, respectively), but did not fer reactions described in terms of equilibrium and kinet-
reduce acetylated ferricytochrome c during their ics). At potentials lower than E~ = - 4 0 0 mV, as was the
metabolism by brain microsomes (Fig. 3). Thermodynami- case for nitrobenzoic acid and metronidazole, the rate of
cally, N A D P H (mid-point potential Em,7 superoxide formation by the brain microsomal enzymes
NADP+/NADPH = - 3 2 0 mV) [46] should be able to was not significant. However, in the presence of viologens,
reduce directly compounds with more positive reduction an important amount of superoxide was produced despite
potentials, including naphthoquinone-2-sulfonate (E~ = their more negative potential ( - 3 5 0 mV < E~ < - 4 5 0
- 6 0 mV) (Fig. 3); however, the rates would be extremely mV). The reduction capacity of these compounds should
slow [6]. Formed hydroquinones QH 2 slowly reduce acety- be energetically favorable as a consequence of their elec-
lated ferricytochrome c [6]. Theoretically, if the one-elec- trophilic properties.
tron reduction potential E~ of a quinone is below - 155 The microsomal electron transport system contains two
mV, which is the E~ for 0 2 / 0 2 on a molar basis, the flavin enzymes, NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase
quinone radical will undergo redox cycling and form su- (FAD-FMN) and NADH-cytochrome b 5 reductase (FAD)
peroxide anion radicals from molecular oxygen. Neverthe- [18]. The ability of rat brain tissue to catalyze the one-elec-
less, many quinones, nitroheterocyclic compounds and vio- tron reduction of these xenobiotics was first suggested by
logens which produce superoxide anion have one-electron the relatively high cerebral NADPH-cytochrome P-450

Era,7 (mV) El,7 (mY)

+ 100 - - 1,4-benzoquinone (+99) + 100 --

2-methyl- 1,4-benzoquinone (+23)

0 -- 0 --

1,4-naphthoquinone-sulfonate (-60)
2,5-dimethylbenzoquinone (-67)
- 100 -- -100 --
FMN/FMNHo (-1 tO)

- 200 - -
\ menadione (- 1 6 2 ) - - ]~ o2/o2"
- 200 --

FMN/FMNH2 • d u r o q u i n q n e (-240) IAE

/ i n a l g o c a r m i n e (-247)
FMNH°,'FMNH2 (-270) nitrofurazone (-257)
FAD/FADH° m i t o m y c i n C (-271) ~' X/X'-
- 300-- - 300 - -


N 1 , 3 - d i n i t r o b e n z e n e (-345)
(-320) b e n z y l viqlogen (-35_0)
FADH°/FADH2 a i q u a t (-358)
9,10-anthraquinone-sulfonate (-375)
- 400 -- - 400 --
3 - n i t r o b e n z o i c a c i d (-425)
m e t h y l viologen (-448)
metronidazole (-486)
- 500 - - - 500 - -

Fig. 3. Mid-point oxidation-reduction potentials (pH 7.0) of m i c r o s o m a l N A D P H - c y t o c h r o m e P - 4 5 0 reductase ( F A D - F M N , E m , 7 ) and one-electron

reduction potentials of xenobiotics (E~). The values o f the e n z y m e are these determined by Iyanagi et al. [18] and those for chemicals are literature values
M.-H. Livertoux et al. / B r a i n Research 725 (1996) 207-216 215

reductase activity [14]. In this study, we demonstrated that somes catalyze the production of superoxide anion during
in the brain there is only one molecule of microsomal the redox cycling of many chemicals, and suggest that the
cytochrome P-450 for each molecule of N A D P H - c y t o - rate of formation was dependent on the reduction poten-
chrome P-450 reductase, whereas in the liver one molecule tials between approx. Epc,7 = - 3 3 0 mV and - 6 5 0 mV
of N A D P H - c y t o c h r o m e P-450 reductase should supply (vs. SCE). Through our use of the N A D P H - c y t o c h r o m e
electrons to 20 molecules of microsomal cytochrome P-450 P-450 reductase inhibitor DPI +, we showed that superox-
[14]. That means that in the CNS the relative concentration ide production involves this microsomal flavoprotein, as
of N A D P H - c y t o c h r o m e P-450 reductase, as compared to suggested in some previous papers [15,23]. Therefore, the
cytochrome P-450, is 20-fold higher than in the liver, present study should allow some prediction about the way
allowing a high availability for this enzyme to catalyze by which chemicals like quinones and nitroaromatics can
monoelectronic transfers to other acceptors than cy- react with brain microsomes by measuring the reduction
tochrome P-450. If the acceptors are molecules able to potentials of drugs and xenobiotics able to cross the
undergo a monoelectronic redox cycling, this activity will b l o o d - b r a i n barrier. This may provide information on their
produce reactive oxygen species [15,37]. W e also demon- potential reactivity and their possible neurotoxicity result-
strated recently that rat brain homogenates or microsomes, ing from the production of oxygen reactive species through
microvessels or choroid plexus produced superoxide an- a redox cycling mechanism.
ions when metabolizing drugs or xenobiotics related to
quinoidal, nitroheterocyclic or bipyridinium chemical fami-
lies [15,23]. The functional and immunological character- Acknowledgements
istics of rat brain N A D P H - c y t o c h r o m e P-450 reductase
have been described [14]. This enzyme participates basi- This study was supported by a grant from the Sandoz
cally in the microsomal electron transport chain, using Fondation for Gerontological Research. W e thank Prof. J.
both F A D and F M N as sites of entry and exit, respectively. Bessi~re, Department of Chemistry and Analytical Electro-
Studies on the enzymatic mechanism suggest that electron chemistry (UniversitE Henri PoincarE, Nancy 1, France)
transfer follows the pathway N A D P H --->F A D ~ F M N ---> for giving the opportunity to use the voltammetric appara-
e l e c t r o n a c c e p t o r X [48]. T h e redox couple tus and other facilities in his laboratory. W e also would
F M N H ' / F M N H 2 ( E m , 7 = - 270 mV) of N A D P H - c y t o - like to thank Dr. J. Magdalou (Centre du MEdicament,
chrome P-450 reductase may function as a one-electron Nancy) for fruitful discussions.
carrier in its catalytic c y c l e [17]. Inhibition by
diphenyliodonium cation DPI + (2.5 mM) [47] added to rat
brain microsomes incubated in the presence of menadione
showed a 60% decrease of the N A D P H - d e p e n d e n t super-
oxide production. So, the pattern of quinone-dependent
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