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Fast and Fun English Learning Method

We live in an age of globalization where mastering English is a need that might be

said to be primary. In the past, we knew that primary needs were needs that included

clothing, shelter and food. However, as time went on, English was included in these

needs, including the method of learning English which over time also changed.

From the description above we will get one question:

Why ?

The answer is, because English is a universal language that is very often used by

people in the world to communicate. That is, if we master English, then we will be

able to communicate with anyone. Isn't that a profitable thing?

Every thing has a problem. To speak English, the obstacle experienced by many

people is the difficulty to really understand that the end only makes them give up

and then reluctant to study again.

Basically, all these things always have fun learning methods. No exception with

English. If we can search for things that make us happy about English, we will

automatically learn it. For simplicity, here are some quick and fun methods of

learning English:

Methods of Learning English

1. Study through Games

Everyone likes games. That's what underlies why games are one of the quick and

fun methods of learning English.

Yes, in essence, games can eliminate fatigue that attacks our brains. Playing, as if

what initially disturbed the mind suddenly disappeared. However, is that just a

function of the existence of games?

Oh, of course not.

As explained above, we can learn English from the games themselves. We may

often find that in games, the language used is mostly English. So, if we want to be

adept at playing games, we are automatically forced to be able to master English.

What commands are in the games, instructions and settings in the games must be in

English. If we don't understand what that means, obviously we can't play

comfortably and right, right?

So, we can slowly learn English through these games. If necessary, bring a

dictionary every time you play games. If there are orders or instructions in the

games that are not understood, we only have to open the dictionary and look for the

purpose of the order.

In this way, slowly, we will master English well without any burden.

It's fun isn't this method of learning English?

2. Learn English through Songs

‘So baby pull me closer…’

We all know, most hits nowadays are songs in English. So, that is what later

underlies why this can be one of the quick and fun methods of learning English.

Everyone likes to listen to songs. Certainly. Everyone knows the meaning contained

in the song? not necessarily.

So, people who really master English are sure to know the meaning and meaning

of a song. In addition, for people who are already proficient in English, they will

certainly easily recite song lyrics in English and so can easily memorize.

Believe me, singing songs speaks English well and correctly it looks cool.

So, we can learn English through these songs, starting from learning to find

meaning from the lyrics of the song, to learning to say fluently the English lyrics.

Over time, if you get used to it, you will master English well.

Fun is not it?

3. Learn with friends

The next fast and fun method of learning English is referring to the existence of a


Yes, basically, the most important element in our lives is one of them is a friend.

Friends can help us learn English effectively and systematically without any

pressure or anything. We can practice English language skills together, starting

from writing to one another or conversing with each other in English.

So, by undergoing the method of learning English with friends then later it will

make us help each other and understand English easily and also pleasantly.

4. Open 9GAG

We are talking about the problem of fast and fun English learning methods, so

learning English by opening a 9GAG site is one of the answers.

According to Wikipedia, 9GAG is an online comedy site that displays various

visual media both images and videos in English.

If we open the 9GAG site, we will be shown by several images like the following:

Source :

Source :

For those who do not master English, they must be wondering: ‘What does that

mean? ' However, for those who are very capable of mastering English, they will

certainly laugh or nod when they see the pictures that they present. Interesting. So,

we can learn English through this 9gag site. By trying to find meaning for what is

written in the 9gag images, then understand it. Do it all the time. In addition to

getting laughter, we will definitely learn that it turns out learning English can be as

fun as this.

5. Study via YouTube

‘Youtube lebih dari TV… BOOOOM!!!’


We certainly often hear these words right? Basically, yes. So, this is the reason why

Youtube can be an alternative to the method of learning English that is fast and fun.

All we can get on youtube. All things. Whether it's funny videos, ball videos, or

stand up comedy videos. We only have to write what video we want to look for in

the search column then ... BOOOM! Everything was found. Youtube also provides

a kind of subtitle toolbar that will help us to learn English as comfortably as

possible. We can learn speaking, listening, even reading only from this youtube.

Very nice isn't it? All facilities are already available. However, now we are left

alone who chooses, whether we really master English or not. Even though there are

many methods of learning English that are fast and fun.

Source :

How to teach effective and fun English

Sometimes a teacher when teaching English material tends to be confused, because

not all students in the class like English.

Therefore, so that all students enjoy learning English, then make a fun learning


The following are ways to teach effective and enjoyable English. You can apply it

to elementary, middle and high school / vocational school children

1. Use the Game in Class when teaching

With the games in teaching English, students are not easily bored.

It doesn't matter if the student is 8 years old or 18 years old because everyone likes

to play games. Games are the best way to keep us engaged even if they feel excited.

because with the game method in class, learning feels so fun.

