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HUBUNGAN ANTARA FAKTOR FISIK-KIMIA LINGKUNGAN DENGAN KEANEKARAGAMAN ECHINODERMATA PADA DAERAH PASANG SURUT DI PANTAI DESA KAIRATU KABUPATEN SERAM BAGIAN BARAT Dominggus Rumahiata ‘Abdul Gofhur Hedi Sutomo Program Sux Pendidikan Biolog! FKIP Universi Panimara LDR Tamacla Arboo, E-mail: domingpis_snqiyahco.coid ‘Tarwan Bivlog| FMIPA Universias Neger Malang IL Surabaya No. 6 Malang ‘Abstrack: The use of these sea resources snot balance with the conservation of sea environment. ‘These effects can decrease the quality of sea resource. One of the sea resource is echinodermata. This sea resource is decreased because all the mollucanscxich them without consedering their age and size {over fishing). Therefore itis important to conduct future research o ee the condition of echondermata in order to survive its communities. The study found thatthe environmental physiochemical conditions in Kaira sea was highest. The average of temperature was found between 31.57-33.01°C the salinity average was between 32.94-33.94% and the pH was between 7.70-7.99. Echinodermata found in these ‘areas were 12 andthe areas were 3 clases 6 ordo, 6 families, and 9 genera, with the totals of 498 indi- ‘viduals were found in Kairat village. The general diversity index atthe area was 2.049, While the re- ipession analysis found that there was significant relationship between environmental physiochemical factors withthe diversity index for these 6 types. Keywords: environmental physic-chemical factor, diversity, echinodermata. Persiran Maluku yang kaya akan sumberdaya ha- yyati laut sudah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masya- rakat. Sumberdaya laut yang biasa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Maluku adalah biota laut yang hhidup di daerah pasang surut (zone intertidal) antara lain berbagai ikan, udang, lobster, teripang, dan bia ‘manis. Pemanfuatan sumberdaya laut yang tidak

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