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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

First at all, we give thanks to Allah SWT for helping and give all the author a chance to finish this
assignment timely. And we would like to say thank you to Mr. Ibnu Wahyurianto, M.Pd as the lecturer
that always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well.
This English assignment is made a magazine which contains some articles about “Hypertension” that
can help people to get more information about hypertension including preventif, management, therapy,
and also story about someone against hypertension. We discussed about Hypertension and another
topic using many genre of text like hortatory, analytical, discussion, explanation.
Hopefully, this magazine can help the readers to expand their knowledge about hypertension, kind of
genre of text, and we as Medical Student hopefully can work more professional by using English as the
second language whatever we done. Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Malang, 22nd December 2017


Nowadays we know that Hypertension is a popular disease around us. It can attack people in all age,
start from adolescent until old. Hypertension can happens because of many factors such as a bad life
style, consuming drugs which increase blood pressure, stress, etc. In this magazine we use
"Hypertension" as our theme. We discussed many aspect about Hypertension in many genre of text
such as explaining what is hypertension,should we controll hypertension or not, discussing therapy for
hypertension, and inspiring story about life of someone against hypertension. Luckily we're not only
discussed about hypertension but also another interesting topic like something around our beloved
campus, tips for english learner better, biography from someone inspiring in medical science, another
interesting topic.
We recommend the reader to read this magazine because this magazine provide many article that show
information about hypertension and also another interesting information. Hope you enjoy our

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