2. Link Class Content to their Life

If you associate English lessons with everyday life then this will give them a greater

understanding of why they need to learn it. If your students constantly ask why they

need to learn something, and you always answer with "because you have to do it,"

you will lose credibility with your students, and they will continue to be

uninterested in what you teach. Instead, give the correct answer. If they learn math

and want to know when they should use it, tell them that they need math to write

checks, pay bills, buy groceries, find out how much items they want to charge. This

will help them connect why they must learn what they learn for their future.

3. Make Interactive

Traditional classroom settings, where the teacher stands in front of the class teaches

students when they make notes, boring. If you want your students to be interested

in what you teach, you must make it interactive. Ask them to be involved in

everything you teach. Try the jigsaw cooperative learning method, where students

work together as a team to learn and complete a task. Each student is responsible

for their own part, but must work as a group to complete the task. By involving

students and making them a responsibility, you involve them and get them

interested in the content they need to learn.

4. Use Technology

Today, technology has become everyone's need. If you want to make your class the

most attractive class that everyone likes, you have to combine several types of

technology. Instead of giving lectures and asking students to take notes, use a

smartboard and have students come to the office and interact. Instead of giving

students a quiz on paper, use a computer or tablet. Instead of having students work

on a joint project, have them do a video conference with other classes from other

countries and work with them on the project. Take advantage of technology in your

class and your students will be interested and involved in what they learn.

Source :




English is a tool for communicating both verbally and in writing. English as an

international language is something important and promising in the future. With

learning methods that are fun, democratic, foster creativity, encourage critical

thinking, encourage cooperation, develop mutual respect, foster confidence, uphold

norms and ethics, then the learning process will develop the potential of students to

achieve superior human quality.

Thus learning in addition to spurring students to master science and competence in

accordance with their subjects, also develops their life skills, such as self-awareness

as servants of God, social beings and environmental beings, awareness of their

potential and encouragement to develop it, information-gathering skills,

information processing skills and intelligent decision making, problem solving

skills, communication skills, cooperation skills, academic skills and vocational

skills. The teacher can actually creatively try to find new learning strategies or

techniques, test them, and evaluate them in the steps of classroom action research.

Of the techniques tested, of course there are those that are considered more

attractive, more fun, more effective, etc. Then the techniques will add to the variety

of learning activities in the classroom so that learning is not monotonous.


In learning English, learning activities can be grouped into three phases or stages,

namely getting learning material, conducting classroom learning activities, and

conducting assessments or evaluations.

1. Getting Learning Materials.

The main purpose of learning English is the ability to communicate in English both

verbally (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing.). For that

learning is focused on communication activities to develop this ability. For that

activity. material is needed, for example written text from various sources and oral

texts such as recording tapes, CDs and VCDs. The techniques for obtaining the

material include the following :

Record from radio, television or other sources.

Learning listening can be said to still be very neglected in teaching English. Even

though listening competence is a language competency that is very curling. Pierce

(1988) states that oral language skills, namely listening and speaking, are regarded

as the most important language skills in direct communication. One obstacle that

causes learning listening to be somewhat ignored is the unavailability of language

laboratories in most schools and the lack of available material for listening learning.

As stated by Ur (1996: 109) there are frequently emerging problems such as the

unavailability of language laboratories, the limitations of authentic material, and

teacher presentation skills including language skills About the unavailability of real

language laboratories can be overcome by conducting listening learning in the

classroom. Learning listening settings in this class even have advantages, because

they can be combined with speaking activities freely. Whereas the lack of

availability of listening materials can be overcome by recording broadcasts from

radio and television. Recording is done by the teacher, and can also involve / assign

to students. Example of Listening Material which is the result of recording

broadcasts from VOA (Voice of America) about "Environmental Report".

Special English Environment Report

This is Dan Bursby with the special English environment report. Thirteen komodo

dragons have been born at the national zoo in Washington. This is the first time the

endangered reptile has been born outside Indonesia. The komodo dragon gets its

name from an Indonesian island of Komodo. The dragon is the world’s largest

lizard. The young komodo dragons were only 14 cm. long at birth. They weighed

only about 100 grams. But they will grow to be more than 3 meters long. They will

weigh up to 130 kilograms. The dragons eat animals as large as pigs and deer. They

use long, sharp claws to seize the animals. And they have been known to attack

human. In 1988 only about 5000 dragons remained in Indonesia.

Farmers killed them Because they ate their chicken. Hunters killed them. And they

died because development destroyed the places where they lived. Indonesia offered

two Komodo dragons to the National zoo during former president Reagon’s visit to

Indonesia in 1986. The lizards arrived in Washington two years later. They were

the first Komodo dragons in a zoo in a Western. Durin g the next three years zoo

researchers provided a home for the dragons that was just like their natural home in

Indonesia. Zoo workers built a mud bank for the dragons. They kept the temperature

hot in winter and very hot in summer. They fed rats, chickens and rabbits to the

dragons. In December zoo scientists observed that the dragons were mating. In

January researchers found 26 eggs buried in the mud. The young dragon began

escaping from their eggs in September. By one month later 13 eggs had hatched.

