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This journal examines character education through art appreciation.

character education through

appreciation of art intends to propose an idea that can be an alternative to psychological education, as
an exercise in taste for the development and growth of one's healthy personality through appreciation of
art. said so because actually the mental processes that occur in the event if the taste is not much
different from the demands thus the activity of appreciating art, which includes perceptions, knowledge
and analysis and involvement, appreciation, enjoyment, and reaction. activities such as dancing, singing,
painting, pantonym, reading novels, and creating works of art turned out to be very helpful in facilitating
communication between individuals and managing emotional barriers. the conclusion of this study is
that through appreciation of the psychological education related to emotional intelligence and spiritual
intelligence it is possible to grow more meaningfully. together to build the character of the nation's
generation by cultivating taste, sports, and thinking activities.

keywords: psychology, character education, and art appreciation.

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