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周计划表 Weekly Plan 日期 Dates: Apr.22-Apr.

班级 Class: Kindergarten B 教师 Teachers: Travis, Ruoyu, Angela 周次 Week: 9 主题 Theme: Trucks Roll!
星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning Activity Date/ Weather/ Show and Tell/ Q & A

晨谈 BIG Question: What kinds Vocabulary: Words for Grammar: Prepositions for Writing: what, said, was Review BIG Question: What
English Lesson:
of transportation help Jobs where and when kinds of transportation help

people do their jobs? people do their jobs?

户外活动 Throw and toss Jungle gym Bikes Balls Walk, Run, and Jump
Outdoor Activity

区角教学 STEAM Review Math: Telling time Speaking/Phonics: Intro to Reading: RAZ-Kids group reading Reading: Mind maps
Learning Centers
Vowel Digraphs
午餐&午睡 Lunch & Naps

中文活动 STEAM:海洋
Chinese Activity

区域活动 STEAM:海洋
Center Activity

Departure 简短回顾今天的生活、学习,引导幼儿自主整理个人物品,仪表,再见
备注 Notes

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