This is the largest number ever recorded of baby komodo dragons born at one time.

A national zoo spokesman says the young dragons are doing well. One is being

shown to the public. He says that the zoo official plans to send some of the komodo

dragons to other zoos when the babies are big enough. They also planned to send

the national zoo’s female dragons to zoo in Sinsinate Ohio. They hope she will mate

with the zoo’s male komodo dragon so more baby dragons will be born. (Asmawatie

rosyidah, Widyaiswara madya, BDK Surabaya ) 21 Today’s environment report

was writ ten by Shally Gallis. This is Dan Bursby.

The steps for using the material above can be designed as follows:

A. Pre listening

1. Showing pictures.

2. The teacher asks like:

a. What do you know about the komodo dragon?

b. How about the temperature in the island of Komodo?

c. Do you think the Komodo dragon can live in a sub-tropical region like USA

and Europe?

B. Listening

1. Students listen first to get an overview of the contents of the text.

2. Students listen to the first piece (part) of the text. This is Bursbey with the special

English environment report.

The young komodo dragons were only 14 cm. long at birth. They weighed

only about 100 grams. But they will grow to be more than 3 meters long.

They will weigh up to 130 kilograms. The dragons eat animals as large as

pigs and deer. They use long, sharp claws to seize the animals. And they have

been known to attack human. In 1988 only about 5000 dragons remained in

Indonesia. Farmers killed them because they ate their chick en. Hunters

killed them. And they died because development destroyed the places where

they lived.

3. Students answer questions that have been previously given or are prepared in

the work sheets a. what baby animals were reported to have been born? b.

What is the size o the animal at birth? c. How long can they be when grown

up? d. What large animals do they eat? e. Why did farmers kill many of the

komodo dragons?

4. While listening to the first part once again students check their answers.

5. In turn students are asked to read aloud the answer followed by discussion

together whether the answer is wrong or correct.

6. Students listen to the second piece of oral text material.

Indonesia offered two Komodo dragons to the National zoo during former

president Reagan’s visit to Indonesia in 1986. The lizards arrived in

Washington two years later. They were the first Komodo dragons in a zoo in a

Western. During the next three years zoo researchers provided a home for the

dragons that was just like their natural home in Indonesia. Zoo workers built

a mud bank for the dragons. They kept the temperature hot in winter and very

hot in summer. They fed rats, chickens and rabbits to the dragons. In

December zoo scientists observed that the dragons were mating. In January

researchers found 26 eggs buried in the mud. The young dragon began

escaping from their eggs from their eggs in September. By one month later 13

eggs had hatched. This is the largest number ever recorded of baby komodo

dragons born at one time. A national zoo spokesman says the young dragons

are doing well. One is being shown to the public. He says that the zoo official

plans to send some of the komodo dragons to other zoos when the babies are

big enough. They also planned to send the national zoo’s female dragons to zoo

in Sinsinate Ohio. They hope she will mate with the zoo’s male komodo dragon

so more baby dragons will be born. Today’s environment report was written

by Sh ally Gallis. This is Dan Bursby.

7. Students answer true-false questions.

a. Former President Reagan took the two komodo dragons back to USA with


b. The first dragons in a western country were in the national zoo of Washington.

c. The temperature in Washington is hot in winter and very hot in summer.

d. The komodo dragons buried their eggs in the mud.

e. 26 eggs were found in mud in January after the Komodo dragons wereating in


8. Students check the answer while listening to the second part once more.

9. Classes discuss and determine the correct answer.

10. Students listen to the entire text once again for stabilization.

C. Post listening

1. Paired conversations.

Each pair of students is asked to hold a conversation about a protected animal.

Debate. Students are divided into four groups. Each group argues how to preserve

rare animals. The advantages of this technique include: • Authentic, which is taken

from real life, that is, from actual radio broadcasts, not just essays. • connect

learning material with real life.

Collect English Songs

Students collaborate (work together) in small groups (2-3) to get English songs.

Each of the 10 groups prepared the song's text and reproduced it for their

classmates. The group then presents (sings) the song then follows the whole class.

Next the teacher guides his class activities such as speaking activities that are

related to the contents of the song. The advantages of this technique include: •

Favored by students, thus creating joyful learning; • Connecting class activities with

students' real life, because in their lives students often hear the songs; • Is an

authentic assessment, because students are concerned, other students and teachers

can see the progress of their abilities. About connecting class activities with real-

life Johnson students (2002: 43) states "to 'one life makes studies' connecting

learning comes alive, and this connection is what CTL is primarily about."

Change the song

Teachers can encourage students' creativity to change songs in Indonesian or

regional languages that are currently popular in English. This learning technique is

also proven to be fun for students. Examples of songs that have been translated into

English :

Song 1

Cucak Rowo

I tried and tried to throw at a mangosteen.

At a mangosteen I threw, a mango what I got.

I tried and tried to propose to a virgin.

To a virgin I proposed, a widow what I got.

How is it, How is it, how is it?

An old man married a virgin.

The virgin is crying in the night

because she is afraid of his bird.

His bird is cucak rowo

Cucak rowo with a long tail

The tail which is full of feathers

When it is shaken you know how it feels.

Song 2

Indonesia the Legacy

Indonesia is my homeland

Long lasting and prosperous legacy

Indonesia since long time ago then

Has been praised by folk of the country

Over there the place where I was born

Being lulled and brought up by Mother

The place for shelter in the old age

Till the end I close my eyes.

Environmental Observation

In small groups students are given the task of carrying out observations or

environmental surveys, both natural or social environments. For 11 natural

environments students can observe the state of the forest, the types of animals or

plants that live in certain places, etc. For social environments, for example, students

can find information about the types of professions that exist in a particular village.

Then the students write the results of the observation in a simple report. Then the

teacher can guide the follow-up activities of this task with class activities, for

example presentations and discussions.

The advantages of this technique include:

- connecting with real life;

- develop information-gathering competence;

- functions as authentic assessment.

Search for material from newspapers and other sources

Students look for material in the form of written text relating to certain topics from

newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, internet, etc. Students work with group

work to train cooperation.

The advantages of this technique are:

• Develop life skills in the form of information-gathering skills

• Connect with real life,

• Serves as a self assessment, because students see progress in their abilities.

2. Problems with learning activities

Things that need attention in designing this learning scenario are: • Activities are

not dominated by teachers, on the contrary students who have to do more activities

(student-centered learning activities); • Attractive and fun activities for students

(joyful learning). • Akktifitas develop communication competencies both lesan and

tul • Among the learning activities that are proven to be active, please students and

effective as follows :

Conversation in pairs

This conversation is done in pairs in groups of two - two. Every student has a

conversation with his classmates. This activity is suitable for coupling with reading

learning and listening learning, which is designed as a post reading activities and

post listening activities. According to Ur (1996: 105-106) it is very important to

carry out listening activities which also involve speaking. Meanwhile Peck (1988:

187-188) states that this post listening activity is very important because it also

trains students' productive language skills. Although at first glance this activity

seems out of control, this activity is actually effective and efficient, because all

students do activities.

The advantages of this learning technique are as follows:

- all students are involved in activities;

- interesting and fun;

- develop oral communication skills;

- improve interpersonal relationships;

- motivate students to dare to speak in English;

- can be done in class or in the language lab.

The weakness of this technique is that at the initial stage students are not easy to

talk to in English. Many are waiting. But this can be overcome by giving the

conversation text first. In the early stages of the student just read and memorize the

text of the conversation, then they change the conversation according to their

circumstances or experience.


In implementing this debate technique students are divided into two groups, namely

pro groups and counter groups. These two groups argue about a problem. After one

group shares its idea of a problem, the other group presents a different idea by

presenting the reasons. This technique is suitable for learning reading and listening

learning as a follow-up activity.

The advantages of this technique are:

• Develop the ability to express opinions and criticisms;

develop self-confidence to speak in front of the forum;

• Is a self assessment for students, because students see the progress of their own


While the weakness is that this activity is usually dominated by students who have

the ability to speak. This weakness can be reduced by giving a greater score to the

first speaker than the second speaker, so that the group tries to provide opportunities

to speak to members who have not spoken.


With this technique students in small groups present their work in front of the class

verbally which is supported by writing media, pictures or other media.

Examples of presentations include:

 Deliver material obtained from newspapers, the internet, encyclopedias or

other sources;

 Observation report, survey or interview report;

 Presentations / singing songs;

 Presentations / singing songs translated into English.

The advantages of this technique are

 develop academic skills

 develop information-gathering skills

 develop public communication skills

 develop self-confidence

 develop skills to work together

 develop students' self-potential in the arts.

3. Conducting Assessment

The third phase in learning activities is teaching assessment to get input on student

learning progress. Johnson (2002: 165) states that authentic assessment challenges

students to apply academic information and competencies that they have acquired

in real situations for significant purposes. Examples of applications for English for

significant purposes such as being an MC, writing observational reports, having real

conversations, conducting discussions etc. Although it is said to be the third phase,

actually this activity can be intertwined with other stages. The activities and results

of students' work in finding material and in learning in the classroom can at the

same time be input on the progress of their abilities, but can be specifically designed

and assessed. In this section two types of assessment will be presented which prove

to be fun for students.

Conversation together

Students have conversations in pairing programs in the language lab. Continuously

students speak freely or with a given topic. The teacher monitors and records

student conversations alternately. Students will feel happy and enthusiastic when

the recording is played back towards the end of the meeting.

English Contest

English contest (lomba Bahasa Inggris) can be done between classes in one school

or between schools in one city. The spoken English skills can include speech

(speech), debate (debate), story telling, English quiz, poetry reading (read poetry)

etc. This activity proved to stimulate students' enthusiasm and spur their


Source :



The game is one of the interesting activities in learning English. If you teach

English, whether for small children or adults, the game can enliven the learning

atmosphere. Plus, games can make your students 'addicted' to learn English and

want to continue learning. You can do these games before the class starts as a start,

or during the learning process to provide some kind of ice breaking when the

material you are teaching is quite heavy.

1. Board Race

This game is very often used in learning to teach English, especially to improve

vocabuary memory that has been taught before to students. The Board Race can

also be done at the beginning before the material starts so students are actively

involved in the class. This one game is suitable for testing what your students know

about the lesson.

Type of game : Repeat vocab and grammar

Participants : All levels and all ages

Technical game : We recommend that the board race be played by 6 students or

more. The way to play is :

Divide the class into two large groups and give colored markers to each group. If

your class consists of lots of students, it can be divided into 3 or 4 groups.

 Make a vertical line in the center of the board, then write the topic at the

top of the board

 Next, students from each group must write as many words as requested

by the teacher. The word must be related to a predetermined topic. This

session is conducted in the form of competition between groups, so you also

have to set a time limit.

 Each group gets points for the correct word. Words that are not related to

the topic and misspellings don't get points.

2. Simon Says

This game is very suitable for children. Usually, this game is always addictive and

children don't want to stop playing.

Type of game : Listening, vocabulary

Participants : children, all ages

Technical game :

 You, as a teacher, stand in front of the class and become a Simon in

this game. Make sure all students also stand in their place.

 Next, say 'simon says' followed by a certain movement. For example,

'simon says stand up', all participants must stand up.

 Occasionally, you say the movement without any "simon says", then

the student who moves will sit down and means that he has lost. The

winner is the student who remains standing until the end.

 To be more challenging say faster, and certainly all in English.

 You can also challenge one of your students to be Simon and give

instructions like you did, then give a gift to the student.

3. Hangman

Hangman is a classic game, and certainly many of us already know this game.

Hangman games can be students' favorite games, but they are also boring.

Therefore, you can do this game in about 5 minutes so it's not too boring, only for

warming up or ice breaking in class.

Type of game : Warming up or Ice beraking

Participants : Whatever and anyone, especially children

Technical game :

 Specify one word, then write on the board using dotted lines to indicate

the number of letters. Next, below the dashed line write a number to make

it easier for students to guess.

 Invite students to guess the letters in the word you specified earlier. If

the guess is correct, then write it above the line. If the guess is not in the

word, write in the empty space then start drawing people hanging (hanging


 Students continue to guess until the word you specify is guessed,

meaning students win. Or the guess is wrong until the hanging man picture

is finished, meaning the students lose.

Now that's a game that can be done when teaching English. Learning through game

means can make the material delivered easier to accept and understand. Games can

also be one of the means of destressing that is used when the class takes place to

maintain and restore the spirit of the students in the class.

Source :


Fun English Teaching Methods

Teaching English has its own challenges, especially if what is taught is a group of

students who lack enthusiasm for teaching and learning activities. Short responses

that show their disinterest in a material are the daily food of educators. Therefore

this time I will share tips for SBI Friends (Study English) about "Exciting English

Teaching Methods", we immediately learn in the description below:

Making a pleasant classroom atmosphere is not something that is easily done by the

teachers. Making students feel comfortable in the classroom is very difficult to do.

What often happens in classes is that students don't feel comfortable lingering in

class. Usually the first 5-10 minutes the teacher starts the lesson, the students can

still sit sweetly on their respective seats, and what happens after 10 minutes have

passed. Yes, it's true that they will start to make noise, chat, beat the table and ask

permission to go to the toilet. Everything happens because they feel bored with their

class. They are not interested in the lessons delivered by the teacher. So who is

wrong in this problem. Are students who are not disciplined or teachers who don't

make their class fun. The answer is definitely an unpleasant class. Because if the

class is fun, students will enjoy learning with their teacher both in class and outside

the classroom.

The following are steps in how we teach in a fun way. Because I am an English

teacher in elementary school. So I will write about my experience teaching in a fun

English class.

1. Opening

In opening we can do BSD techniques, namely Bring something different, Say

something different, and Do something different. (bring something different, say

something different and do something different). By doing the BSD technique,

students will be treated to something different from what is usually done by the

teacher at the beginning of the meeting.

Bring something different, which is to bring something different into the

classroom to support learning. For example, to teach English with the theme 'Time',

the teacher brings a wall clock into the classroom, if you are going to teach about

vegetables and fruits, the teacher brings fresh vegetables and fruits to the class.

Say something different, the teacher says something different at the beginning of

the meeting, not the usual greetings like, good morning or good afternoon. Saying

something different, the teacher can say 'are you ready for fun?' Or 'are you ready

for more fun?' So students don't get tired of hearing the teacher give good morning

or good afternoon greetings.

Do something different is to do something different. If each teacher's meeting does

something routine, then the students will be bored with the rituals performed by the

teacher at the beginning of the meeting. By doing something different in the class,

students will get something refreshing. For example, by asking students to clap, run

in place, jump, and so on.

2. Ice - Breaking

In this step, the teacher conducts a review and preview. The teacher re-checks the

previous lesson or gives a view of the lessons to be done. In carrying out this step,

students and teachers can use the Total Physical Response (TPR) technique, which

involves the physical to do it. Children are very fond of moving their bodies which

is why in the ice-breaking stage, we involve the limbs of our students. besides it

will make a cheerful atmosphere will also promote blood circulation and by moving

the body it will make our students more excited.

3. Lead - in

In this stage the teacher checks the extent of the ability of students in the lessons to

be taught. In this stage the teacher checks the students' abilities in terms of (1)

sentence (sentence), whether students understand in the selection level of the right

sentence, (2) understading (understanding), whether students understand what the

teacher asks, orders from the teacher, ( 3) vocabulary (vocabulary), are students

able to use the right vocabulary, (4) context (context), whether students understand

the context of the sentence.

4. Presentation

In this stage, the teacher gives the concept of the lesson given. In giving

presentations, the teacher conveys the concept in a simple, concise and easily

understood manner. In giving presentations, the teacher gives more examples than

explanations. In using the blackboard, the teacher does not merely write material

but does Board Management, which is to arrange the blackboard so that it is easier

for the teacher to convey the material or concept. In this stage the teacher does not

explain in a complicated way. In the presentation stage the teacher is expected to

deliver it in the easiest way. Don't think that explaining something difficult makes

us feel like a cool teacher.

5. Controlled Practice

In this stage, it's time for students to apply the concepts given by the teacher. In

small groups, students do exercises such as asking, answering or explaining. In this

stage, the teacher controls the activities carried out by students, correcting the

mistakes made by students directly. Student Talk Time or the time students speak

applies at this stage. The center of the teaching process is students. There is no time

for students to think of other activities such as chatting, banging on tables or asking

permission to leave at this stage. All students are required to be active in this


6. Semi Controlled Practice

In this stage, students continue to exercise. At this stage the teacher does not make

corrections directly but allows the other students to make corrections. In this stage,

students are required to play an active role in the learning process. Students are

given the responsibility to correct mistakes made by their friends.

7. Real life Practice

At this stage, students use English as in everyday life. In this stage, students can do


8. Feed back & closing

At this stage, students and teachers alike give conclusions about the lessons that

have been done. At this stage, the teacher finds out whether students are happy in

carrying out the learning process and whether they will use the concept of the lesson

in their daily lives. And the most important thing is the smile they show during our

class. When we see a smile on the face of our students then we know that we have

succeeded in making our class fun ... ^ _ ^

Source :


5 Fun Ways to Learn Tenses

Indeed, to learn English material, especially learning tenses, is very challenging and

sometimes boring. However, so that this does not last long, there needs to be a

learning pattern that must be changed. So that your friends can learn happily and

not get bored quickly.

To find out the patterns and how to learn tenses that are fun, here are some ways

and choices. It is hoped that this way can foster interest in learning that is

increasingly active and certainly fun.

1. Technique of Moving Interview

This technique uses by making 5 to 10 questions, with the word "have your ever"

and written in table form like this:

Then, ask each student to ask questions one by one to other friends for 3-5 minutes.

The number of questions and the time for "dialogue" is adjusted to the number of

students. If answering yes, students must mark the table "yes" and vice versa

without writing the name of the student he is invited to have a dialogue. This idea

is very helpful for training students' speaking skills while practicing the Fun Way

to Learn Tenses in the use of the Present Perfect Tense in sentences.

2. Funny or Ridiculous Questions

This technique can be done when learning Present Tense or Present PerfectTense

or other tenses. The technique is similar to the idea above, except that students are

asked to make 5 or more silly questions.

For example: have you ever been ridden an elephant ?, have you ever beenseen

ghost? etc. Then, make the same table as above, then ask your friends to take turns

interviewing each other. The purpose of this activity is to practice the tenses that

have been learned. In order to be effective and easy to understand, things can also

be done in front of the teacher to be given an interview.

3. With songs and videos

With song and video techniques can be a learning method that always attracts

interest for students, because usually they like to listen to music and videos. Choose

one song that matches the tenses being studied. Create song text and partially clear


If the tenses studied are the Present Tense for example, of course the part that is

emptied is a verb or other ha related to the tenses. Play songs with image videos a

maximum of 3 times. Of course this is a fun way of learning tenses especially for

students who feel bored quickly.

4. Action Games

This technique can be done when studying the Continuous Tense. How, for students

into several groups. Give 5 verbs, must be in the form of action verbs, in one person

in the first group. The words are, drinking, swimming, painting, touching and

peeping. Ask the group representative to demonstrate the verb within 3 minutes,

then the friends in the group must guess what he is doing.

Advanced students are prohibited from asking for the meaning of the word given.

To create a sentence context, at the beginning of the game the teacher can say: "what

is she doing now?". In the second round, the teacher can give more verbs, for

example 10, with a longer time, for example 4-5 minutes.

This game can attract students, because it must be very fun and exciting.

Alternatively, the teacher may ask students to discuss to find the verbs that will be

guessed by other groups.

5. Guess the Image

The technique of guessing pictures can make students feel enthusiastic and also be

attractive to guess the meaning in the right sentence tenses. The method is quite

easy, look for images that explain simple activities related to tenses.

Then each student is appointed to come forward while explaining the meaning of

the image with the sentence given in the previous example. Of course this can

provoke brain motor and memory if done regularly and varies.

Source :

9 Games for Learning English

There is no learning that is more fun than playing while studying.

Yes, that's right. Maybe some of us here when told to choose between tense learning

or playing while learning, they will certainly choose to play while learning. The

reason is of course simple, because besides we get pleasure and happiness, we also

get the knowledge that we can directly apply in the game itself.

Actually, playing is indeed one form of learning. There are several theories that

explain playing, you know. These descriptions include:

 Playing is a very fun activity and makes the mind calm.

 Playing is an activity that can give something symbolic, or make the player

as if imagining doing something.

 Playing is an activity that makes us do active movements.

 Playing is an activity that is without coercion, or you could say we will

volunteer when playing

 Playing is an activity that provides learning.

So it's clear, basically playing is one form of learning. However, it does not mean

playing while learning can be done as easily as the forehead by the culprit huh? Not.

It is not like that. Rather, in learning that uses the method of playing while learning,

there has a kind of play program that has been planned or structured.

So, with the existence of these programs, all of us who want to play while learning

can really be directed to gain knowledge from the learning we do by playing it.

Here surely no one has never played a game, right?

Well, it turns out, the games made by programmers in this world are not only

intended to relieve stress or fatigue, but also can be used to provide learning to


Learning is also various kinds, one of which is learning English.

Wow, that's very interesting right? Given that we've been discussing English?

So, without lingering for longer, let's look at 9 games for learning English that we

must know and learn the following :

1. Hangman Games for Learning English

For parents who have children and they want to be able to provide facilities to

children between learning and playing, of course this Hangman Games can be the

main choice. Obviously, Hangman is one of the games that can be used to learn

English by anyone.

Hangman Games is a word guessing game where the game is very easy and very

simple. The first step to playing Hangman Games is to determine the theme to be

played, such as fruits, animals, colors, or others.

After the theme has been determined, then the player is only left to be asked to save

someone who is being hit by hanging by guessing each letter of certain available

word arrangements.

Isn't that a very simple game? For children, of course these games become an

attractive way to learn English properly and correctly. Oh yeah, this game is said to

end if the player cannot complete the line with the right letters, and vice versa, the

game will be declared to win if the player succeeds in filling in the line with the

appropriate letter.

2. Simons Says Games for Learning English

Games which of course can be used to learn other English, of course, are Simons

Says games. By giving a simple game and very easy to do.

The procedure for the Simon Says game is simply to collect several players by

making a big circle. Then, one volunteer who becomes an instructor will be in the

middle. Well, the function of the Instructor itself is to give orders by saying an

example like a sentence: ‘Simons said touch the right ear 'or‘ Simons said lift your

hands', in English. So, the instructions from the instructor must be followed


If not followed?

Well, according to the consequences, those who don't obey orders will certainly be

punished. But calm, the punishment is not heavy. Players who don't according to

the instructor's words will only be punished as Instructors.

Fair isn't it?

Well, from the Simons Says games, of course we will get the knowledge of English

indirectly considering that according to what the instructor says, we learn to listen.

Even if we become instructors, we learn speaking.

It's not fun, learning while playing?

3. Word Match Games for learning English

Who likes to match word for word?

Haha, of course this game is perfect for you, especially those who want to practice

developing knowledge will speak English. The purpose of Word Matching games

is of course to practice the word synonym and also antonym.

Considering that some of us, when we hear a word, we must like to be interested in

looking for what is the pair and also the opponent of the word we mentioned earlier?

Now, this Word Match game serves to increase the vocabulary of the thing.

How? So easy. As an instructor, of course we only have to look for easy words to

look for equations or opponents he said. After all the words are ready, then the

instructor gives questions to look for equations and opposing words from the given


The winner of this game is of course judged by the speed and accuracy. So, I am

interested in doing this game so that your English language knowledge will increase

rapidly, right? Come on, try it!

4. Observe and Remember Games for Learning English.

Everyone must be observant.

However, to remember something, most people are usually not very proficient,


Well, here, from the Observe and Remember game, we will all be trained to observe

and remember what we see using English. A very good goal from a game, right?

The way to play this game is certainly very easy. At first, the instructor must prepare

several types of small objects that are easy to identify such as rulers, pencils,

erasers, books, and so on. After everything is ready, place the small objects on the


When the objects are located on the table, invite the player to observe the objects

available at one time with a maximum time limit of 2 minutes. After the 2 minutes

have passed, players are allowed to sit for a moment. Then, a few moments later,

invite the player to write down whatever items he has seen just now on a piece of


Well from there, who managed to write as many small objects as possible and the

most correct, of course he was the winner! Oh yeah, for the record, this game is

getting more and more proficient, so that the understanding of the vocabulary of

objects in English is getting stronger!

5. Blindfold Games for learning English

This game called Blindfold is one interesting game that can provide extensive

insight into English. Anyone would love to play this game, not even small children.

Having a purpose to describe each vocabulary in the form of a noun, of course the

level of difficulty of these games can vary, depending on the skill of the player.

How to play it is also relatively easy, like the other games. So, the instructor asks

the player to close his eyes using an eye patch. After the player's eyes are tightly

closed, the instructor will then provide some type of object that has been prepared

to be identified by the player himself.

For example, if the player is given a pencil, he will say a sentence like: "it is long,

it is heavy, it is wood, ... i think it is a pencil". Well, if the player can describe and

guess correctly, of course the player will be rewarded and become the winner.

6. What’s Missing Games for learning English

Loss is a painful thing.

Eits, but wait a minute. By playing these games, we will try to identify an object

for a few moments, then find out whether something is missing from the object we

saw earlier.

Actually the concept of the game What 's Missing is almost the same as Observe

and Remember, ie the game instructor tries to prepare about 10 images to be

carefully identified.

After being properly identified, the instructor also asks the player to close their eyes

for a moment. When the player closes his eyes, the instructor takes the 10 pictures

and scrambles them and only returns the image from what was shown earlier.

A moment later, the player was asked to open his eyes and find out, about what

images there were none of the 10 images. Well, if a player can answer correctly

from the missing image, of course he is the winner.

7. Crossword Puzzle Games for Learning English

Trust me. This one game must be the most popular game since time immemorial.

Hmm ... Crossword games are often called in crossword puzzles in Indonesian.

Wow, there must be a lot of people playing this game huh. So it doesn't seem

necessary to have a detailed explanation of how to play this brain sharpening game.

We only need to answer the question and fill it in the city-white box with the

appropriate answer.

Easy isn't it?

The benefit of this game for learning English certainly is to enrich our vocabulary

in English. In addition, the game from the Crossword Puzzle was able to train

memory, that's because when we answer the question of the crossword puzzle, we

must remember the memory stored in the brain.

Oh yeah, besides, by playing Crossword Puzzle, we can just get new knowledge

that we have never known before, new insights, and of course is a new English


8. Anagram Games for Learning English

This game is a game that at least sharpens the brain.

Yes, with the concept of changing one word in other words, it might require a lot

of vocabulary knowledge and literature?

Why not? Do we have a broad mind to change heart words to earth? Or another

example, can we have enough understanding that the listen can be changed to silent?

In addition to players, of course this game is also quite difficult for the instructor to

remember he is the one who has to prepare questions, so automatically he also has

to find out words that can be changed into other words.

Waaah, though it's hard, but how come it's fun too?

Oh yeah, the benefit of the game is to make memory about the vocabulary that we

already know so it can last very long, huh!

9. Miming Games for Learning English

Guessing is a subscription game that is very popular among some groups.

Of course Miming Games is one of them. Yep, the way to play this Miming game

is to ask one of the players to demonstrate an animal, work, activity, or whatever is


Then, other players who pay attention to the movements of the players were asked

to guess what he was modeling? For example, like this:

‘Are you a football player? '

‘Is it a dog? '

‘Are you a actor? '

‘Is it a crocodile?’

Maybe we are familiar with games like this huh? But, of course this game can

improve our understanding of English.

Please play!

Well, there are 9 examples of games for learning English that you have to know and

play with. Come on, when can you play while getting various kinds of knowledge

to develop your knowledge in English?

Always passionate about learning English!


Source :


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